Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Izzy's Workshop

Isaiah Dashiell


Image Credit:

Name: [The Names of the Flora]

Homeworld: [Where is the Flora located in the Galaxy, where does it originate from?]

Development Thread: LINK
Average Measurements:
Length: Vines can reach as far as 10 Meters from the central flower
Height: While the vines themselves can reach as long as 10 Meters in length, the flower itself is around 15 meters tall from the bottom of the stalk to the bulb.

Cultivation Requirements:
  • Type I Atmosphere
  • Animal Protein
  • Access to sunlight
  • Moderate amounts of water
  • Soil/Earth

Distinctions: The ____ is a large plant-based life form native to the Mandalorian forests, jungles and swamps. Usually green with a bulb that blossoms in the fall and winter the giant plant is actually aware of its surroundings and carnivorous. Unlike other similar plants, this plant's "teeth" are not only designed to trap pray but also drain them of their blood. When it blossoms the petals range in color from vibrant reds to dark violets. Its vines are designed to blend in with the surrounding forest and act in a similar way to a spider's web. They are sensitive to vibrations and reach out ten meters from the central flower. In order to lure its prey it releases sweet smelling pheromones that pacify the prey leading it into a false sense of security until the vines wrap around the prey and drop it into its gaping maw.
  • Vines are strong enough to lift humans and other large prey, keeping it constrained
  • Pheromones
  • Skin is thick enough to withstand blaster bolts
  • Can survive weeks without a meal
  • Stationary
  • Skin cannot deflect lightsabers
  • Still feels pain from blasters even if it does not burn through
  • Knives and ballistic firearms cut through skin and vines

Average Growth Cycle: [How long does it take the plant to grow?]
Average Life: [How long does the plant survive when properly cared for? How long does it maintain freshness once harvested?]

Nutritional Value: High in Protein and other essential vitamins and minerals. Tastes like wild boar when roasted.

History: [Describe an abridged history of the Flora. When was it discovered, originally cultivated, created in a lab, etc etc.]

Intent: To explain what nearly killed Isaiah and Magdelena on Mandalore and add to the plethora of deadly creatures the planet seems to have gathered

Isaiah Dashiell



Name: Fragment
Designation: Semi-Sentient/Non-Sentient
Homeworld: Orax
Language: Very primitive series of electromagnetic pulses
Average Lifespan: Several thousand years, often until erosion
Estimated Population: Several trillion consciousnesses

Average height of adults: .3-3 Meters
Average length of adults: .2-8 Meters
Skin color: None
Hair color: None
Distinctions: The Fragment are a subspecies of Shard that unlike their cousins, are found far from the natural salt water hotsprings of Orax and are mostly found in caves and on clifsides in large numbers. Unable to seperate themselves through sheer will like the Shard, the Fragment can split if they grow too large. Appearing in various colors just like the Shard they can also inhabit compatible droid bodies. Unlike the Shard, a single Fragment can grow its own colony, essentially spreading to any compatible surface.

Breathes: None
  • Like its cousin, Fragments live for thousands of years. While their minds aren't nearly as developed as that of a Shard and they don't speak of any sort of philosophical topics they are rather stupid, however they live for a long time.
  • Because their electromagnetic communication is so primitive compared to the complex ones of the Shard, it is much easier to transfer Fragments into new compatible droid bodies.
  • The Fragment is made of a much more fragile crystal structure than the Shard. As such, basic and primitive ballistic firearms can kill them.
  • The Fragment are unable to split from their colonies through sheer will like the Shard making them mostly immobile and at the mercy of other sentient species.

Races: None

Diet: None
Communication: Primitive Electromagnetic signals
Culture: The intelligence of the Fragment can be likened to that of an animal. Their intelligence spikes however the more Fragments are in communication with one another and also the larger their colony is, which grows over long periods of time. Because of this the Shard and the human colonists of Orax use them as beasts of burden and guard animals. The Shard have gone through several stages of acceptance of their animalistic cousins.
Technology level: [Describe societal technology level]
General behavior: [Describe general behaviors]

History: While they have always lived alongside the Shard, because they at the time of discovery did not produce similar signals to that of the Shard it was deemed that they were somehow simply just bouncing residual electromagnetic waves off from the Shard conversing. It was later discovered however that they were indeed communicating with one another on a very basic level. Their intelligence has been equated to that of a pack animal.

