Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It's not just any fancy rock

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Gray Raxis"] Ξ [member="Stardust"]

Kura. It was a winter wasteland. Nothing lived out here except wampas and unidentified creatures. Although it was the only place on the world to get force crystals. Not that Sanya needed them she was waiting for Mr raxis to meet her and some other person. A small tent had been attached to the back of her ship where the ramp was. She had been out here for the past few days so she had time to have gone out looking for near cave systems that have potential. Not only that but hunted for wampas and brought them back to the tent. Their fur was good for linings of clothing and the meat was tender.

She was sat in the central area of her ship waiting for Mr raxis knowing he'd be here today or tomorrow. It was always a guessing game. Although she had an alternative motive. When she had gone scouting she felt signatures only small as if they where communicating with each other through the force. She wanted to to find what they where and she had an idea what it was. In a way she was looking for a crystal for herself. But it wasn't an ordinary crystal, it was alive with emotions.

Sanya heard a ship fly over head. Presuming it was the people she moved her way to the captain quarters and got changed into the winter gear. White boots with metal spikes, thick thermal trousers, thermal long sleeved shirt with a normal shirt on top. Then to top it off her trench coat with it's bantha fur lining. Of course she remained to where her hood. With all that on she'd walk through the ship the ship clancking with each step till she had walked down the ramp through the tent and to the snow.
Gray had been invited by [member="Sanya Val Swift"] to join her back on Sekalus in a hunt for light saber crystals. He was not sure if he really needed another crystal or not. He had gotten his first crystal back on Lothal and he had grown completely attached to the thing. He named it Whisper because of the constant humming it did through the force for him. It was always letting him know how it felt and reacted to both his mood and the mood of those around it. The thing would also bug him with an annoyed hum that he could not ignore for awhile if he ever left his saber too far away from him for too long. He felt almost like he had a clingy girlfriend with it. He had been told it was unique, and he really hoped that was true because he wasn't sure he could handle another one like it right now.

Gray was on board his ship The Wolf Fang with the love of his life [member="Stardust"] to join them. He had gotten cold weather wear for both himself and Star for the trip as well. He didn't know much about the area they were visiting outside of that. He had only ever visited the planet once and that was when he had been told he was force sensitive. That trip had ended well enough and he felt like he owed Sanya for it. Coming along on this trip was part of his way to do something in return for her, even though he was willing to do more than this to pay her back. His ship landed near her ship as he was getting his winter gear on. When it was, he walked over to the ramp of his ship and left it. He only took his lightsaber, Whisper, with him as defense, and it was less about defense than it was about keeping the moody little crystal happy.
Sekulas...a planet she has not visited..a planet she was now visiting

She was in her quarters..or well her and Gray's quarters as she mediated on the force...she had been doing so to just feel the force through her new legs..she had been using them to move more often and had been thoroughly enjoying and testing them

She felt when they had landed and had put on minimal...enough so her arms which were cybernetic wouldn't terrible

She brought her sabers and her sith sword she didn't need long range weapons for visiting.. She hoped

So where this person we are supposed to me?

[member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Stardust"] Ξ [member="Gray Raxis"]

She slowly trudged through the snow messing up the fresh blanket of the white glittered powder. Lifting her face up to see in front she could see gray and the other person at the ramp of their ship. At the moment she did Sanya could feel the biting cold of the wind brushing across her cheeks making her have a slight shiver run down her body. Still she made it across to them. "Hello again Mr Raxis." She said to gray with familiarity. Looking to the other person Sanya would smile. "And hello I'm Sanya." She said. Her voice was loud to contend with the wind but she wasn't shouting the words. "I have already done the part of locating a cave system with the crystals in but it's further out. I have three speeders waiting in the cargo hold to travel there. If I could have moved the ship closer I would have but the cave is up a large incline, and with the show my ship wouldn't be able to stick. The area is also common for wampas so be wary. Their not big but they blend in well."

Motioning her hand for them to follow she trudged back through her previous footsteps back to her ship. Walking into the tent and up the ramp Sanya would hold her thumb on a button that looked like a triangle pointing down. As she did the floor of her cargo would drop down with the speeders. Walking back down the ramp and out the tent Sanya would smile. "Pick one they are all the same."
[member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Stardust"]

Gray walked over to Sanya as Whisper hummed from inside of it's ligthsaber home. He smiled as he came up to the woman and listened to her speak. He looked over at the speeders when she motioned to them and then turned his attention back to Sanya. He said, " Hello to you again as well Sanya. How did the wedding go? I remember you telling me about it, but I didn't know it when it was happening until it was all over. Oh thank you for that speeder you gave me last time we met as well. It was very generous of you. So we are after crystals from a cave here then? Sounds good to me. Are you going to make a saber or do you have other plans for it? Not sure what I would do with another crystal. I am still figuring out how to use my current saber properly let alone making a whole new one."

