Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'vya Initrios

I'vya Initrios


NAME: You won't find any records of my birth name Ivyani'ur'kajast, it's easier if you simply call me I'vya or Vya Initrios.

FACTION: Knowing he'll find me if I join the Galactic Alliance, I've chosen to direct my attention to the Jedi and what they might offer.

RANK: Without formal training I can't say exactly where I stand. As far as power, one might say I'm a knight.

SPECIES: Due to not knowing my mother's origins or even who she was I'm resigned to simply half K'paur. The gift-curse of my father.

AGE: I stopped keeping track years ago, but some say I look to be in my twenties.

SEX: Female by all accounts, but it'd be unwise to try and check.

HEIGHT: I was last measured at six feet tall.

WEIGHT: It was last recorded at one hundred and fifty three.

EYES: My eyes are dark hazel with haze around the pupil.

HAIR: I have long brown hair that I inherited from my mother.

SKIN: My skin is fairly tan. I do my best to keep it that way.

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, very much so, another gift-curse from my father.


  • Dark Legacy: Born of the monster that is Kajast'ur'kanadur, I've known since the day I was born that darkness has always followed me. Whether or not I embrace it is only a matter of time not a matter of chance, my father and uncle succumbed but I still fight it even now.

  • Conviction: I believe in a salvation for the line into which I was born. In a future that is not adorned in the dark crown that was bestowed upon my family by my grandfather. I hold out hope that the legacy of my father and his father is just that. Words.
  • Balanced: I have found my place with the Force. Light, dark, neither are more or less important to me. Rather I have found a balance and strive to maintain it against the onslaught of darkness that plagues my blood and the struggle that same blood is fraught to seek in way of the light.
  • Experienced: I am not experienced in the way you'd normally associate. Rather I am experienced in that I have been surviving the galaxy and everything it has to offer from the day I was born. Without a mother or father to raise me, I have faced the unforgiving galaxy alone.

  • Brittle: My physical prowess is frail to speak of and it goes without saying that I inherited it from my father. He has given me many gifts but I've yet to find one that isn't just as much a curse.
  • Haunted: I cannot unsee the visions I've seen in my dreams. My father is a monster, I've seen through his eyes the countless lives he's snuffed out across the galaxy. What sleep I get is haunted by the thought I may, again, see more of his atrocities.
  • Cursed: The day I succumb to The Fade is the day I dread most. While my steadfast clasp to the balance I've found staves off the possibility, my blood still holds the keys to that abysmal door.


Six feet tall, one hundred and fifty three pounds of slender, properly curved, femininity. That is the simplest I can express before describing to you that I wear my neck length heir up or down depending on my mood and that I prefer to wear what the Jedi would call casual but ornate and make up to compensate for my uncharacteristic appearance. I sport the makings of one species and the possibilities of hundreds of others. My mother is lost to me, though one day I will find out just what she was.

[See posts below for see episodic additions.]

I travel in the ship left to me by the family that cared for me from a young age. Left alone in the mid rim as a child, I travel in a civilian ship until I can replace it.

None, unlike my father.

None to speak of.


To come at a later date.
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Date: 837 ABY; Location: Unknown

* * *
Sparse data records were nothing unfamiliar to them. Nor were the crumbling ruins of the age old buildings they slaved away hours scrounging through. It was just another day in the life of an archaeological researcher to go digging through buildings that had somehow survived the tests of the centuries. Whether it was ancient wizard ruins or condemned city structures there was always something meaningful and otherwise beautiful to find hidden away like a buried treasure. Hundreds of years of sites had certainly kept things interesting.

The site was located on a border world of the age old Republic. To the surprise and awe of the researchers it dated back to a time somewhere before and during the first Galactic Empire. But it wasn't that detail that captured the attentions of the researchers in question; it was something they had found.


Processing... Locating source code...
Primary file corrupted. >>
Reconfiguring search protocols...

Please enter authorization code:

There was a look of bewilderment on the man's face as he brushed an almost caked layer of dust off the centuries old computer. How had something this old managed to maintain it's power for so long? Was the only question that ran through his mind as he sifted through the preliminary findings the team had uncovered before he'd arrived. And after what felt like hours of fingering through data on his datapad, he again returned to the console.

Who had this belonged to?

Authorization code 07-ZKDV53 accepted.
Welcome Ra'Mira how may I serve you today?

Ra'Mira? Was that the owner? Bewilderment once again gripped the scientist as he flipped through his notes. Almost nothing remained of the inhabitants that had once lived there. Nothing to indicate just who this person, this Ra'Mira, may or may not have been. As he pressed his mind for more insight into what he had found he returned to the console once more.

I am unable to provide the requested information...

Attempting recalibration of search protocols...
Welcome Ra'Mira how may I serve you today?

Kark it all. The scientist cursed to himself inwardly as he fidgeted with the keys laid out before him. Why did he think that would work? No doubt this Ra'Mira person was still alive when they last used this console. Shrugging off the stupidity and naivety on his part, the scientist tried again.

Processing request...

Primary user data encrypted upon request of central operator.
Diverting to secondary source...
User name: Ra'Mira.
Species: Unknown.
Gender: Female.
Classification: Jedi Knight.

Retrieving most recent medical input...

A Jedi? Not only had a woman and another individual lived there, but the woman was a Jedi? The look of bewilderment and determination on the scientists face quickly turned to one of awe and intrigue. Just who was this woman? Why was she living so far away from the deep core during a time in which legend told of the Jedi held prominence? Questions for answers. Too many questions. Again his attention returned to the console.

...majority... data... rupted...

Acc... ry... files...

