Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Short Change Hero


Age30 GSY
SpeciesHuman (Corellian)
GenderMale (he/him)
Height6’2” (1.8m)
Weight190lbs (86kg)
Force SensitiveUndetermined
Faction(s)League of Autonomous Worlds
Spacers Alliance
ShipFirefly (Dal Una class YF-450 heavy armored freighter)



-|| APPEARANCE: Jacen is a middle aged man with brown hair, grayish-blue eyes, and a shadowy stubble. He stands at an impressive 6’2 and has an athletic build from years spent loading freighters and working with his hands. His typical attire ranges from an armored flightsuit to casual spacers clothing, usually of Corellian style.

[+] Lots of Lights and Switches Up Here: Despite lacking classical training, Jacen is an impressive pilot. He’d attribute his skills to being Corellian, but he’s been flying since he was 10.​
[+] Big Iron on His Hip: Jacen’s had his own vibroknife since he could talk, and a blaster since he could walk. He’s quick with a blaster and not afraid to scrap.​
[±] Team Player: Growing up on freighters and space stations have instilled the value of teamwork in Jacen. He gets along with his crew while holding them accountable when necessary.​
[±] Is This Thing On?: While good with starships, podracers, and speeders, Jacen prefers to leave higher technical or mechanical projects to the “professionals” - anyone who’s not him.​
[-] For the Altitude: Jacen never cared much for spice, but he’s been known to enjoy a celebratory line (or two) after a job well done.​
[-] Jesus Walks, Money Talks: Morals usually matter to Jacen, but it’s hard to pass up on a good payday.​

-|| BIOGRAPHY: Jacen Terrik is a seasoned Corellian spacer who has spent the majority of his life navigating the vastness of space aboard freighters and space stations. Born to a humble family of farmers, Jacen's early years were marked by hardship. His family, struggling to make ends meet, made the difficult decision to sell their beloved farmland to purchase a starship, a lifeline that would eventually become their home and livelihood.

Growing up amidst the freighting and smuggling business, Jacen quickly learned the ropes, assisting his family as they traversed the Mid-Rim territories. The galaxy was his classroom, and each star system offered new lessons in survival and cunning. By the time he was old enough to strike out on his own, Jacen was well-versed in the ways of spacefaring life. Eager to carve out his own path, Jacen initially stowed away on dozens of ships. He worked tirelessly for credits when he could, and settled for food when he couldn't. His perseverance paid off when he finally saved enough to purchase a second-hand ship from an old family friend on Ord Mantell. He named his new vessel the Firefly, a symbol of hope and freedom in the dark expanse of space.

As a young man, Jacen aligned himself with the Rimward Trade League (RTL), a coalition that provided him with lucrative opportunities. He made a decent living smuggling spice into the Core worlds, navigating the dangerous and often lawless routes with skill and precision. However, the collapse of the RTL forced Jacen to adapt once more. He shifted his operations back to the Mid-Rim, where he continued to ply his trade, albeit under more challenging circumstances.
In recent times, with the rise of the League of Autonomous Worlds, Jacen has found new purpose. He has returned to the Spacers Alliance, a collective dedicated to restoring the Outer Rim and rebuilding the freighting networks that once thrived there.


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