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Private I've Been Really Busy | Hurikane


I've Been Really Busy
Hurikane Jedi Temple
Tags: Marissa Shoda Marissa Shoda , Braze Braze

", after I stepped down from the Jedi Council I got promoted to Master. From there I came out here to the Tingle Arm Coalition to help organize Jedi efforts in cleaning up the Outer Rim. After getting myself a pair of Corellian Bloodstripes for bagging that Sularen guy. So, uh, yeah. A lot's gone down."

But that really didn't matter to Jasper. Even if for a little bit, having Marissa around again made him feel like that dumb padawan who was getting in over his head on Denon. A lot had gone on since their last team-up mission, and a part of him was very excited to show her all of it, but really he was just glad that he could show her all of it. The Lonestar-1 landed in the hangar of the Hurikane Temple, the standing base of operations for the Coalition. The young Master turned his head head to Marissa, giving her a sheepish smile.

"Right," he continued. "So, when I say I took on a padawan learner... I did. But I... also sort of maybe adopted him. Like legally speaking. I connected with the little dude a lot. Brazen and a bit strong headed, but a good kid. He's... kinda like a louder version of me when I was his age. I figure he's waiting for me and will probably have lots of questions about you. So, y'know, a heads up for a bit of yapping."

He gave a soft laugh.

"How've you been?" Jasper asked. "I've, uh, been thinkin' about you quite a bit. I'm glad you're back."

Marissa's green gaze didn't shift away from Jasper as he explained what happened in the months they were apart. It didn't feel like it was that long to her. Her hand idly massaged her neck as she pondered over just how much her new work engulfed her time. She was starting to feel a little guilty over missing so much. "Jeez, babe. I thought I was gone for a few months, not a few years." She quipped with a light chuckle. Yeah, she messed up.


"So, when I say I took on a padawan learner... I did. But I... also sort of maybe adopted him. Like legally speaking."

The officer's heart sank and her eyes went wide as Jasper casually dropped the news on her. "You what?" She blurted out. With a few blinks she straightened her posture and adjusted her leather jacket as she processed the proverbial bombshell. He didn't think to maybe shoot a message to get her input? "Well, um... I've definitely missed you as well." She managed a smile as she gave his cybernetic hand a squeeze. "Been busy as well. Not as glamourous as you, but I got a new job. And, uh..." Processing the news that she was inadvertently roped into being a mother was proving to be a bit more difficult than she expected. "I... also got a new implant or two, including a new vocabulator. The Omnissiah is happy..." She glanced down at the faint lines on her forearms and the metallic divot on her left wrist.

With a heavy sigh she shook her head and squeezed his hand. "I wish you, at the very least, sent me a message about adopting a kid, love." She spoke softly with as much sincerity as her cybernetic eyes could project. "I don't wanna sound harsh, but... you can understand why this could be a bit of a leap, right?" She gave a weak smile as she stared up at his pale eyes. "We barely got your family home set up and now... we're..." She couldn't believe that she was about to say it. "We're a family." She muttered with wide eyes.

With a heavy breath she turned away from him and ran a hand through her jet black hair. She clenched her eyes shut as a hurricane of emotions overtook her. On the one end, she was over the roof with joy at the prospect of them being a proper family... on the other, she had a son to meet.

"What's the kid's name?" She asked with her back still facing him. If he decided to feel her emotions, he'd be able to feel a palpable amount of frustration mixed into the soup of joy, fear and guilt.

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Braze Braze

Braze had spent the earlier part of the day guiding Aris Noble Aris Noble around the temple, sharing the knowledge he had gathered about the unique crystals native to the area. By the time Jasper returned, Braze had washed up and changed into simple yet elegant attire: black and white silk robes that flowed with an understated grace. Today, he opted to cover himself more fully, choosing not to wear the crop top robe that would have left his midriff—and the scar that marred it—exposed. This was not the time to reveal those old wounds, especially not when meeting Miss Marissa Shoda for the first time.