Gray began to walk towards the speeders so he could pick one out for himself. He was trying to think of what he would use a new crystal for. He seriously had no idea what he would do right now if he got one. He was still trying to refine his use of his current saber and he didn't think his little gem would be too happy with him if he made a new saber right now. It was odd to think of a crystal being upset, but it was true. The little thing might as well have been a second girlfriend for him the way it acted.

OOC: Sorry for how long this took. I have been extremely busy in real life lately.
Stardust bowed as she approached and smiled"it's a pleasure I'm star"she said and followed her to the speeders the snow melting on her body only to freeze on the ground

Oooo these look awesome"she said getitjg in the middle one "alright ready when you are ma'am

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Gray Raxis"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Gray Raxis"] Ξ [member="Stardust"]

Sanya smiled at them. "It's nice to meet you star and yes the wedding went well. Nothing went wrong and happily married now." She said with her smile getting bigger. "Oh and the speeder it was no problem, you said you'd like one but couldn't afford it. I make enough so I don't see why I can't gift stuff every now and again." She walked to one of the speeders her self while talking. "The crystal I'm looking for isn't one you use for a saber infact it's very different and unique. One that has it's own soul. If I can find one I'm willing to give it a body. A lot faster than making an ai and maybe safer too."

Powering up the speeder she'd flick on it's system's and screen. From here on they'd be using the holo projectors to communicate as normal com's get a lot of static in the blizzards. Sanya has already set up the frequencies between the speeders while she was plodding around her ship. "Just keep close and see any wampa's please tell me. I've been after there meats and fur. Its just been something to do. So anything new with you. I can feel a some what air of romance between you two." She said with a giggle and taking a notice to stars comment about the speeder.
[member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Stardust"]

Gray listened to Sanya talk about the crystal she was after and it just sounded more and more like his own crystal inside of his saber. Whisper was still humming through the force to him and anyone else willing to listen to it. It seemed content still with itself being near its owner. He didn't know if the crystal in his saber was like the one she was looking for or not, but it sounded similar to it. He never did hint about his crystal to others though outside of Star because he felt it would not be a good idea either. He couldn't stop people from noticing though if they were force sensitive.

Gray walked over to the speeders and picked one out. He messed with it while he said, " That crystal sounds interesting. I never knew something like that existed. And yeah, we are a couple actually. I sort of live with her. I spend a lot of time at her house at least. I will keep a look out for wampas along the way, but can't promise they will show up." He got into his speeder and began to turn it on and mess with the systems. He got everything set up and then said, " Alright, I'm ready when you are to get going."
She listened to the type of crystal and turned smiling over at her"ohhh those crystals huh, I've seen a couple who's gained a body very nice entity's I'd say"she said

And yes we are a couple hahah very close in fact"she said and winked as she checked the speeder again"aman I can't get over how this thing looks...looks pretty fast to"she said
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Gray Raxis"] Ξ [member="Stardust"]

With the other two ready Sanya pushed the throttle to half then full soon as she was sure they where behind. As the speeder flew across the wastland the shield would become visible creating a cone around it along with snow kicking up making a mist. The displays shouldn't be effected from the snow meaning gray and star would have no problem keeping up with her. "Well the actual name for them are shards. The old Jedi used to have them in their ranks forming the iron Knight's. Once the old galactic empire took over they where beloved to be extinct from been wiped out. I've heard rumors of them been here and in some way I can feel them. So slow and deep in thoughts. These past few days hasn't been all hunting wampas but also locating these and crystals. If we have time I may pick some up. To craft new sabers and program a Droid or two like I did with Maria."

