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It's voting time!

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The time has finally come for the senate to cast their vote on their candidate for the Supreme Chancellor office.
The Supreme Chancellor will take the reigns of the republic in a time of great need and the challenge has been accepted by [member="Jack Sparrow"] and [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

If you are a senator, now is the time to go active and cast your vote.
Follow the election Role Play thread here!

Best of luck to both candidates!
[member="Gray Watcher"][member="Jack Sparrow"][member="Matthew Mar'Tin"][member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

I did not want to litter the ic thread with more ooc but I just wanted to clarify thst yes, the poll is public so I will simply count the votes manually and disregard those that are not cast by senators in the roster ;)

Looking forward to read more about ya all in da thread.
Alexander Sannes said:
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

I ask the ending of the vote be held until Faith can answer my character... its vital in how he votes ICly.
I havent set exact time of day and will hold for a while to give her a chance to reply. But to be fair the date still goes for closure of the poll.
[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
[member="Jack Sparrow"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

It appears to be a tie. 4 votes vs 4 :confused:

While I guess a final call can be handled by the staff I wanted to hear if either of you have a solution/suggestion for the problem prior to any admin decision.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Gir Quee"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

You stated in the IC post that the tie breaker was to be decided by whomever Auru Taff voted for. He voted for Jack
I cant really see it that way?
Mantic Dorn said:

With the debate coming to a close the chairman pod hoovered out into the center of the massive senate chamber.
With a strong thud he raied the traditional staff of the Republic into the air and pounded it threefold unto the floor of his pod. The noise empowered by through media and years of traditions among the Republic populace.

"Hear me people of the Republic!" he exclaimed.

"The vote hath ended and no new votes will be allowed."
The words were spoken and the phrase was displayed circling around the chamber on all levels via holo-projections.
Once the debate had settled and the message had made the chamber quite down the chairman cleared his throat anew.

"The people, through their representatives hath spoken."
With that he lifted his datapad and read:

"The systems of Kashyyk, Brental IV, Iktotch and Cartao supports Senator [member="Jack Sparrow"] for the office of the Supreme chancellor." The declaration was quickly followed by applauds and cheering before the chairman lifted his hand, asking for silence.

"The systems of Commenor, Aldreaan, Arkania, Hok, and Eshan supports Minister [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] for the office of the Supreme chancellor." he continued and was met by yet another wall of applause and cheering.
For a third time he had to lift his hand.

"However, with only one vote separating our two candidates the system of Camaas is asked to clarify their vote once more." the chairman's eyes turned toward the pod of Senator [member="Auru Taff"] and the representatives of Camaas to declare their vote anew.

[member="Janira Fenni"] [member="Khyros Sunblade"] [member="Vaudin Miir"] [member="Jack Sparrow"] [member="Nick Sept"] [member="Ordon Trozky"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Thalia Kaia"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Niall OOC"] [member="Alexander Sannes"] [member="Gir Quee"] @other-interested-peeps

Please note that the votes counted are only those cast by PC senators as stated in first post.
He was asked to ""clarify" who he voted on (simply because it was not mentioned in his first post). Yes?

From what I can see its a tie 4vs4.

[member="Lady Kay"]
So, [member="Jack Sparrow"] & [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
You got 4 votes each. Would either one of you want to suggest how to solve the outcome.

Otherwise the Admins will decide on a final vote. Let us know your oppinion if you have one please, we all want to see one of you in office as soon as possible ;)

Otherwise the staff will announce victor by tomorrow, Monday at around 1-2pm CET.
[member="Jack Sparrow"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

The staff has decided to put the vote on Jack this time around.

It is really two great alternatives and while we are excited to see what Jack will do we also hope that Faith will be around to run in the next election as well!

Thank you both for being such great sports and making the election fun and enjoyable for us all :) *two thumbs up*

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Gir Quee"]
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