He had heard snippets about her before, but their paths had never crossed. He was freshly showered and smelled of one of the unique parfume's he had created, an elegant refreshing blend of crisp, clean notes with a strong herbal undertone. An almost citrine mint is followed by subtle herbal undertones that add a touch of spiciness and earthiness, giving the fragrance a clean, energizing feel. The base notes are warm and woody, grounding the scent with a lasting freshness that lingers on the skin. The overall aroma is bold, refreshing, and distinctly clean.

As he prepared, he took extra care with his appearance, re-braiding his Padawan braid and meticulously arranging the adornments that had been cleaned to perfection. Even his knee-high boots gleamed with a mirror shine, showing the effort he put into making a good first impression.

Was she pretty? Was she kind? Would she be lenient? Did she have a sense of style? What would her voice sound like? Questions swirled in his mind, each one stoking the nervous energy that built as the moment of their meeting approached. He wasn't sure what to expect, but he knew one thing with certainty: he cared about Jasper, and Jasper cared about Marissa. That connection alone made her important to him.

Briefly, he wondered if she might offer better dating advice than Jasper—a conversation for another time, perhaps. For now, his focus was on making their first encounter as smooth as possible. Braze had taken it upon himself to prepare dinner, ensuring that everything was finished not too long ago. When the ship's scanners and sensors alerted him to its arrival, he made his way to the docking area, feeling the steady thrum of anticipation in his chest.

He boarded the ship and headed toward the cockpit, taking a few deep, steadying breaths to calm his nerves. As he approached, he caught the tail end of a conversation but chose not to linger, respecting their privacy. Instead, he stepped forward, his somber jade-green eyes flicking curiously to Marissa as he introduced himself.

"My name is Braze," he greeted, his voice steady but tinged with a subtle nervousness. "Welcome to Hurikane. I've made dinner for us, and the table is set. I've just put the tea on."

Tags: Marissa Shoda Marissa Shoda , Braze Braze

"I don't wanna sound harsh, but... you can understand why this could be a bit of a leap, right?" She gave a weak smile as she stared up at his pale eyes. "We barely got your family home set up and now... we're..." She couldn't believe that she was about to say it. "We're a family."

"I know it's a big leap," Jasper said, swiveling his chair to face her. "But... y'know, a family is a big leap no matter how you slice it, right? I don't want to hide away from that leap because I'm afraid. And, well, I love the kid. Me and him have been through a lot these past few months. I feel like I can give him what I never had..."

Jasper squeezed her hand back, giving back a reassuring smile. He didn't have all of the answers here, but they would all figure this out in time. They just needed to have a little faith and dive in.

"We'll figure it out, M," he told her in a soft, but affirming tone. "I know we can."

"What's the kid's name?"
"My name is Braze," he greeted, his voice steady but tinged with a subtle nervousness. "Welcome to Hurikane. I've made dinner for us, and the table is set. I've just put the tea on."

"Ah, that answers that then," Jasper remarked with a grin, turning back to Braze. "M, that's Braze. Braze, this is my partner Marissa."

Of course he had made dinner already. Little over achiever.

"Should've figured you'd be on top of it already, bud," he chuckled. "Thanks for the heads up. We'll get headed that way before it all gets cold." Jasper turned back to Marissa. "He's a pretty damn good cook. I can't take credit for that, I'd live off cheap garbage if nobody was watching." The young Master did lean in a little, lowering his voice. "Uh, I will note that the tea is spicy. It's an Echani thing. Actually pretty good if you don't mind a little heat."

He'd get that out of the way so there wasn't some kind of big shock when the tea was spicy. Jasper stood, offering his hand to Marissa.

"Shall we, then?"

"I know, I'm not saying that you... we... shouldn't take a chance like that. Just..." She let out a sigh as she tried to formulate her thoughts into words. "This is taking some getting used to." She admitted with a faint smile. The sudden appearance of the boy caught her by surprise as she glanced at him.

As Braze and Jasper spoke, Marissa's eyes turned red with a scan over the boy and her posture squared to face him. "Hello, Braze. I'm Marissa Shoda." 'Ma'am' or 'Officer Shoda' was probably a little too formal for a situation like this. Her eyes reverted back to their original green as a soft smile formed.

"He's a pretty damn good cook. I can't take credit for that, I'd live off cheap garbage if nobody was watching."

