Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private It's Nun of Your Business


Location: Coruscant Jedi Temple
Objective: Speak with someone about Valery
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Iris Arani Iris Arani

White vapor trailed from her lips in the wind of the great melting pot of a planet. It was overwhelming for some perhaps, she found solace knowing the efforts of those that lived on the planet were recognized. Or at the very least appreciated.

She stood silently, pondering the events that had led her here.

Nights scouring through actions reports, made available to the public and those that she had to convince others to release. Alongside tertiary findings such as sightings, known associates, and habits, she had gained more on her search for this woman than the one that had sent her on this task.

While most within the galaxy were fairly open about their habits, Ms. Noble had seen fit to dissappear from sight as she had been told.

The reports had been shared, most with the caveat of not giving their name or at best with little more than a swearing to secrecy. Not terrifically difficult given the situation with which she had placed herself in.

While the reports and findings where nothing pertinent to ongoing engagements, they were plentiful with information if one knew what they were looking for. In her search for Valery, she didn't need the woman to give her the details of how to find her. While it may have been helpful, there where other ways.

After correlating the data, deciding her best chances for success, and ultimately where the woman had most likely lain her allegiance and reliance; Millia came to Coruscant bearing a message. For Valery's ears only, and potentially one in return for the original sender if she deemed it so.

Her heels clacked along the floor of the rebuilt temple until she met a receptionist. Exchanging pleasant greetings until the matter of her business had been asked. She asked for four people, wondering at the slight twitch to the person's smile might have meant. A tell perhaps? Hard to decipher with the few moments of their interaction as she was led to a waiting area for the duration of her wait.

She crossed her legs, flattened her kama out around her and checked that everything was in order before quietly beginning to hum to herself while she waited.

At a glance some might assume it strange for a member of the Ashlan Crusade to stroll into the Galactic Alliance Jedi Temple on personal business. Those with a better understanding of the Ashlan Crusade might recognize the silent warnings of her position as an Inquisitor, the judge and jury of the group upon inspecting her outfit.
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Being on Coruscant was a change of pace for Briana, who’d grown accustomed to the spacious valleys of Ossus. The move had been inevitable, with Valery needing to lay low for a while, and Briana needing the space to heal in the following weeks after the destruction of her beloved home world.

The thought caused a strike of pain in her, a wound that would never fully heal, not even with all of the bacta in the galaxy. She had convinced herself that she and Valery had done all they could, and taken the only path available to them. But there was still an ache, a feeling that she’d some how failed.

It caused the usual social-butterfly to rescind her wings and keep to herself, despite Valery's instructions to make new connections with other Jedi and continue in her training.

Had it not been for Iris being there with her now, she may have completely fallen into herself. More so than ever before, Briana appreciated the girl's quieter and more gentle nature. Though she had a feeling that Iris would never realize the importance of her own impact.

Cross legged, Briana sat with Iris in a meditative stance within one of the many dojos, trying to find her focus and center in the force - understanding, meaning, and her place in something that was vastly larger than herself. Thus, she was less than amused to be so unceremoniously pulled from the trance when the summons came.

“Padawans Briana Sal-Soren and Iris Arani Iris Arani , please excuse the intrusion, but your presence has been requested immediately.”

A quizzical brow raised, exchanging a glance with Iris. “By whom?”

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"An.. Ashlan Crusader is here to speak with you. We're not sure what about, but they did ask you both by name." Iris opened her eyes, glancing to the woman speaking to both her and Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren . Curiosity filled her gaze. A crusader? She'd yet to meet one of those. And.. It'd be good for Briana to talk to other people. As unobservant as the younger Padawan tended to be in conversations, the flow of colors, of emotions, was something she couldn't ignore even if she wanted to.

Especially with how blue Briana had been looking as of late. Iris had no context on what had happened, only that after a trip with Valery Noble Valery Noble she'd been quieter than normal. Even Iris knew that if she noticed, there was something very wrong with how her fellow apprentice was behaving. So she smiled as they exchanged glances, standing up from her own meditative trance to nod at the receptionist.

"Very well, just down this way.."

The Padawan's followed in relative silence. It was Iris who spoke up first. Not aloud, though. Her time with Kai had taught her that the best conversations were held in the mind. So she sent her thoughts towards Briana, glancing to her from the corner of her eye.

