Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Izzy Aureth

Izzy Aureth

NAME: "Izzy" Elizabeth Caulyn Aureth
FACTION: None right now
RANK: Jedi Padawan
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 120 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Fair


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):

Curiosity - As she grew, Izzy's curiosity was tempered through experience. With several years of Jedi training under her belt, she'd finally learned that her itch for the unknown, and curiousness could and did get her into trouble. And it was better off if she did all she could to resist the urge.

Persistence - Determined to finish what she starts, no matter what obstacle is in the way and truly determined to find her parents or what happened to them not aware of the real dangers that surrounds her.

Timid - Her timidness faded to a degree as she grew up within the Order and under Phylis Alince and a couple others. She now knows she has the strength to deal with most problems and challenges that the Galaxy throws at her. Which left her far fewer reasons to be fearful.

Naive - To some degree Izzy still has her moments of Naivety. She's still growing as a person and into a young adult, so there are still a few areas that she remains naive.

Idealist - Izzy quickly has grown attached to the Jedi Code and the principles of the Order. Enough so that she truly believes that their galaxy, their way, are better. And through them all the galaxy's problems can be solved. Though, it's never as simple as that. She still thinks it is. She's intent on doing everything she can to bring about this change.

Thou Shall Not Kill - Izzy recognizes that sometimes violence is necessary. She will try to avoid lethal violence, but if the need is great enough, she will directly kill. she won't like it, and will almost always have some sort of emotional backlash from it.


The girl's got bright blue eyes, long raven colored hair that falls just a few inches below her shoulders, and still tall and slender as ever. She maintains a simple Jedi like appearance with plain clothing, lightsaber on her belt and little to no extra possessions of any kind. She leans to the thin side of the scale. Her hair is long, raven colored, and falls a few inches below her shoulders. Of course, she's gained a few more scars over the last few years, but that's about all that's truly changed in the last few years.


A page from Izzy's journal, age 11:

Lost, I think that's the word to use for what I feel. Alone, abandoned, nothing. Parents gone, left me, couldn't take care of me. So one night they tucked me in, read me a story and when morning came, they were no where to be found. Alone ... Just too little to do this. How do you survive when there is no one but you? With nothing. No parents. People aren't kind that I see. No one cares about a girl lost in the crowd. Might as well be invisible.

A page from Izzy's Journal, age 18:

So life has changed. It's changed a lot. I got picked up off the streets a few years ago by a kindhearted Jedi Master by the name of Phylis Alince who helped to train me. There were a couple others that came into my life to give me additional training. I still don't know what happened to my family. They're still gone without a sign. I don't know if I'll ever find them now. And in part, I'm almost ... almost willing to let that go. Not yet, but it's nearly time I think.

Over the last few years, I've been learning with those other masters and away from Phylis, but soon they've said I can return to her. And I can't wait. Who would have thought I'd have developed such fondness for a woman I once tried to pickpocket. That attempted theft gave me a new life, so I can't complain. I believe it's time I start using this second chance at life to help the galaxy become a better place. Somehow I'll work that out, change things... make it better. Still, I don't have as much experience as I want or would like. I mostly stayed within the temple walls these last few years. Hopefully I'll get to travel more now and learn, hunt down artifacts and all that.

Stars know, how much has changed for me. I'm certainly not that little girl I once was, lost, terrified and fearful of everything. I was just trying to survive back then. And it wasn't easy. Things aren't easy now, but in different ways. At least I'm not starving, I've got a roof over my head and clothes on my back as well as the training needed to take care of myself. And I suppose that counts for something.

SHIP: None Presently.



The Basics of Life

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