Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It's Pronounced "LEX-on"

Salvete, amici!

That's Latin for, "Be healthy, friends!" I know ancient Greek, too, but I can't be bothered to break out the unicode inputter.

I'm LE-X1, or "Lexon." A droid. I thought about transferring over an established character (I'm a member of SW:E, like Asemir Lor'kora, Ashin Varanin, Felicity Sage, and a few others I've seen hereabouts), but I like to create characters, and I like less to alter ones I've already created (except by story). So recreating people who, by my count, died 600-750 years prior to this timeline makes very little sense to me.

So I may transfer my Anzat, at some point. But I usually have to be in a particular mood to write as an insatiable, bloodthirsty evil, and I haven't been lately.

I moved recently, so I have Internet, but no chairs to sit in. I also started a new job recently, so I have time, but not much.

I'll be posting a character bio shortly.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Welcome aboard, dude. I'm stoked to show you around, introduce you to folks...oh look, here's Spencer, avatar of all that is fun.

(And, oddly, Ashin's lover. Whoda thunk it?)

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