Last recorded medical input: Post delivery. Physical trauma present. Subject dying.

No! The scientist shouted to himself as his eyes widened at the screen before it returned to it's central hub. Post delivery? Physical trauma? What did it mean? Had this woman been pregnant prior to her last entry? Where were the records of the birth? Not enough answers and too many questions again plagued the scientists mind: But he was determined.

Returning to central hub.

Welcome Ra'Mira how may I serve you today?
Attached file to: Medical Record - 23...
Child records...
Condition: Healthy.
Location: Unknown.
Name: Ivyani'ur'kajast.
Gender: Female.

Species: Unknown hybridization.

Ivyani? 'ur'Kajast? Just who were these people? What kind of mother hides away her child? Nothing was making sense but as the text crawled across the console screen, a collective of words explained exactly what he needed to know. Whoever this Ra'Mira was, whatever had unfolded in this home hundreds of years ago... This console knew something.

Ra'Mira you have received a notice from Jedi Master Orthus Kaimon in regards to your husband. Classified details will be kept sealed but it is understood this is their third attempt to reach you regarding him. Their is an urgency for you to respond...


Console power drained.

Console powering down.

Awe. Bewilderment. Terror. Confusion. None of them seemed to be right on their own as the scientist tried to under stand the information that had just entered his brain. Whoever they were, whoever they were married to, they had made enemies. What of the child?

"Doctor Naito? Doctor Naito!" Came a voice from behind the scientist that startled him out of the chair he had made himself comfortable in.

"What is it?" Naito responded as he spun to face the woman who'd entered the room. Her expression was just as shaken as his, but it appeared to be hiding something more. "What did you find?"

"You need to see this, sir," she responded and quickly retreated from the room and towards an adjacent building. It was a smaller building, built to endure the ages. Inside there were run down and utterly lost-to-the-ages droids. But it wasn't the droids that peaked the interest of the doctor. No. It was what he could see about the room itself.

"What in all that is holy have we found, Enna?" The doctor breathed as he looked about the sizable structure and across the various instruments strewn about. There were books, lights, a bed, storage for food and other things time had made unidentifiable. The child had lived here, but for how long? And why?

Though they were valuable questions, and theoretically sound inquiries, it was a picture that continued to flicker on and off on the wall opposite them that drew their attention. Dated respectively, the name the same until the most recent placement. I'vya Initrios: Dated 537 ABY.

* * *

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Date: 841 ABY; Location: Unknown
* * *
The more he explored, the less it all made sense. A hidden bunker beneath a small farming complex, a mother lost to the ages and an absentee father. What was worse was the condition of his finds, objects dating back beyond even the eight hundred years he had already noted from the girl's holograph. Was she still alive? Would she come back?

None could really tell.

Journal entry: Thirty one

Today, in 579 ABY, was a rough day. Perhaps I'm over amplifying the results, but I cannot deny that these people refuse to understand me.

Perhaps it's because I'm different? In some way I'm not like them and they fear that. Whatever the case I found my way to the market today and into the kind care of traveling Echani. I'd never seen a white skinned or white haired being before... It was certainly an experience.

The journal was a complicated find. While it proved to hold knowledge they were sorely in need of, it had also raised more questions than it had answers. Much like the console from the main living quarters there was something about the writing that didn't quite add up. While the girl was certainly more candid about her opinions and records, she was not one for mincing details.

Journal entry: Fifty seven

Nothing feels quite right as of late. It hasn't been long since my last entry... The year is 627 ABY... My dreams are plagued by nightmares... A monstrous man wielding the Force to murder hundreds. Who is he? Why is he in my head? None of it makes sense, a jumble of possible memories from a being beyond reason. I'm afraid to go back to sleep, though hardly petrified, and I fear that once I close my eyes the visions will return.

If anyone but me were to ever read this, though I doubt they would, this lack of interaction reminds me of home.

Now just what did that mean? The doctor asked himself as he pored over the pages with a glint of curiosity in his eyes. He had immediately noticed a palpable manner about the girl's writing that struck him as educated. Isolated for hundreds of years with nothing more than a droid to deliver to her the information she would need to survive the world outside. Shaking his head in disbelief and denial he again went back to reading through the data-journal.

He still had questions and just maybe she would give him the answers he sought.

Journal entry: Eighty one

He lives. He's out there. I don't know what he looks, or even sounds, like but I know he's there. Drifting from world to world in search of something. I cannot imagine just what he's searching for, but I fear that it's well outside of the scope of the common man of the galaxy in 692 ABY.

I can do nothing as I am, but I'm determined to one day put an end to his pain.

He? Quickly the scientists mind returned to the recording about the visions she experienced in her sleep. Just who was this man she referenced in her notes? Why was she sharing his sight and just what was he? Too many questions, not enough answers.

Journal entry: One hundred fourteen

As of 741 ABY I am ceasing these records. I cannot risk him finding them. It's time for me to move on, to find something new for myself. I don't intend to return to that room I once called home, and so to whoever finds this I warn you not to let it see the light of day.

He will return. He has not felt me, he does not know I exist, but he is coming and he will not be right of mind. This is my last entry and it sees me leaving for the core worlds.

Abruptly the sequence ended, a flicker of light from the datapad causing the man to blink several times, and the scientist was left in the dark.

"Just who are you?" He mused to himself as he leaned back in his chair, the screens before him at his desk flickering to life almost as if on cue. A bitterness washed over him as he placed the datapad against the desk, dismissing it as quickly as it had left him with next to nothing. A breath was all it took, however, to dismiss his frustration.

"One day I'll find you... You are the key..."

* * *

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