<I've never met a crusader before. Have you? .. Are they scary?>

Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch

Location: Denon
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Valery sat on the couch in Yula's apartment, watching some cheesy holo-movie whilst eating some strange local snack. She had no idea what it was, who made it, or what it was made of, but one thing was for sure - she needed more of it. Looking around, however, she noted that nobody was home to help her go to the market to get some more.
And since the attempt at her life there by a group of cannibalistic soldiers, Aayla was never going to allow her to go alone. So with some effort, the woman got up to her feet and walked over to where she kept her communications device, hoping to contact Aayla for a trip. Of course, she wasn't going to admit it was for snacks - she totally just needed the walk and fresh air.
But as she got to her comm unit, she noticed something strange.
There was a private message on a secured channel, mentioning that an Ashlan crusader had traveled to Coruscant specifically for her. While Valery had worked with them before, she saw no reason why they would come looking for her. Especially at a time like this, where she wasn't all too active in the field.
Then there was the fact that during this pregnancy, there had already been two close calls - she couldn't risk running into another attempt at her life.
So rather than answering and traveling to Coruscant, she decided to send a message to Aayla, but not for a snack trip to the market.
Aayla, I received a message from Coruscant - an Ashlan Crusader is apparently looking for me. I don't know any of them personally, nor do I see any reason for them to be looking for me. My Padawans are currently there, and they have been instructed never to give my location.
But would you be able to go there to make sure all is well? To find out why she's looking for me, and what her motives are?
Thank you in advance, I really owe you one.

Tython was supposed to clear his mind after the incident with Jem on Ponemah instead, it had turned into yet another discussion about the state of the Jedi Order. Dagon Kaze had already made his stance and position on the matter right after the Sacking of Coruscant. So he'd taken to his ways of finding the clarity of mind - moving, acting, doing things.

Helping the slow restoration efforts of the Jedi Temple was just that. Brick by brick, mortar by mortar. Drenched in sweat while ghosts of a better past scurried around. They were all teens, some older, some younger, going about the ways of the Jedi. Fighting the bad guys, keeping scores and then having an ice cold chock shake and a greasy burger with even greasier fries at Huttaburger. Ryv, Maynard, Loske, Aeris, Bernard, Aelys, Djonas and so on and on. An endless list of phantoms and with each clank of the hammer he hoped they would materialize, that they would be back to the times before the War against the Sith Empire.

The hammer worked restlessly but in vain. He could not forge that reality again. Ever. Ryv, the Sword of the Jedi, had become a grizzled veteran of a thousand battles acting as a ward of four orphans in Denon's Suicide Slums. The General, Maynard, and his wife Loske were the Force knows where - perhaps a long overdue and deserved reprieve from the bloodshed. Aeris, the Librarian... they butted heads now more than ever before. Bernard, the sharpest mind he'd ever witnessed - more distant than before, buried in duty. Aelys, the Warrior, was now the Black Mynock - the new Watchman of Coruscant and Djonas, the Knight, still remained a Knight, but an Imperial one.

Dagon felt like he would sacrifice in an instant everything just to be back here years ago. All together. All without the scars.

:: A Crusader is looking for you by name, Master Kaze. :: Arthur, his faithful A.I companion, broke his spiral into memory lane and yanked him back to the present.

:: A Crusader? Hmm. Tap into the Order's database, see if you can match a face to a name within the records. :: he replied as he placed the hammer on the cracked floor and stood up, brushing his matted with sweat raven locks of hair. Only Jem knew he was here. Not even Yula, not even Valery. He needed to disconnect from the packed apartment back home on Denon.

:: There's nothing I can find, Sir. ::

:: Well, guess I'll have to find out face to face, huh. ::

:: It does seem so, Sir. ::


"You were looking for me..." he materialized, leaning on the frame of a half-ruined door with arms crossed. "...Sister?" one eyebrow faintly arched, uncertain of the honorifics. The New Jedi he grew up with hardly utilized the orthodox manners of the Jedi of Old, hence the leather jacket scumbags with lightsabers was the descriptor that had emerged over the years. The raven-haired Knight's time among the Crusade was brief - Korriban, followed by an investigation on a Denon crime boss during the horse races on Mirial. He'd picked up something about their ethics.

Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Iris Arani Iris Arani Valery Noble Valery Noble Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch Aayla Shan Aayla Shan


"Whose looking for Valery?"

