Nathan North
The Scavenger
Name: Nathan NorthAlias: Jack North, Handsome Jack
Home Planet: Tatooine
Faction: Lords of the Fringes
Rank: Salvager/Smuggler, Rogue Padawan
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 181
Hair: Sandy Brown, lived on Tatooine and like most you may find clumps of sand in his hair.
Skin: Tan Light
Eyes: Blue
Force Sensitive: Yes
Strengths and Weaknesses (2 Weaknesses minimum):
(+) Athletic: Nathan has a personal gym on his ship which allows him to train his body, resulting in enhanced strength and stamina.
(+) Survivor: Jack is a survivor, he survived the Sith and he survived Tatooine.
(+) Great Pilot: Living out of his ship, Nathan has had a long time to learn how to pilot like a pro.
(+) Strong Sword Combatant: Being trained in ataru and niman, Jack is a skilled fighter with a lightsaber in his hand, though he prefers to use a regular sword.
(+) Protection to Mind-affecting force abilities: Says it all.
(+) Mechanic: Nathan is very good with tools and knows how to fix an engine.
(-) Juvenile: Nathan is a bit immature and disrespectful even if he doesn't mean it.
(-) Hates sand: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." - Darth Vader, Dark Lord of The Sith
(-) Trusting: Nathan trusts most anybody he crosses and has a poor judgement of character. He listens to what random people tell him and this can lead to problems about the dark side tricking him.
(-) Deaf to the Force: Nathan lost his connection to the force
Personality: Trusting, optimistic, charismatic, laid back, joker, honest, juvenile.
Appearance: As Above
Biography: Nathan was born on Tatooine to a few farmers and spent a miserable 8 years of his life in the pit before he finally left/ His parents were poor, as most Tatooine residents were, but they tried to make a living as best they could for their family. Nathan wasn't the only child in the family, he had a total of 8 siblings. The oldest was Jack, a man who had a rough childhood taking care of his brothers and fell in with the gangsters and was killed on a job, then came the second son, Adrian, who was a no good spice addict who lounged around the house all day being useless. Then Nathan was born and he probably would have ended up another pile of trash nobody could give to spits about, but he had a gift his brothers didn't, the force. One day a Jedi Master came to his lowly homestead and picked up Nathan, he never got to see his twin baby sister's be born.
He left his family, but only after being forced to by his parents, he had many reservations about leaving his family behind. He didn't like his family, but they were better than some morally questionable rave party-goers. He was trained on the facilities of Ruusan for most of his time as a Jedi Padawan, he didn't like any of the other Jedi and he barely tolerated his master. His master, Jo Kiev, was an old man who obviously suffered from the early stages of dimensia and was a grumpy old fart. Nathan paid him no attention whenever he tried to teach him about the balance of the something or whatever. The only time he paid attention during his training was in the lightsaber combat, but even then he experimented by himself instead of learning legitimate ways.
One day on his way to Tatooine as part of a mission, his master was yelling at him about something or another, force training blah blah blah. This caused Nathan to snap and while he was on the ship to head to the temple he grabbed the wheel and forced the plane down, crashing into the middle of the desert. When Nathan came to, he was surrounded by sand with a piece of metal sticking outside of his abdomen, he also had forgotten everything he knew. He got up and looked for his master and found him lying a few feet off in the sand, dead and half covered by the sand.