NAME: Jack Holland
FACTION: Unknown
RANK: N/A (Formerly Dominion Peacekeeper Officer)
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 180 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark
SKIN: Fair-skinned.

- [+] Soldier: He's a soldier born and bred. Discipline, following orders, and all of the necessary combat skills have been embedded into his mind. Serving, fighting, and protecting come as naturally to him as breathing.
- [+] Officership: Holland is a natural born leader. Quick to smile, smooth talk and get his point across. A man of the men under his command, he does everything in his power to get the mission done and get the boys back home to their families.
- [+] Enhanced: After being so graciously saved from the cusp of death, his architects have granted him peerless strength, augmented reflexes along with inhuman endurance.
- [-] Colorblind: Not the worst ailment a man could have. He can see most things perfectly clearly, but wiring and small, colored objects are not things he should be tinkering with.
- [-] A lot to lose: War does a lot to a man. He's got quite a lot to lose - and acting cowardly to return home to his family isn't beyond him.
- [-] Unproven: Ever since the fall of the Dominion's government, Major Holland and throes of Peacekeepers defected to serve the new Empire that now held sovereignty over their worlds. While Jack serves to protect his home, there's a lot of things that he doesn't like about them and they don't exactly like his presence either.
- [-] Affliction: Ever since his desertion of the Sith Empire's ranks, Jack was caught. Flesh was torn asunder, his bones broken, and his entire being left for carrion birds. While he was rebuilt, mostly, aches, pains, and numerous side effects still plague the man.
Cold eyes, sharp features, and an easy smile. Body built to human perfection over the course of nearly a decade spent serving his nation. Jack succumbs easily to both anger and happiness, so his outward expressions often vary. A jagged scar is etched across his face, a battle-born trophy gifted by sword's edge during the Dominion's expansive outreaches.
However, he is no longer that handsome, stalwart soldier that he used to be. After defecting from the empire's service, he was captured, tortured, and deposited into the depths of hell for nobody to find him. However, the Architect did. Ever since their joining, the Architect has rebuilt Jack into more of a machine than man. Metal holds his bones together, much of his flesh is synthetic, amongst other organ replacements. Ever since that day, Jack has adopted a wardrobe style that consists of long robes, light armor, and whatever fabric he can use to cover himself from the sun's harmful rays.
Hailing from humble beginnings, Jack Holland is the son of a pair of wealthy merchants from Serenno. Sharing their homeworld, he grew up with everything being handed to him. A top-notch education, all of the newest technology, and a free ride to wherever he wanted to go. It a nice life and the young man had his eyes set on the same fates as his parents. Living peacefully, playing the game of corporations and economics.
However, that just didn't seem too fulfilling.
Doing something important, going on an adventure, and exploring worlds were things he craved on a daily basis. The desire for his importance was so strong that he began developing "hellish" behavior, as his folks liked to call it. Sneaking out of the house to party with friends, taking trips offworld to experience new things, and getting tangled up in whatever trouble his buddies were in. Be it stealing a speeder, reprogramming a droid with mirthful quirks, or just your average civil disobedience.
That is, until he met Shenna. The most beautiful creature he'd ever laid eyes upon. One fateful night stemming from a nightclub party, then leading back to Jack's room saw the two soulmates intertwine that quickly. She was everything he was missing from life. Smart, funny, and just the best person he'd ever met. Shenna changed him for the better. Jack cut off all of his wild and obnoxious behavior, settling down for the first time in years. The two explored together, adventured together, and spend the better part of their teenage years in ignorant and youthful bliss.
It all was cut short when the war broke out, erupting at the worst possible moment in their lives.
Their lovey-dovey bliss was immediately halted when Jack was drafted. Summoned to war by the powers above. They gave him a uniform, a rifle and taught him everything from being a soldier to being a man. They straightened him out real quick, pounding the concepts of duty, honor, and loyalty into his thick skull above everything else.
Then he was deployed. Dispatched to the most outlying parts of Dominion space, he saw combat. A visceral thing, it was. Terrifying, blood-curdling, and bone chilling acts of violence and aggression. It scarred him, but he got used to it. And honestly, that was the part he was the most worried about. If he would be a different man when he came back to Shenna.
But thankfully, the war was over as quickly as it had started. Getting home as fast as he possibly could, he dropped down on one knee for Shenna the second she opened her door.
Jack and Shenna married, lived as freely as they possibly could. It was happiness all over again, it didn't matter who ruled them, just as long as they were together. A third addition to the family soon made an appearance. Alayna, the most perfect and precious girl that could possibly bless his life.
Together, Shenna and Alayna were things worth fighting for.
That's what he told himself when he was called to serve once again - this time under a new banner, though not for long.
- GS-100 Salvage Ship, "Blight"
- A280 Blaster Rifle
- DL-44 Blaster Pistol
- Zevronce-class Armor w/ Underlay
- Sentinel-series Utility Belt
- LE-series Repair Droid, "Leo"
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A