Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I've, uh...I've lost my muse.

I first started RPing on this site because I had just gotten a new supplement for a tabletop roleplaying game called Edge of the Empire. With this game, I found myself printing off a lot of character sheets and making all sorts of new characters. This time, I struck upon a character that I REALLY liked, Jarven Zexxel.

However, my friends and I were having trouble with the RP game: the combat (which was a necessary part of the game) was slow and usually involved at least a few disagreements about the positioning, if not an argument. We stopped playing the game, even though I really wanted to RP. I searched and searched. I found a group that used a program that ran maps and a chat bar and it was really cool, if really long. That came to an end after a few weeks, since we were only able to get together for a few hours once a week. I searched the internet and then...I found you guys.

There was definitely a learning curve, but, once I learned, I took off with this site. The first thing I wanted to do was to join a faction. I was lonely in a lot of aspects, since friends were becoming more distant from college, so RPing with other people seemed like the best thing. My character was a criminal, so I asked to become one of the Red Ravens (naturally, at the time). I was welcomed so warmly by nice people ([member="Cryax Bane"] and [member="Kiera Ticon"]) who RPed me IC into their faction. It was wonderful! Rolling with the Red Ravens was the funnest RP experience I'd ever had. The criminal organization was great, the people were great, the threads were great. Aaron/[member="Oddball"] helped me out the most and became like a Brother Bear to me. [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

As far as I know, Laura/Cryax lost interest in the Red Ravens and she left. That was sad to me because Laura was cooler than cool beans. At first, I didn't have any conceptions of the other factions. I heard griping about the One Sith from a lot of people, but I hadn't seen them firsthand, so I couldn't act off of hearsay. Enter [member="Jacen Cavill"] and [member="Darth"] Adekos. Jacen was evil superman. ScrewAttack's death battles show you how the Superman comic book writers purposefully make Superman OP and limitless. The idea of that type of person being in this universe unsettled me. Adekos took a force power that was ancient by Rebellion era standards, rare, blew its potential/power out of proportion, and then abused it. From there, I started to see the OS writers as they were: highly competitive people.

Now, we all know this site isn't SWTOR or League of Legends. In those, the program automatically crunches numerous amounts of numbers and info to figure out the outcome. In those cases, you can't argue over what could have happened or what should have happened; you simply have to accept the outcome. This site is very different. All of the variables are left up to the writers to interpret and slog Edge of the Empire. Competition on this site simply doesn't work. If someone doesn't want to lose, they won't lose. The only thing that seems to counter this is when the opposition is obviously superior, such as having multiple people on your side and/or if you're someone like Jacen Cavill. There are so many people out there who want to win, so they flock to the "winning-minded" factions. They then rush to the aid of other "winning minded" factions no matter what faction they're a part of. Example: The Red Ravens tried to dominion contest the Techno Union for a prime planet that was a fortress world. The Techno Union were posting an average of 2 posts a day. They were SLOW. We had it in the bag, but, the next thing we know, a bunch of OS writers jumped into the TU's dom and pulled the posting work for them, with the exception of the TU's leader.

Back to the story. The Red Ravens dissolved because of a volatile reaction amongst our members that went beyond my control. I was sad, angry at the situation, and I lost friends like [member="ItsChon"] and [member="Jen"]. The match lit the gas and took it all from me. I was alone again...Sure, the members were still there...but it was never the same. In my heart of hearts, I knew something had shifted harshly. I tried to fill this gap (notice how I said gap and not hole, Cassidy. :p) by creating more characters. My muse and interest varied with each and everyone of them. The thing that ended hurting me the most with these characters is when I would stoke the fires of creativity and express lots of interest. I sent messages and I worked on development of many new things ([member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"], [member="Visper Jast"], and [member="Arctica"]). Then, either I wouldn't get proper feedback/commitment or I'd lose the spark. And I can't stop kicking myself because I hate how I've let people down by dropping out of things that I put forward.

I hated myself for all of that. Jarven's marriage, Aiden's story, The Page Master's creativity, Dr. Mordecai Stryker's tech creations, Poro's cuteness, Surge's struggles, Matthew Mar'Tin's intrigue, Bhaltair Dhimani's science and self-discovery, Rex Power Colt's epic confrontational persona ([member="Darth Mythos"])
By the way, this video, Kung Fury, is AWESOME! It's so epic. I highly suggest watching it.
, and Psychopaths by Ryan's open-ended possibilties; I've dropped the muse ball on all of them and I feel like it's all a waste.

School has been demanding more and more from me and I'm just not feeling it anymore. I'm tired. To write around here solo means to be lonely for the most part. Joining and being part of a faction passively demands competition at the very least. I'm tired of the map, I'm tired of invasions, I'm tired of threads that die, and I'm so tired of hating the OS. I have more important things to worry about and focus on, as much as I hate saying that.

So, I don't know if this is good-bye, If I'll be seeing you soon again, or what. I guess this is a first official LOA of an undetermined amount of time.

For those who care, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
This is bad news. Do try to stick around - I for one has enjoyed your writing very much!
If being part of a social community you could consider the cartel. While the hutt cartel is far from the glory days of the RR (and its not our goal to mimic that either) we do offer a home for pure criminal minded characters. We are not as numerous either, but still enough to have stories floating about almost constantly. If you are interested just ping me and we can try to see if we can carbe a home for you in our midst.

Regardless, when the muse is gone, it is. But it can be found again with a little work...

[member="The Noble Scoundrel"]
The Noble Scoundrel said:
and I'm so tired of hating the OS
There's a solution to at least this part: stop hating the OS. No one forces you to hate something, even if you disagree with it. Competition is important in any environment to improve, and competition comes in many forms.

Either way, take care.
[member="The Noble Scoundrel"]

I always enjoyed RPing with you and chatting with you on Skype. You're right that did lose interest in the Red Ravens, but it didn't have anything to do with Red Ravens members. After nine months of writing Cryax as my main, I was risking losing the muse for him unless I did something dramatic with his story, such as join the One Sith. Plus, not being the FO gave me a much needed OOC break from those responsibilities that came with it.

As far as factions go, I honestly think that the only borders that exist on the site are the ones that we as writers put on them. Regardless of what faction we're in or those blobs of color on the map, at the end of the day it's only our stories that matter.

If you change your mind and want to come back, save me a thread :)
[member="The Noble Scoundrel"] Not my fault you PMed me about a sword that had my name in the submission asking why I had the audacity to carry it. Other than that, guess I'll miss someone I don't know?

Also, if you're feeling that lonely I encourage you to go make friends and do social things in real life.

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