"I know, I've seen what you eat." She remarked with a sidelong glance at Jasper. Not that she could really throw shots at him, her own diet in the force wasn't exactly stellar with the hours she clocked. He warned her about the tea before offering his hand to her. She accepted the offer and leaned in to plant a kiss on his cheek. "Can't hurt to give spicy tea a try." She remarked softly as she followed Jasper to the dinner table.

The food in question looked absolutely delicious, definitely beyond her own modest culinary skills. The rest of the table was also beautifully prepared, the kid was definitely trying to impress with this if his behaviour was any indication. Either that or he was hiding something. Probably the former. Marissa gently massaged her neck one last time before digging into the delicious meal, followed by a sip of the tea. With a blink of surprise she helped herself to another sip and continued with her meal. "So, Braze... how'd you and Jasper meet?" She asked calmly as she spared a glance at the kid. She tried her hardest not to go full cop mode with a scan for potential lies.

How the hell did this interaction make her this nervous? It felt like the only thing missing was a florescent light shining over a metal table.

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Braze Braze

The subtle change in her eyes caught Braze's attention, but he made no mention of it. Instead, he led them inside to where dinner awaited. The table was set with meticulous care, complete with placemats and a formal arrangement. Braze ensured they were both seated comfortably, then happily served their drinks, offering Marissa alternatives in case she wasn't interested in the spicy tea. Today, the tea was sweetened with honey, giving it a pleasantly rounded flavor.

The dinner laid out before them was a feast for the senses, far more than any of them could possibly eat, but offering an impressive variety of choices. Jasper had never seen such a spread; it must have taken incredible patience, time, and organizational skill to prepare all these dishes simultaneously. The centerpiece of the table featured freshly cut flowers, with Corelian roses in full bloom, their white petals delicately spattered with burgundy-red droplets.

Each dish was crafted to delight the senses. At the center of the table, a large platter showcased thinly sliced, delicate fish arranged artfully over a bed of shaved ice, garnished with vibrant green leaves and bright yellow flowers. Nearby, a bamboo steamer revealed soft, fluffy buns filled with tender, marinated pork, glistening with a hint of glaze.

A platter of crispy, golden-brown fried dumplings sat beside a small dish of tangy eel dipping sauce, their savory filling hinting at a blend of crab and cream cheese. Another section of the table showcased steaming bowls of rich, flavorful broth with springy noodles, topped with succulent pork slices, marinated egg, and a scattering of green onions and nori.

Perfectly fried cutlets of juicy chicken rested on a bed of finely shredded cabbage, accompanied by a small dish of thick, savory sauce for dipping. Nearby, a plate held seared slices of beef, garnished with finely chopped green onions and a sprinkling of sesame seeds.

A variety of crispy, tempura-fried vegetables and shrimp stood tall, accompanied by a small bowl of tangy, slightly sweet dipping sauce. Intricately arranged rolls of vinegared rice, wrapped in thin layers of seafood and vegetables, were displayed on a wooden board.

Miso soup was served in small lacquered bowls, the warm, savory broth enriched with tofu, seaweed, and green onions, offering a comforting start to the meal. Alongside the richer dishes, steamed rice (Gohan) was provided, its simplicity serving as the perfect base to complement the other flavors.

For a refreshing contrast, Sunomono (Vinegared Salad) was prepared with crisp cucumbers, seaweed, and a light, sweet-vinegary dressing, adding a bright note to the array of dishes.

A special highlight was a vibrant Paella dish, its yellow rice infused with saffron, studded with succulent crayfish, mussels, and other seafood. The paella brought a rich, aromatic dimension to the meal, its flavors harmonizing with the Japanese dishes while adding a unique, international twist.

For a touch of sweetness, the table featured a stunning array of desserts. Pretty mochi shaped like delicate flowers and vibrant fruits were nestled on a porcelain tray, each piece a work of art. Soft, pillowy strawberry daifuku, with their sweet, juicy centers, offered a delightful burst of flavor. Dango skewers, with their chewy texture and lightly sweet glaze were added to the collection.