As the speeder kept up with it's speed she'd take moments to look out to the sides away from the screen. Snow didn't cover everything out here for some reason. In some places large blue ice covered the floor where water laid beneath. "Gray?" She said to draw his attention but cutting star out the com for a second. "How much space do you have in your cargo hold?" Asking him as a thought crossed her mind. These speeders may not be as much as the one she gave him but his girlfriend likes it. After all love is a special thing and if Sanya could help him surprise her, well it was just a smile and satisfaction right there.
[member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Stardust"]

Gray followed behind Sanya on his speeder and was sure to keep close enough to her to not lose track of her. As they went she explained a bit about the purpose of this whole expedition and the purpose for the specific crystal she was after. It sounded like what she wanted it for was something interesting. He wondered what it would be like to have a companion like that, but he also admitted that his little droid Key was enough of a hand full as it was. Things shifted though when Sanya suddenly began to speak to him on a private channel. He listened to her then switched it over to the same channel. He said over it, " A lot because I don't have much in it. Why do you ask? Do you want me to try to smuggle something illegal off of your planet for you your highness?" He chuckled a bit as he said the last bit in a playful tone of voice. He wasn't sure why she brought it up, but figured she would explain it to him. All along the way he did not see a single wampa.
Iron knights I've heard of them before"she said as she watched the cone appear but kept focused "you know I wouldn't mind taking one and putting it in my guard droid...better then a programed personality" she said and laughed as she looked ahead

[member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Gray Raxis"] Ξ @Stardust

Sanya lowered the speed as they where coming up to a slope with a deep drop on the other side. "As far as star is concerned you bought it okay. You'll know what I mean." She flicked the com back open so star could hear again. "The cave is just beyond this rise to our left." She said informing them both. "Anyway the iron knights weren't so grate. Many fell to the dark side. They are unpredictable but again still better than an ai and in ways safer." She said to star. As they got to the rise of the slope the cave was in view. Sanya would stare the speeder towards it and stop outside. "Well we are here."
Gray listened to what [member="Sanya Val Swift"] had to say to him about the speeder. He said over the private com channel before it was switched back, " Well send me the bill for this speeder I am using and I will just say it was for both of them. She will never know you are a justice and noble ruler of hearts and speeders." He listened to the channel getting switched back to the original one, so he followed suit. He listened to everything she had to say over it as well and replied back, " So they are moody little things then that can't pick what they want to be like. Sounds familiar....." He began to think about the crystal in his own lightsaber and how moody it was with him.

Gray saw the cave as Sanya called it out. They had made it to where they were going it seemed. He knew crystals grew underground, but what was up with all of this force stuff and caves? Lightsaber crystals grew in caves, old temples were usually over or in caves, that strange dark side energy filled cave on Dagobah. Maybe the next time he needed some kind of profound revelation he would just walk into some random cave. He parked his speeder outside of the cave and turned it off. He looked around before he turned to [member="Stardust"] and said, " Well Beautiful, do you get some the same kind of vibe here like back on Lothal or is that just me?" He wasn't kidding about getting a similar feeling from the cave. He smirked as he remembered something and added, " Although maybe the vibe you are looking for is the one we had in the cave before I found the crystal."
She listened and nodded"makes sense why they would when your literally made with the force could be hard to stay balanced on which side your on"she said as she went over the rise and slowly turned left

She looked at the cave and stopped as she neared it as she felt a lot of force if several voices tried to speak to her and pull her to them"hmmm I do....several"she said and then giggled as she smiled"hehe that was at the beginning mind you
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Gray Raxis"] Ξ [member="Stardust"]

Sanya would smirk catching on what raxis ment. After all she'd been there and done that many times over. "Now now you two. Plenty of time for that later." She said with her smirk growing and doing her head teasing. Climbing out the speeder her feet would sink into the snow that went up to her shins, although before walking off she'd get the small portable heater from behind the seat. "You both should have a heater too to keep warm. The cold gets to me so I thought ahead." Every step was hard at first but closer to the mouth of the cave it got lower. with the heater in one hand she'd get her saber and ignight it's burning orange Blade.

Although focusing onto the crystal it would slowly become white shimmering it's light off the walls. Mixtures of blues and whites would sparkle. Although the sabers emitted a dark feeling it was a constant reminder to stay to the light. Walking the fine line was the only way to remain in balence for her. "I'm not entirely sure how far these run but I can hear their thoughts maybe six of them. Although I only came for one. The one pleading to be something more than stuck in peerless thoughts that never end. It seeks freedom and I'll relieve it of that burden." It was a selfless act for a selfish plan but it would be free to a certain extent. To normal bounds it would be bound on a slack leash but for the shard it would be ultimate freedom. A debt hopefully would think it would never be able to repay. But that was wishful thinking. "As for other crystals I have a feeling the cave is laced with them. Its been millennia since this world was raided for crystals so they would have grown large. You can never got wrong with an extra saber. Besides I need to collect a few for my armor. Strange I know but I have my reasons." She said looking around with the force and not her eyes.

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