Keira Priest
The Iron
Green Jedi Temple
It had been difficult to sleep lately.It wasn't due to the territory that usually came with having a child, from checking for monsters under the bed to singing them to sleep well into the night. Desric had arguably been the easiest of her children to settle even at such a young age, but that very well could have been due to the fact that there was just one of him, as opposed to the twins. Even still, she couldn't blame her relative sleeplessness on being a mother, which was something she was at once thankful for just as it drew her concern. This felt a lot like an early warning, but for what remained the question, as she had been absent from the galactic scene for some time now.
Making mention to [member="Julius Sedaire"] had only resulted in reassurance that there was nothing to worry about, and that even if something did arise they would conquer it together, as they always did. Reassurances had the tendency to only ease her mind so much, but she figured there wasn't much to be done other than wait and see what happened, and so for the first time in a long while she resigned herself to waiting for the unknown to come as it would. It wasn't something she was happy about, but there were only so many resources she had access to at this point in her life, and she didn't want to worry their children. Especially not since the twins were more than old enough to be able to tell when something was wrong.
Her husband had brought her and the kids to the Green Jedi Temple, as had been commonplace of late after his appointment to the Council. He'd taken responsibility almost from day one to teach not just his biological child, but all three of his children, the ways of the Force. Her idea of teaching was decidedly more centered on their Mandalorian heritage, and took a more martial turn that her youngest son wasn't quite old enough for just yet. And so mostly she just observed, thankful for the opportunity to simply observe for a multitude of reasons. It was nice to watch him simply be a father to his children for a change, but she still couldn't shake that sense of something headed their way, and it helped that she was able to keep an eye out.
As long as she was around, no one got in close.
[member="Connor Harrison"]