Round, golden balls coated in sesame seeds and filled with smooth red bean paste were nestled on a tray, while savory, bite-sized puffs filled with tender octopus, topped with a drizzle of sauce and a sprinkle of bonito flakes, provided a satisfying contrast to the sweets.

Hand-rolled cones of seaweed filled with vinegared rice, fresh seafood, and crisp vegetables provided a delightful combination of textures and flavors. In a lacquered box, neatly arranged layers of vinegared rice, thinly sliced omelet, and marinated vegetables created a visually stunning and flavorful experience.

Grilled skewers featured a variety of meats and vegetables, each bite tender and perfectly seasoned. For a refreshing finish, a platter of fresh fruits, including juicy slices of melon, plump strawberries, and perfectly ripe citrus segments, offered a sweet and tangy conclusion to the feast.

Braze was attentive, refilling their glasses before they even had to ask, ensuring that their dining experience was as seamless as possible.

Yet, Braze remained unusually silent, observing Marissa with a careful, almost analytical eye. This wasn't out of character for him; it was the same quiet scrutiny he had shown when he first met Jasper, the Sentinel of Harmony at the time.

When Marissa asked her question, Braze glanced briefly at Jasper before responding, his voice measured.

"Well… I was assigned my first mission without a master, so I was a little confused but excited… Then I met Jasper on our way to Lothal. We were going to investigate and try to help some people who were ill from Sith spawn. And when we got there, he… ripped his arm off and threw it at me."

The way Braze said it might have sounded horrifying if it weren't for the fact that the arm was cybernetic. Despite this, Braze found cybernetics unnerving, perhaps due to some lingering trauma from that encounter, perhaps due to something else. This might also explain why he was so silent, carefully watching Marissa, trying to discern any cybernetics she might have. He made no rude or ill comments, but he was unashamedly studying the ones he could notice, analyzing them with a focused intensity.


Tags: Marissa Shoda Marissa Shoda , Braze Braze


"Well… I was assigned my first mission without a master, so I was a little confused but excited… Then I met Jasper on our way to Lothal. We were going to investigate and try to help some people who were ill from Sith spawn. And when we got there, he… ripped his arm off and threw it at me."

"Oh, right," Jasper recalled. "It was a trust building exercise. Y'know, entrusting you with a part of me, kind of..." He frowned, scratching his chin. "Maybe that one wasn't very well thought out..."

It was a learning curve. Ultimately in teaching Braze he had learned to become a better teacher. What had really been established on that day was a common ground, an understanding that the two of them had a connection in the similarity of the situations surrounding their mindsets. Or at least a padawan Jasper had such things in common. It had been an important first step.

"From there we've done... well, a lot," he continued. "I'm proud of what we've accomplished together in such a short time."

He gave Braze a pat on the head and a look of affirmation before turning back to Marissa.

"Been a notable lack of crazed cyborgs and factory fires," the Master added with a soft chuckle. "Guess that's the sort of stuff that follows you around."

The ludicrous amount of food was steadily getting to Marissa. The more she thought back on her time on Denon, the more she realized that not even the parties and functions she had to attend were this lavish. This kid knew how to impress. "I'll be honest, last time I saw this much food was at a CorpSec banquet. Even then, it wasn't this good." She remarked as she helped herself to a small serving of another dish.

Braze explained how the two of them met, even adding the questionable decision Jasper made. She chuckled as she glanced at him. "You pulled that on him, huh?" She snickered at the mental image of Jasper yanking off his arm and throwing it to Braze. "I knew a Shistavanen that loved to pull a prank like that. She was a Mandalorian on top of it, if you can believe it." She spoke with a smile as she thought back to the memory. Jasper went on to clarify the context of the situation, which didn't exactly help Marissa's picture of the situation.

He continued to praise Braze on the progress they both made, though he had Marissa's full attention at the mention of crazy cyborgs. "Oh don't even go there." She remarked with a shake of her head. "If there's one thing I won't miss, it's going up against another damn cyberpsycho." She paused for a moment and glanced at Braze. "It's basically... people that have too many mods done to them, eventually their minds can't handle it and they pretty much go feral." She explained to the kid. She spared a quick look at her own arms for a brief moment. The thought of that happening was a terrifying reality. Luckily she was far from that level of chrome.