'No man should judge, but I get strong Ashlan Crusade vibes. You know them, right?'

Aayla pushed her feet down on the surface they were propped up against, pushing her chair back so her head came into view just briefly for those outside the room she was in. She knew of the Ashlan Crusade, and had a friend seduced to their tenants at one point or another. Her personal opinion was neutral, secretly she appreciated the Ashlan Crusade. Felt it was necessary what they did, however she wouldn't dare let anyone know those thoughts.

"I know of them, that's right. Did they say what they wanted?"

The human male across from her shook his head, shuffling some cards about and dealing them back to her. She picked up the cards, and slipped them rapidly along one another, shaking her head and up-nodding him.

"I went last."

Another headshake given.

'Didn't ask, didn't care really'

Aayla's gaze snapped on him in disbelief.

"Master Noble has had two attempts on her life in the past year, and you didn't care?"

The male now looked at her with a look of guilt and fluster.

'I meant, like. It's not my business. Of course, I care about th-... Never mind'

Aayla observed the cards in hand finally and threw them back down on the table face down.

"You're a Temple Guard, looking to move into intelligence work Bradley."

She said, offering him a pained expression, to which he would nod a few times in understanding.

'That came out wrong, a-'

His eyes moved from her face, resting somewhere below, pointing to her wrist-pad right as it began to vibrate. Aayla's eyes scanning over the screen twice in succession before smiling up at Bradley. Putting the cards down face up.

"I won already."

She said, smirking and putting her feet on the floor to rise to her feet. She had work to do it seemed.

"Hey, where was that Crusader when you saw him?"

'She was talking to the receptionist, main level.'

"Thanks Bradley, see you later"

Realizing he hadn't gotten in his reasoning for lurking about Aayla, he leaned forward, and over the table, taking a gander at her cards before adding one more comment.

'I was gonna' ask ab-'

She either didn't hear or elected to not engage his lattermost attempt at discourse as she left the lounge area.

Conventional Jedi robes weren't worn today, instead opting for standard issue Shadow armor. A snug fitting ensemble that accentuated how light she was otherwise. A single thick ivory braid hung at her back, swaying with the motion of her gait. It wouldn't take long, but eventually Aayla would enter the room that held the 'inquisitive Inquisitor'.

However, someone had beat her to the punch. Aayla's scars had long healed but were still relatively visible on the left side of her face, a trio of slices that began just in front of the ear and snaked down her cheek and jawline nearly up to her lips. They offered a ferocious imagery, but did no favors in representing her usual mannerisms.

"You were looking for me..." he materialized, leaning on the frame of a half-ruined door with arms crossed. "...Sister?"

So that was him, the golden boy of the NJO. Aayla observed him with mercury-colored hues, smirking at his dialogue and approaching the woman to within six feet or so. First regarding Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze with a smile and nod, before she turned to Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch . Ashlan Crusade, she had the same energy that Aayla remembered from visiting their home-world not more than two years ago, she remembered joking about kool-aid then, finding them to be almost high on the Force at times.

Though who was she to speak...

"Good evening, my name is Aayla. I work closely with Valery. I understand you've got something you want to share with her; perhaps you wouldn't mind sharing that information with us instead?"

She gestured towards Dagon first, then brought that hand back to gingerly rest over her heart while speaking, before letting both hands fall to rest at her sides. Head spinning to the entrance briefly as if looking for someone else.


Aayla's hands moved behind her form, clasping one another gently before regarding the woman, and holding that gaze. Not piercing, but certainly gauging.

"Padawans should be along shortly, but anything you have for her can be just as well shared with us."

She said plainly, not offering too much in the way of an explanation as to why she couldn't speak to Valery directly.

Iris Arani Iris Arani Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Valery Noble Valery Noble



She hummed quietly until softer footsteps approached. Near silent if not for fatigue by the tempo. Light no less, a careful rhythm hinting nothing at anger or some other feeling of contentious nature. Words only uncertain at how to address her rather than accusatory or assumptory.

Warm disposition by first appearances. Personable at the very least for the sake of information gathering. Matched for the face she had seen on the paper detailing one Dagon Kaze. Both trouble maker and problem solver for the New Jedi Order. His arms crossed defensively and closed off. Not welcoming but not tense.

The temple was a safe place for him. And she was an intruder on that peace.

