Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"I Fight for Myself."

Basic Information
  • Name: Izak
  • Alias: ---
  • Force Alignment: Dark Side
  • Force Rank: Sith Acolyte
  • Species: Human
  • Races: Korun, Epicanthix
  • Age: 19
  • Height: 6'1"
  • Build: Welterweight
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Skin Pigmentation: Brown
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Master(s): ---
  • Mentor(s): ---
  • Apprentice(s): ---
  • Successful Student(s): ---
  • Lineage: House Verd, House Zambrano
Strengths & Weaknesses
  • ( + ) Panatha's Boon: Although dampened due to his mixed heritage, Izak enjoys a significant resilience to mental assaults.
  • ( + ) Hardy: Years inside the Pit have cultivated a man in the peak of his physical condition. Izak can take a lickin' and keep on tickin'.
  • ( - ) Range: A lack of ability wielding firearms, coupled with his "pit fighting" mentality, has created a vulnerability to ranged tactics.
  • ( - ) Illiteracy: Moving from fight to fight rarely affords the opportunity to sleep, let alone read.
Notable Possessions
  • Armour: ---
  • Weaponry: ---
  • Ship: ---
Notable Force Powers

Apprentice [ I ] - Knight [ II ] - Master [ III ] - Specialist [ IV ]

  • Pending
Notable Lightsaber Forms
  • Pending

I'm taking back Control...


...With my Knuckles.
The light was blinding. And even though a crowd was screaming, my heart was the loudest noise in the room. Thunder. Power was pumping through my veins, flowing from my head to my my fists. They stung - scraped and raw from crushing meat and bone. Before my eyes was blood: a victim just like me. We we born for this: to fight. To obey. Nah. If that were true, I wouldn't be the last man standing.

Hold up. Rewind. How did I get here? Why was the Man in White coming down from on high with murder in his eyes? Why was the holder of the whip ready to smite a fighter for fighting? Because I won. Again. See, I was on a hot streak, making bank for the Man with every punch I laid. Easy money when you've got a slave like me on a leash. But the Man got greedy. He wanted to cash out the odds, make me take the dive of my life.

And for once, I fought for myself.

I was meant to be in my own juice, twitching with no hope of tomorrow. I was meant to be a good, temporary investment. Now the Man raised his cane to do it put me down into the dirt. The body was broken - jaw snapped clean by a blow that made eyes roll. I didn't fight for the Man in White anymore, I fought for myself.

Man down.

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