"You don't like cybernetics, Braze?" She finally asked him with a gentle smile. "Bad experience, or does it just weird you out?" She spoke with a perfect mimicking of Braze's voice and accent. She spared a look at Jasper as she tried to suppress a grin.

Braze Braze Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

"From there we've done... well, a lot," he continued. "I'm proud of what we've accomplished together in such a short time."

He gave Braze a pat on the head and a look of affirmation before turning back to Marissa.
Braze was fairly quiet, his demeanor cautious as he observed Marissa with a reserved curiosity. However, when he heard Jasper's praises, he visibly brightened, a subtle shift in his expression as if a small light had been kindled within. The affectionate touch on his head was met with a slight but noticeable response—he leaned into it, much like a kitten savoring a gentle pet, finding solace in the simple gesture. It was almost as if he was touch starved and craved that small bit of affection.

"I'll be honest, last time I saw this much food was at a CorpSec banquet. Even then, it wasn't this good."
"I'm happy to hear you are enjoying the meal I prepared. "
He remained silent as he listened to the conversation unfold, his jade green eyes moving between the two speakers. Though the table was laden with an abundance of food, Braze's own plate held only a modest portion. He ate slowly, with a tentative air, carefully selecting each bite as if uncertain of his appetite.
"It's basically... people that have too many mods done to them, eventually their minds can't handle it and they pretty much go feral."
When the discussion turned to cybernetics, Braze's expression tightened momentarily, his brows knitting slightly before he quickly masked any visible reaction. He maintained a composed facade, but there was a subtle tension in the way he pressed his lips together.

"You don't like cybernetics, Braze?" She finally asked him with a gentle smile. "Bad experience, or does it just weird you out?" She spoke with a perfect mimicking of Braze's voice and accent. She spared a look at Jasper as she tried to suppress a grin.

Marissa's gentle question and the uncanny mimicry of his voice caused a flicker of surprise in Braze's eyes. It was a fleeting moment, a startled look that passed as quickly as it appeared. He responded with calm deliberation, "I never said I didn't like them." At least he never said this to her. His voice was steady, though there was a pause before he continued, "I think they're wonderful options for people who might need them to alleviate certain... problems."

He added, with a softer tone, "My best friend, Loomi Loomi , has two prosthetic legs. Those are kinda simular. I just got my Brace removed thanks to Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el . " There was a touch of warmth in his words, a hint of affection that briefly softened his otherwise guarded demeanor. Though he considered mirroring Marissa's mimicry with a trick he'd learned from Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , he chose instead to remain reserved, determined to make a good first impression. He would test the waters before allowing himself to be more playful.

Braze's quietness was not emptiness but a reservoir of unspoken thoughts and emotions. Though he appeared composed, the small tells—like the brief startle or the slight softening of his voice—hinted at the depth beneath his surface.

Tags: Braze Braze , Marissa Shoda Marissa Shoda

"I think they're wonderful options for people who might need them to alleviate certain... problems."

"We can move on from that if you like," Jasper offered. "I'm sure you need time to put it into words on your own first."

A more playful smile spread across his face.

"Perhaps the time is better spent discussing the diplomatic benefits of eating organs," the voice of Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka spoke. "Or something more wistful and philosophical."

Jasper let out a soft chuckle as he sank his sank his teeth into a piece of chicken. That was a fun ability to pull out every now and then, and one of the simpler ones that didn't require a prodigal level of Force energy to keep up.

"Did you ever pick up on Sound Mimicry?" he asked the padawan. "I think it's one of the more applicable abilities to pick up. Or funny if you prefer using it to pull someone's leg. Well, metaphorically, I mean. You could probably use the Force to pull someone's leg. Oh, that reminds me."

The young man let out a sigh, leaning over to Marissa.

"So. What do I need to do to convince you that you can use the Force?"

He had seen it on their last mission. Jasper knew he wasn't crazy... or at least that he wasn't crazy yet.