His involvement was a curious one, but something had nudged at her to examine his possible connection.

Then came the next to arrive. Far more irritated and even glancing to Dagon with a curious measure before turning her attention to their mutual guest. Brazenly stepping forward to address her. Closing off distance, possibly to limit reaction time or to even remove the Inquisitors ability to respond in kind.

What little Aayla did offer was enough to guage possible direct connection. Especially when the offer to relay the message was made. One didn't often assume duties beyond their perceived station lightly. Though friends often made leaps in judgments when a possible threat was perceived.

The reports suggested a brash but well meaning individual when it came to Aayla. Tendencies for potentially hazardous situations she would charge into of free will. Something to keep in mind when policing her own tone addressing the seemingly close friend of Valery.

She regarded each in their own right, a warm smile to Dagon and Aayla with a small nod to each in kind.

"Sister Millia Brimarch of the Ashlan Crusade. Juror and Inquisitor of the church. I have come on personal business entirely unrelated to the Ashlan Crusade. If by any measure that is a comfort." She spoke honestly, keeping her hands atop one another in her lap. Honesty had taken her people far in life and she would not betray that perception to those outside of the Crusade.

"However I am unwilling to divulge the nature of this message intended for Ms. Noble without having the opportunity to speak with her, as further details may be requested upon hearing what I have to share from the sender." She informed Aayla politely with a smile.

"I am not in the business of sharing personal matters of others, and I do not require anything more than a few minutes of her time before departing." She informed her, before clicking her tongue. "I will be taking the message with me should I be unable to contact her directly while under your supervision."

She kept the polite tone, but included the caveat while remaining seated. Warm and calm, polite though unwavering in her task. She had met two of the four, one a curiosity in regard to connection if only for their direct interest. The other well known by their own admission.

That left the two students to appear and offer their own perspectives on the situation.

<Once,> Briana remarked, still trying to adjust to this new way of communication. Overall, she saw the practicality of the technique that Iris had been working on teaching her, not to mention that it seemed to help in terms of their communication barrier. While she would have preferred speaking out loud, forgoing small personal comforts for a friend seemed a small price. < Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson . He came to our Estate five or so years ago, Dad sent him off pretty quick, but I managed to sneak in a quick chat. Scary? No I wouldn’t say that. Mmm… more, unexpected? He changed my ideas on what I thought a Jedi should be. Honestly, if it wasn’t for that, I don’t know that I would have ever left Naboo with Brandyn.> Life would have turned out differently, if not for that one moment in time. Briana had had all of her future planned out in a nice straight line. First starting in a career with the Naboo Royal Guard, which would eventually have led into a life of politics. A comfortable, predictable life.

Career magician wasn't even an afterthought. Ironic, considering what happened.

Less than a few feet away at the end of the winding corridor appeared to be a small group gathering around. Briana didn't personally recognize any of the faces, but the crusader was easy enough to identify by attire alone.

Anxiously, she began gnawing her bottom lip, “Great, what are we in trouble for this time?” came the small mutter, meant only for Iris to hear. Approaching, the eldest Sal-Soren adjusted her posture accordingly, taking care that her robes were straightened out and presentable. “Excuse us,” she interjected, keeping her tone cordial and trying to gauge the situation. “I’m Padawan Briana, and this is my partner, Iris. We’re told that our presence was requested?”

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If there was anything that could keep Iris's attention, it was a voice in her head. It was a comfort that Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren was so willing to accommodate, especially after Iris learned just how much people didn't like it. Why didn't even make sense! She was projecting thoughts, not invading people's minds. <A crusader inspired you to join the Jedi? Interesting.> What was the difference between Jedi and the Crusaders? That was a question Iris was hoping to answer as the pair entered the room.

With all the others.

The younger padawan tilted her head, glancing between the mostly unfamiliar faces. The only one she recognized was NotKai. Had she gotten his name before? She couldn't remember. No, wait. Aayla Shan Aayla Shan ! She did recognize her. She last saw her with her.. Boyfriend? Iris was too focused on her art at the time to really remember. But she smiled and nodded regardless.

Wait, trouble? Her gaze shifted to her fellow Padawan with a mixture of curiosity and concern. They hadn't done anything to be in trouble. And Iris certainly hadn't tagged anything in a long time! Especially not an Ashlan world!

