Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It's Nothing


Krasnaya Xue, Admiral of the Red Fleet, clopped down the hallway in her grayed boots as she progressed towards the hangar of the Lessu spaceport--basically a huge shaft with individual landing decks connected to the vertical tube like spokes on a wheel. Distant hums of steadying repulsors and the chopchopchop of prop-driven craft echoed throughout the pit that connected all the slots of this carved 'parking deck', somehow calling attention to the faded murals on the earthen walls. The scuff of the footgear of the Admiral and her three AR-47-toting escorts was barely audible amid the whines and roars of engines. One of her men claimed he could identify each ship type just by the sound--perhaps an exaggeration simply to impress her, but then again, his comrades seemed to verify it.

Oh, well. She pushed it to the back of her mind.

Normally, she did not attend to these sorts of missions personally, but today involved a high-priority recipient of a high-priority shipment that a self-described 'sexy smuggler' would be transporting. Ryll was not exactly publicly distributed without some sort of licensing. Fortunately, the Rebel Alliance practically had a monopoly on it. Something the Benefactor was well aware of, and quite interested in capitalizing on. Krasnaya had no qualms about that.

Arriving at the pad she had been directed to, Admiral Xue and Company took a moment to search for the Chiss woman who was supposed to be pulling this job. Nine hundred kilograms of ryll spice bound for Chandrila were waiting to be hauled aboard the smuggler's vessel if she had the sense to take the money they were offering. 25,000 Republic credits was no cheap fare.

Krasnaya read off the name as she approached the blue-skinned spacer to make sure she had the right person. It was very likely, considering the fact that Chiss rarely made it out this far, and the admiral did not see any others in the area. "Sar'ta--" Chiss names. "Talani, or is it not?"

"That's my name, sweetheart, I heard you were in need of smuggler, and I happen to be very good at taking things I shouldn't have into place I don't belong. The question is, do you have the credits to pay for it?" Talani replied with a grin. She was wearing her usual black leather-like armor with vibrodaggers in sheaths strapped to her arms and legs. Two vibrosword hung from her belt, along with a few grenades of varying types. She looked ready to charge into battle, which was reasonable considering her last job involved smuggling weapons into a highly hostile area. She eyed the admiral up and down. The woman was certainly pretty, but the 'no nonsense' air about her made the Chiss refrain from hitting on her. [member="Krasnaya Xue"]
Krasnaya was not exactly 'no-nonsense', but she was admiralty and that kind of prevented her from being her own personality in some ways. Although--oddly enough--her position had made her rather more personable. She was forced to take charge and communicate with others regularly, whereas she had most often kept to herself prior to her navy days. This Chiss woman seemed far more comfortable with others around, even so.

Smugglers were, however, a kind of people the Rebel fleet admiral was quite familiar with. The Rebellion relied on this form of transport more often than not, and besides that, Krasnaya herself had utilized the services of those who were good at hiding people and taking them somewhere else without anyone noticing. It was how she had originally made it to Praesitlyn and in the Alliance's care. And so she respected the spacer breed, as unkempt and unpolished as most of them may be. She was not going to cheat this one, that was certain. "This isn't just any cargo. You can be sure that we will not short you on payment for your services, comrade."

The only thing Krasnaya needed to be sure of was that they could trust this one. Mercenary loyalties were sometimes iffy. "All I must know is how fast we should expect you."


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