Braze protested against her presumption regarding his opinion on cybernetics, however Marissa merely raised an eyebrow at his answer. "I'm a cop, Braze. It's my job to notice little details." She remarked, though she didn't push the topic any further. Jasper was of a similar mind and decided to switch topics using a clever little trick she hadn't seen before.

A laugh escaped her as she gave him a light slap on the shoulder. "Oh, now you're stealing my party trick, huh?" She teased him as she shook her head. "You two got me curious now on what else you can do." She continued with another bite of her food. Jasper explained how he pulled it off, though to Marissa's dismay he switched the subject onto her.

Specifically a little incident they both noticed on a previous mission.

Cricket shook her head and sat back with a wave of her hand. "Nuh-uh, we are not going there, Jas." She protested as she glanced at the two of them. "I've told you before, I am not like you guys. I don't know what happened there, but it wasn't me." She continued as she used a serviette to wipe her mouth. "I investigate, kick down doors and arrest people. That's why the SIA approached me, I'm not a... force user... like you two. Hell, I don't even believe in the Force." She scooted her chair back a little and crossed her arms with a stern look towards Jasper. Why did he have to bring it up now?

Braze Braze Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Braze's brows furrowed, a horrified expression briefly crossing his features as he heard that voice. Setting his utensils down, he leaned back in his seat, the memory of a blindfolded meal on Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka 's behalf resurfacing. The recollection was enough to drain his appetite completely.

" Jonyna Si Jonyna Si taught me something like that," Braze admitted, his voice subdued. The revelation that she was some sort of law enforcement officer made him pause. He ferreted that piece of information away for later consideration. "So, you're a narc," was all he could muster, his tone neutral. But as his ears picked up on the name 'Jas,' his head tilted slightly. Was that a nickname? It had a certain charm to it. Perhaps a pet name? Were those the same?

"Is that why we don't do drugs ~?" He asked directing that question to Jasper as he glance the blonde's way.

Rising from his seat, Braze began to clear his plate, carefully putting the rest of his meal away for later. As he listened to the conversation unfold, he glanced back at Marissa, his gaze lingering as if she had sprouted two extra heads. He stared at her for several long moments.

"You can see him do things like that and still not believe?" Braze asked, his voice tinged with disbelief. "It doesn't seem to work if you don't believe... Ko Vuto Ko Vuto taught me a valuable lesson about that."


Tags: Marissa Shoda Marissa Shoda , Braze Braze

"Nuh-uh, we are not going there, Jas."

"Man," Jasper sighed, hanging his head. "Alright..."

He'd convince her one day. Jasper knew what he had seen. Her mention of not believing in the Force was a little silly, given how long they had known each other. It was a bit hard to deny in a post-Maw, post Netherworld crisis, post whatever era. But she'd come around eventually, or at least he figured she would.

"I'll drop it," he stated after Braze asked his question. "It's not really important anyways."

"Is that why we don't do drugs ~?"

"And no, we don't do drugs because they make you shrivel up and age faster," Jasper scoffed. "I've seen enough death-heads in the underbelly to know it's not good for you. Although..." He'd shoot a more playful grin to Marissa now. "I dunno, are you a narc? I've never been on a few jobs with you."

Marissa instantly regretted what she said, especially with both of their reactions. She had to bite hard on her tongue not to dig this hole any deeper, the last thing she wanted to do was turn this pleasant evening into a fight... and she refused to add 'cyberpsycho' to Jasper's arsenal of names to call her in their occasional head-butting. She doubted that he would ever go there, but she wasn't going to take the chance.

She couldn't help but blink in confusion as the conversation seemed to spiral out of control. First being called a 'narc' and then a curious explanation over why drugs were bad for people. She couldn't help but squint her eyes a little as she tried to figure out where this conversation was going. Jasper finally managed to focus it again as he leaned in for a little jab at her former profession. She shot him an amused glance as a smile started to form again. "Why do I get the idea you two have seen way too many cop movies?" She remarked with a light shake of her head.

"Depends on which 'narc' you're referring to. But yeah, I've worked plenty of drug cases, raids and busts. That's where I got this." She pointed to her throat as she looked at Braze. "Plus..." She returned her gaze back to Jasper. "You'll need authorization to work a case with me. Police duty isn't exactly the jurisdiction of civilians." She teased with a subtle smirk. "It can get dangerous, you know." She continued with a rather smug grin. Anything to get under Jasper's skin.