Oh, no, they weren't in trouble. Of all the colors floating around, there wasn't anything that suggested that. So her eyes fell on Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch , giving the woman a soft smile. None of the colors suggested anything wrong with the woman. No hint of mistrust, or negative thoughts. The woman was truly here on her own for her own mission. One for.. "Your friend must have important news for Valery. But, why didn't they come on their own?"

She tilted her head curiously, asking her own question regardless of what others might ask. That's just how Iris was.

Another lady walked in, white hair, green eyes, and an armor he'd sworn he'd last seen during the Bryn'adul Wars. A smirk his way and his mouth slightly fell open as if trying to put a name and a background to the familiar face.

:: No, Sir, you did not cop-- :: Arthur read his mind, and the Jedi shut the earpiece off.

Sheesh, he would've scratched the back of his head in embarrassment had the Ashlan Sister not mentioned she was looking for Valery.

"Dag Kaze." the Knight offered as an introduction, remaining still on the doorframe. "I understand the need for privacy, Sister, but Val's not unavailable right now." nothing, nothing would have him divulge her whereabouts, not unless it was to someone he could trust. And given Valery's 'situation', trust was a hard-earned currency. Fellow Jedi or not.

"Well..." Dag pushed himself from the frame and took a seat next to Sister Millia, "...if you can't tell us--" he casually gestured at Aayla, before his head jerked in the direction of Iris and another padawan he did not know, "-- I think any sensitive information can be shared with her padawan, instead." he was as eager to hear Milia's decision and her answer to Iris' question.

Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Valery Noble Valery Noble Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Iris Arani Iris Arani

She let her eyes wander to the pair that entered shortly after the trio had begun speaking. Her vision adjusted itself, eyes blurring slightly as she focused on nothing to take in those gathered all at once. A trick of the eyes the Inquisitors had shared in her training to take in a room without directing her eyes at one person in particular.

No ill intent behind the move, she let her attention draw away from them all to focus on Dagon as he sat beside her.

"While I have no reason to distrust those obviously quite close to Ms. Noble-" Giving a nod to all those assembled before continuing to speak."News of her well being shared in return would be something welcome to the sender."

The padawan Iris spoke up, garnering Millia's interest the most. Her thoughts filtered through what she felt would be safe to share before giving a weak smile.

"The sender was told by Ms. Noble to keep moving, keep running until she came to find him. That is why he is not here." She informed her, attentive to the room as she spoke.

"They were not willing to come after I found them given that detail. So I came in their stead as they continued to run."

“So… you can’t tell us who this person is, they cannot be here themselves… because we are supposed to take the word of some stranger that Master Noble told them to continue running… and, you’re only able to divulge cryptic messages and answers?” Briana asked pointedly, pinching the bridge of her nose, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

She shifted uneasily on her feet, folding her arms across her chest.

“You realize how shady that all sounds, right?” she sighed, “Look, if this is really as important as you say, then we're going to need more information. We'll answer what questions we can, but none of them will be in regards to Master Nobles' whereabouts.”

Briana said this with an air of authority that was probably too bold and brazen for a Padawan, but something she could not help. Her parents had raised all three of their children to assess situations, weigh alternatives, and make decisive decisions. Handing out information to some random jack off the corner, was not a decision she would ever make, nor agree to. Regardless of their affiliation.

“If you are willing to work with us, then we will work with you, but if this is all that you have to offer, then I don’t know what more we have to discuss.”



".. Is it the one she misses?" There were some things that clicked together. When Iris first met Valery Noble Valery Noble , it was something the Padawan had picked up on. Now? Things were clicking together. She turned her gaze towards Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren , nodding after a moment. Right. This was about their master's safety. She couldn't just give anything away to a stranger. This was complicated.

Why'd it have to be complicated.

Aayla Shan Aayla Shan | Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze

Outwardly the woman seemed unaffected by the suspicion and stonewalling. Iris would be able to see the bright energy of her mood slowly dwindle into doubt and sorrow as the other padawan spoke.

The trip was seeming more and more pointless as the mental shift to defeat was being accepted. Her guardians proving to be the unmoving sort as she had tried to fish for the one thing she needed before speaking.

The cool of her usual demeanor quickly taking the place of hope before Iris spoke. The motions to prepare to stand stopped as she leaned back.