When Omni intervened in the Calmity War on Orax that nearly destroyed all human life on the planet, it took the Fragments and began inserting them into killing machines that would follow a Shard leader into battle. Often times the droids would take on the shapes of animals and monsters as they were seen to have a higher killing efficiency than humanoid droids. After the Calmity War and the fall of Omni the factory that was producing them from one of the largest Fragment colonies on Orax was shut down and most of the active Fragment droids were destroyed, killing many Fragments in the process.

Stepping in, Dharma, the leader of a group of Shard that were helping the humans against Omni's Shard sympathizers, sought to put them to a better use. Along with Bankei and their company, Bankei Technologies, the two designed droids that were compatible with the Fragments and cannibalized Omni's factory, incorporating it into Bankei Technologies' factory. The new Fragment droids were left to roam the planet, spreading seeds throughout the land. Now Bankei Technologies produces droid bodies designed for single Fragments as pets for both humans and Shards alike. However, because of Dharma's actions many of Omni's more violent, much larger Fragment Colony monsters roam the planet as well. They hunt and destroy the friendly Fragments and humans that wander the wilds. It is rumored that one of Omni's factories still produces these Colony monsters as no matter how much they are hunted down more seem to pop up all the time.

Notable Player-Characters: None

Intent: [Describe the plan for this species. NOTE: This section alone can have your species dismissed. Species created on a whim or for purposes to undermine the integrity of Star Wars will not be approved.]

Isaiah Dashiell


Name: Creia Xiao
Loyalties: GUIDE
Role: Pathfinder Trainer

Development Threads: [Please link to threads where this character has played a role with the FULL NAME of the thread. Not mandatory, but helpful, especially when powerful or skilled NPCs are involved. Master level NPCs will require at least one development thread, the length dependent on their powers and skills.]

Age: 43
Species: Human {Atrisian Descent}

Appearance: Relatively unremarkable, Creia Xiao is of average height and athletic build. With a mostly shaved head and a muscular physique even in her armor she has been called intimidating and manly by her male students. She also proudly displays the scar down her neck where a Starweird almost took her life. She also bears tattoos resembling those from the various criminal organizations of Atrisia, a green and red serpent down her back.

Personality: Despite her rough training and poor upbringing Creia is not a hard-ass and is in fact a very happy go lucky spirit. It is as if the spirit of exploration resides in her. Because of this she puts all her experience and all of her feelings into training new GUIDE Pathfinders. Creia is also affectionately called Mum by many of the younger GUIDE Pathfinders (as most Pathfinders actually never learned under her as she is relatively new in her position).

Force Sensitivity: No

Weapon of Choice: Blaster Pistol

  • Map Making
  • Map Reading
  • Survival Skills
  • Military Training
  • Shooting
  • Language Learning {Knows or understands Several Dozen Languages fluently}
  • Navigation

Wealth: While not personally wealthy, she does make a good living for herself. Her room and board is mostly paid for due to the fact that she lives on the Beacon of Broadcast, GUIDE's mobile HQ.

Combat Function: As she was trained as a Stormtrooper for the Atrisian military her combat functions are variable. She can function as a sniper, assault trooper or even simply a guard. However, as GUIDE is a non-militant group most of her "function" would be escape and evasion from the critters of the Galaxy.

Notable Possessions: Husband's wedding band.

History: Trained as an Atrisian Stormtrooper for the Atrisian Empire, Creia lived most of her life on her homeworld of Atrisia. She grew up poor but through perseverance and a little luck was able to apply to and get in to the Atrisian Naval Academy where she trained for several years before becoming a Stormtrooper. She served her country faithfully for years, however when the Royal Family began to crumble from Sith influence she along with several other Stormtroopers fled the ensuing Civil War. They became mercenaries, fighting for whoever paid the most credits. At times it was the Republic, others the Sith Empire or Omega Protectorate. Eventually the small band of Stormtroopers gone Mercenary left just her with the others either dead or retired. But she couldn't get enough of exploring the Galaxy. She always wanted to know more, and so she hung up her armor and began her life as a Spacer. With her knack for learning languages she was easily able to traverse even the most remote worlds.

