Jacen Alexander Abrams was born on the Industrial planet of Ession during the chaotic wars between the "Great Three", the Republic, the Mandalorians, and the Sith Empire. His father, Hugh Joseph Abrams, was a captain in the Ession Defense Force throughout his early childhood and later a senior officer of the Peacekeeper Corps. belonging to the Reformation. The Abrams family itself extended from a long line of military and public service, Jacen was no exception.
Raised by a loving family and instilled with traits passed down by his father, Jace was taught at a young age the value of honor and integrity. A strong sense of duty was carried by his father, the same duty Jace would eventually inherit later on in his life. When the Reformation came, the planetary political landscape changed dramatically. Corporate authorities and entities that ruled most of the political bodies were ousted out and replaced by representatives of the people. A strong sense of nationalism sweeped across the planet that had never occurred in such a way throughout the entire history of the planet. It was beautiful.
Jace remembered fondly the calls for Essonian service in the second "Army of Light" and it's driving goals of bringing the galaxy back to a state of peace. The Reformation was a source of hope, a beacon of light that rose to combat the threat of the One Sith that perverted the Core Worlds. It was a glorious cause, a noble cause. The boy could see the call in his father's eyes, a man of action, he met the call with open arms. That was the last time he saw his father, the next day he left to join the Peacekeeper Corps. to aid the New Jedi Order in their crusade.
As the political landscape of Ession changed, so too did it's landmarks. The greatest of which was the Grand Jedi Temple of the New Jedi Order that rallied forth on Ession, the new home of the Army of Light. The fondest memory of his childhood was in the silhouette of the Temple, Jace and his friends basked in the sunlight as it cast over the glistening walls. They fought with homemade lightsabers formed from broken rods and debris, pretending they were Jedi Lords fighting the One Sith and their dark allies. It was such a beautiful day.
Terrible news hit home, his father had been killed in combat during a peacekeeping mission in the Mid Rim, slain by a Sith Warrior. His body wasn't recovered in the chaos, it was a short military funeral with only a picture to remember him by. Jace would never forget that day, or the Sith for what they had taken from him. From that day onward, he would emulate his father and live up to the same duty to his people he carried in life.
Years passed by like a fleeting shadow, Jacen became a man. The Reformation had changed, the Dominion emerged from the movement and continued the fight against the Sith and the secretive Primeval. With the same sense of duty as his father before him, he enlisted and joined the Dominion's ranks to fight. Maybe it was a way of keeping his father alive in his memory, maybe it was the way the same call his father felt that came to him. Nonetheless, when the time came, he joined without hesitation or second thoughts.
The horrors of war flashed before Abrams's eyes, the perverted and destructive nature of those who served the Dark Side scarred him. To believe that anyone was capable of such dark acts challenged the beliefs of Jacen, yet the deaths didn't break him, he pushed on. He had to, for his people, for his father. It all came full circle with the Razing of Ession at the hands of the reconstituted Sith Empire, his home, his people were butchered while it rained fire. Jacen did what he could to save as many as possible, a fruitless endeavour, there was no way to save them all.
Five years, five long years his people wandered, displaced, broken. A new hope appeared in the form of the last heir to the throne of Ession. Cedric Grayson, Jedi Master, rallied his people together for the first time since the glassing of their world. With him came a spiritual movement, a resurgence in belief, Jacen nearly broken found faith. The Ashla preserved them, it guided them to return to the Core, it gave them strength. The Sons of Ession rallied forth, Jacen reuniting with his people under the leadership of Grayson, took back Coruscant from the depths of corruption and despair.
A new light shined bright in the Core Worlds, a beacon of hope. The cause was not lost. The Imperium was born.
Yet, his service was not to last under the great bastion of light. Upon reunification with the Republic and the creation of the Galactic Alliance once more, the warrior left with many Sons of Ession to rejoin his people. To lead them to a new home across the stars away from hardships brought against them.