The spark of hope in Iris's vision of Millia would return, the Ashlan's eyes shifting to the padawan quickly. Her hands clapped together softly, a true smile finally forming as she spoke.

"Ah. Finally. Confirmation that you do know of my friend Kahlil, and his importance to Ms. Noble. I've come in his stead, to offer an update on his status."


The padawan duo didn't fold. They had been taught well - no blind trust. Averting his eyes from the two back to the Sister, he carefully inspected her features. Anything that can further strip the shroud of mystery around her but there was only a wall to meet his gaze.

Trained well...

...but weren't the Sisters healers?

She carries more than me on patrol and flinches less than a brick.

So who is she really?

His line of work taught him to always be prepared and never surprised. Surprises were bad omen and surprise was what Sister Millia delivered.

He didn't move an inch but every fiber in his body was ready, "... how does a Sister come to be... a Sith's messenger?"

Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Valery Noble Valery Noble Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Iris Arani Iris Arani


"However I am unwilling to divulge the nature of this message intended for Ms. Noble without having the opportunity to speak with her, as further details may be requested upon hearing what I have to share from the sender." She informed Aayla politely with a smile.

"I am not in the business of sharing personal matters of others, and I do not require anything more than a few minutes of her time before departing." She informed her, before clicking her tongue. "I will be taking the message with me should I be unable to contact her directly while under your supervision."

For some reason, the clicking of the woman's tongue lit a very brief flame of contempt within the Jedi, eyes tracking heavily to Dagon who was still to her right side, an almost pained smile visible on her features as her brained mulched down those words into coherent meaning. She had just blown them off, and Aayla wasn't entirely sure how to feel about it. Her demeanor softened however, as more and more of what she deemed friendly players appeared. This woman was brave and had her own mission to accomplish.

Aayla couldn't fault her for that, and yet... She faulted her for it. Perhaps it was the sudden rush of tasks and missions over the last few weeks. Perhaps even her own impending death from the hands of some mysterious Mandalorian assassin. Who could pin it really?

She turned then, spotting Iris and a person she didn't kn-... Well hell, actually while she didn't personally know the woman; it was a little difficult to not notice who it was. She couldn't pin the name of which kid it was but knew of them. Blaire? Briana? She couldn't pinpoint which child it was, but knew with certainty that they were of 'royal blood'. What did it matter, what was a Sal-Soren kid doing here on Coruscant with Valer-... No way, was she one of Valery's padawan?

She was drifting, but one could blame that on being slightly starstruck.

In any case, she was about to rip Ms. Brimarch a new one. She wasn't kin to h-

“You realize how shady that all sounds, right?” she sighed, “Look, if this is really as important as you say, then we're going to need more information. We'll answer what questions we can, but none of them will be in regards to Master Nobles' whereabouts.”

Aayla moped at the words, raising a quizzical eyebrow at the padawan before letting her hands rest at her back, casually observing at this point. She liked these padawan.

The only thing she had missed out on w-...

“If you are willing to work with us, then we will work with you, but if this is all that you have to offer, then I don’t know what more we have to discuss.”

A slight dip of her head, the smirk on her lips not even remotely attempted to be moved or lessened. What was the saying? You took the words right out of my mouth?

".. Is it the one she misses?"

Her eyes moved from the Sal-Soren child to her old buddy Iris. She wondered if Iris even remembered her. Or the fact that they STILL asked who tagged Silver Rest. It was a brief moment of personal humor, but she moved past and focused. Who the heck could Valery be missing other than...

"Ah. Finally. Confirmation that you do know of my friend Kahlil, and his importance to Ms. Noble. I've come in his stead, to offer an update on his status."

Aayla's face soured lightly; her smirk replaced by a discontented frown. Though, much of the mystery had been cleared up for her on that point. Aayla would zone out for a moment, thinking about what the woman had just said, and clear her throat to speak.

"... how does a Sister come to be... a Sith's messenger?"

Aayla saw that question for all the diamonds it was worth, but deduced quickly that may no longer have been the case. If so, the Ashlan Crusade would have been coming to return a corpse, not a message...


Again, she cleared her throat, speaking loudly and with authority.

"What exactly is Kahlil's status?"

She said plainly, not dressing up the question, or playing tit for tat. She just wanted the honest answer.

Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch Valery Noble Valery Noble Iris Arani Iris Arani Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren



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