She partied on Zeltros, arm wrestled a Mandalorian in Keldabe, hunted in the Shadowlands and dove deep beneath the frozen Oceans of Arenzeb. Eventually the explorer was approached via Holomail pondering if she wanted a job doing what she loved. She took it immediately and never looked back. Joining GUIDE was the best thing that could have happened to her. There she met her husband, started a family of explorers and all was well. Unfortunately her exploring days were cut short when during Hyperspace her ship was attacked by Starwierds. Her family was slaughtered and she was barely left alive. The details were kept under wraps by GUIDE so as not to put their growing numbers at risk, but Lea told anyone who asked to the dismay of certain shareholders. She lost both her legs in the attack as well as her family and decided it was time to put down the map.

Before she could leave though she was offered a new position. Senior GUIDE Pathfinder. She was to train the growing number of Pathfinders and keep track loosely of the Pathfinders deployed. She mostly stayed on the Beacon of Broadcast, GUIDE's flagship and mobile HQ, but sometimes she finds herself giving guest lectures at the Levantine Astronautical Academy and Coruscant University.

Intent: [State why you are making this submission. Is the character there to assist with faction roleplays, to help train your character, or provide an antagonist for dominions or something else entirely?]

Isaiah Dashiell


Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
Intent: To create an exploration suit designed by GUIDE for GUIDE Pathfinders
Development Thread: (The main way people work for their toys, though most submissions don't require a development thread. Restricted items require specific development threads. Substantial development threads can help judges approve more powerful submissions. If in doubt, put 'If necessary,' and a judge may or may not ask you for one. Threads cited here must be at least 10 quality posts and must be cited as the full thread title, no abbreviations.)
  • Design: Input from GUIDE Pathfinders
  • CETO
Model: PA-1
Affiliation: GUIDE Members, Usually Pathfinders or Scribes
Modularity: (Can components of this submission be swapped out for other components? Is it especially easy to modify? For most submissions, put 'No'.)
Production: Minor
Classification: Other
Weight: (Via Metric System. Appropriate weight varies by quality, material, and character species. For example, standard Mandalorian armor is around 10 kg. Armor made of true Mandalorian iron, or a full set of combat gear for a soldier in the field, can be around 25kg. For special items, try to find the weight of a real-world equivalent.)
Quality: 5
Special Features:
  • Super Compact Jet propulsion unit
  • Utility Belt
  • Scanner (Need to elaborate)
  • Integrated HUD
  • Integrated Explorer's Datapad and Hologram projector {Left Forearm/Wrist}
  • Personal Energy Shield
  • Mag Boots
  • Geiger Counter
  • Radiation Deflector Badge
  • 3 Hours Oxygen capacity {50 Min if in intense combat}
  • Semi-Permanent Magnet shoulder and waist holster (For two-handed blasters)
  • Integrated comlink
  • Audio/Video recorder
  • Flexible
  • Sealed Suit; Usable in a vacuum and places with high amounts of radiation/Air pollutants
  • Excellent Mobility via compact jetpack
  • Offer little in the way of protection from military grade weaponry
(Include some strengths and weaknesses here. Describe some of the history behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)
Primary Source:

Isaiah Dashiell


Images: Please provide a line of credit (Ex. Image By So & So) and link to the original artist if you are using an image to illustrate your Submission. If you cannot find the original artist, then please provide a link to where you discovered the image. If necessary, use an image search service such as TinEye to find the image's original location.

Name: Oraxian Water Buffalo
Designation: Non-Sentient
Homeworld: Orax
Language: N/A
Average Lifespan: 35 Yrs
Estimated Population: Between 5 and 600,000 {Considered endangered on Orax}

Average height of adults: 1-1.7 Meters
Average length of adults: 1.7-3.4 Meters
Skin color: [List commons skin colors]
Hair color: Various shades of brown
  • Long, stocky bodies
  • Large horns
  • Wiry black manes

Breathes: Type I
  • Great strength
  • Able swimmer
  • Fast runner
  • Able to defend itself

  • Broken legs are a death sentence
  • Hunted for ivory in their horns
  • Succumb to sickness easily

Races: N/A

Diet: Hardy grasses
  • Groans
  • Moos
  • Snorts
The Oraxian Water Bu
Technology level: [Describe societal technology level]
General behavior: [Describe general behaviors]

History: [Describe an abridged history. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn, this is where to add links to the thread(s) where your new species was developed. A development thread, whether of creation or discovery, is required for all genetically engineered/alchemically created life forms being submitted to the Factory.]

Notable Player-Characters: [List player-characters]

Intent: [Describe the plan for this species. NOTE: This section alone can have your species dismissed. Species created on a whim or for purposes to undermine the integrity of Star Wars will not be approved.]

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