Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It's officially official

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
After two years battling depression, suicidal thoughts, dramatic weight loss, and weight gain. I'm proud to say that it's official. I'm off my anti depressants and I've lost a fair amount of weight the healthy way. I turned twenty three today and as you know I've been lurking after being gone for a few weeks and I usually get lazy and forget to toss one of these up.

Things have been looking up for me in my life. I got a new job and make good money, a raise to go with it, my comic has been going along great, I started dating someone amazing, and for the first time I can actually say that I'm happy. I'm smiling just to smile and I feel good about myself. I still feel depressed sometimes but I have friends and loved ones to help me out.

So I think I have enough time now to balance work, working out, comic, and writing on chaos to come back fully and just have fun with it. So I know a lot of people here don't like me and hell I've given people a lot of reasons not to. But long story short, I'm here to write with my pals and I'm done being sorry for things. It's good to be back and I'm gonna do my best not to just do my thing. Have fun out there! :)


Active Member
[member="Rexus Drath"] Congrats man, you have just done something that MANY people cannot do. You should be a hero and inspire others to become more like you. ... **** I didn't say anything funny in this sentence yet... Ummm...

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