Her attention returned to Braze. "In all seriousness, though, Denon's underworld is really bad. Lot of sick things happening down there. If you're not in the top levels, it's a hard life. That's why I'd let some small things slide. Occasional theft of food, intoxication, that sort of thing. I grew up in a rough neighbourhood, I know what the life's like." She explained gently to him with a warm smile. "And no, you don't use drugs 'cause they hurt people and ruin lives." She continued, scooting closer to the table again to finish her meal.

Braze Braze Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

"I don't think we're allowed to do Vigilan-tae justice," Braze quipped with a grin, his eyes sparking with mischief. As he spoke, a small, fuzzy creature—a black void of fluff—came up to Marissa's legs under the table, rubbing against her and clawing playfully at her boots.

"Yeah, there are some pretty nasty places on Coruscant too. Denon sounds like a terrible place to visit. I bet the street food's awful." Braze stood up, feeding a larger fuzzy critter that had hopped and followed braze around when he rose from the table. The creature, resembling a rapidly growing loth-wolf pup, eagerly followed him around.

"You could always temporarily deputize us if you really had to," Braze continued, a playful smirk on his lips. "Better to take care of the problem and do the paperwork later, right? Lots of places let you deputize someone in a pinch when you're short on officers. But... if you're a cop, surely you have jurisdictional limitations yourself."

He paused for a moment, then added "Jedi, though? We don't have that problem. Sooner or later, someone's always coming crying for our help. Our reputation usually does the trick—even if they won't admit it out loud initially."

It seemed his cheeky behavior was resurfacing a she started to gingerly test the waters with Marissa. If anything he was in a playful mood than a combative one.

Tags: Marissa Shoda Marissa Shoda , Braze Braze

"Jedi, though? We don't have that problem. Sooner or later, someone's always coming crying for our help. Our reputation usually does the trick—even if they won't admit it out loud initially."

"That's a nice thought, but it doesn't work like that," Jasper sighed. "We're subject to planetary laws just like everyone else. And if they're a corrupt planet, they will arrest you. I... can't say I recommend that one."

He had found that out the hard way a few times. Then of course there were the investigations that various Jedi did into corruption which yielded even more roadblocks. It was all really complicated. Braze couldn't be blamed for not really understanding that sort of situation. He likely hadn't been put in that sort of scenario.

"Anyways, Denon is trashy, but the street food is heat," he noted. "Not really eager for a re-visit, but I was pretty happy with the food. When I could finally eat it, anyways." Jasper couldn't help but scowl a little. "Couldn't stop having run-ins with masked weirdos. I guess they probably had good intentions, but they sure wanted me to go home and not do my job. And of course they always had to be fighting crime lords while I was trying to eat."

Jasper let out a sigh.

"I might be holding onto some grudges," the young Jedi Master chuckled.

Marissa tensed when she felt something rub up against her leg. Glancing down, she gave a slight jerk of surprise when a strange animal was making itself comfortable against her. While the idea of a pet was ever present, the practical application of that task was still beyond her reach. She looked up at the two with mouth agape and finger pointing down to her feat, but before she could get a word in, another unfamiliar creature was nuzzling up against Braze. "What the hell are these?" She asked softly with a hint of panic in her voice.

"... I bet the street food's awful."

Whatever semblance of discomfort and worry disappeared instantly from her features as her lips pursed and a murderous look was directed at Braze. The plates on the table began to tremor slightly as she tried to compose herself, luckily Jasper was there to save the day before the dinner turned into an aggravated assault case. What broke any and all annoyance for her was Jasper's continuing rant about all of the busted chances he had for enjoying Denon's amazing street food.

A chuckle escaped her as she shook her head. "I'm starting to think you had trouble enjoying yourself." She teased with a smile. "If I had to be honest, though, you could probably put down a deposit on a house with the amount of food I had to throw out the window. And not just me. I think there may or may not have been a few 'body-cam off' situations with a few hungry cops." She explained, lightly scratching the back of her neck.

Turning her attention to Braze, she gave him a warm smile while helping herself to another small bite of her leftovers. The ludicrous amount of food she consumed was starting to catch up. "Roping people into police work isn't always that simple. For instance, if I had to work with someone, I would have to apply with my superiors and go through a whole rollercoaster ride to get them on the case. That's another thing the movies don't show you, the amount of paperwork officers have to file." Her smile disappeared as she glanced down to her plate. The kid was a padawan, through and through. Idealistic and brimming with enthusiasm. "Also... the reputation of the Jedi isn't always well received. On Denon, a lot of people resented the Jedi, saw them as hypocrites. Until I met Jasper and another Jedi... I was in that same camp." She admitted, glancing to Jasper for a brief moment.

At this point she had no idea how this meeting was going.

Braze Braze Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Marissa tensed when she felt something rub up against her leg. Glancing down, she gave a slight jerk of surprise when a strange animal was making itself comfortable against her. While the idea of a pet was ever present, the practical application of that task was still beyond her reach. She looked up at the two with mouth agape and finger pointing down to her feat, but before she could get a word in, another unfamiliar creature was nuzzling up against Braze. "What the hell are these?" She asked softly with a hint of panic in her voice.

The fuzzy black void moved with a playful hop into her lap, curling up contentedly in the warmth. It let out a soft, mewling cry, nuzzling her hand with insistent headbutts, eagerly seeking attention. The vibrating, purring creature clearly wanted affection and was unafraid of anyone.

Meanwhile, the larger pup, resembling a wolf, gazed at Marissa Shoda Marissa Shoda with an almost human-like intellect behind its eyes. Its ears perked forward, twitching slightly as it studied her before turning its attention to the meal Braze had provided.

"These are some of my pets. The kitten in your lap is Soot, and this is Wraith," Braze explained with a smile. "I have more pets, too—some lizards if you want to see them. My friend Loomi helped me catch a whole bunch," Braze added enthusiastically.

Braze's expression shifted to a frown as he listened to her talk about paperwork. That sounded dreadfully dull. "By the Light, that sounds so booooring," Braze lamented. "Don't you just shove all that paperwork onto your rookies anyway?" he asked, his tone incredulous.

"Oh well... I suppose I'm a hypocrite, unapologetically so," he admitted with a shrug. "But I don't really follow all the important Jedi stuff or whatever's popular in the Order these days anyhow, so there's that."


Hurikane Jedi Temple
Tags: Braze Braze , Marissa Shoda Marissa Shoda

"These are some of my pets. The kitten in your lap is Soot, and this is Wraith,"

"The cat sneaks into my room at night," Jasper noted, scooping the kitten up out of Marissa's lap in his organic arm. "Likes sleeping on my face."

He gave the cat some attention, rubbing it's face with his hand. Jasper couldn't help but tilt his head and take in Marissa's reaction. She seemed a bit unfamiliar with the whole pets thing. Perhaps it just wasn't something that was very common on Denon. Animals seemed sparse on that planet in general, so that wasn't the most surprising thing ever. It was a little amusing, however, and Jasper couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Here, the little guy's friendly," he stated, setting Soot back down in her lap and rubbing behind his ear. "Just give him a lil scratch behind the ear."

"Also... the reputation of the Jedi isn't always well received. On Denon, a lot of people resented the Jedi, saw them as hypocrites. Until I met Jasper and another Jedi... I was in that same camp."
"Oh well... I suppose I'm a hypocrite, unapologetically so," he admitted with a shrug. "But I don't really follow all the important Jedi stuff or whatever's popular in the Order these days anyhow, so there's that."

"Hey, you'd be surprised," Jasper chimed in. "Take the time to talk with people and learn their struggles and you're probably less hypocritical then you think. Ultimately that's what a Jedi should be doing. That definitely isn't a popular thing, as much as I'd like it to be. Y'know, the old adage of the road to hell being paved with good intentions and all that. You just gotta do what's right by folks and roll with the punches."

He gave a shrug.

"Some people are still gonna hate Jedi either way, but the thought counts for something."


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