Jack Rand
Captain of The Love Boat

Name: Jack Rand
Home Planet: Corellia
Faction: The Republic
Rank: Republic Fleet Lieutenant
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Height: 6'1''
Weight: 164
Hair: Dark Brown
Skin: Light
Eyes: Blue
Force Sensitive: Yes, Slightly
Strengths and Weaknesses
- Great Pilot: Graduating at the top of his piloting class
- Great Shot: Jack is an amazing shot and could shoot the tail off a wompa rat.
- Charming: People find it hard to be turned away from Jack due to his unique sense of humour and charismatic personality.
- Loyal: Jack lies all his beliefs in the Republic, to a point where he secretly depends on them.
- Friendly: Jack gets along with almost everybody.
- Strategist: Jack is by no means the smartest, nor best trained, Admiral, but he still has enough wit to fight against some of his superiors for an elongated time
- Uses environment: If you're in an alley, he'll hit you with the trash. If you're in a hallway, he'll hit you with the pipes. If you're in a desert, he'll hit you with the sand.
- Strong: Due to his past with farming, Jack is a rather strong person.
- Survivalist: Jack knows how to survive with only the bare minimum.
- Grand Optimist: It takes a lot to put Jack down.
- Lucky: Jack has insane luck and is known to survive ridiculous scenarios somehow.
- Can fly a chair: Yes this is a thing, and yes he can do it.
- Engineer: Jack knows his way around mechanics and is somewhat of a grease-monkey.
- Brawler: Jack has never had any formal training in any of the martial arts, so he taught himself how to fight. It works well when fighting grunts and his strength provides an extra edge to his fighting, but he won't stand much of a chance against strong fighters.
- Overconfident: Jack usually fights battles that he can't fight, believing that he will win.
- Weak hand to hand fighter: While a good brawler and strong, if Jack fights anyone who knows what they are doing he won't win.
- Hopeless Romantic: Jack wants love, but he doesn't find it.
- Doesn't understand the force, doesn't want to.
- Narcissist: Jack loves to talk about himself and praise himself, but not to the level of putting other beneath him.
- Non-Serious: If anything becomes too intense for Jack he switches to humour, this is a trait he has a hard time overcoming.
- Distracted by Attractiveness: Jack usually gets distracted by attractive looking men and women, despite their loyalties or if he is in the middle of a fight.
- Weak to physical Force powers: Jack can quite easily be ragdolled by force grip or lifted by force choke.
- Somewhat Foolish: While not an incompetent moron, Jack can be fooled by just a Republic outfit or Jedi outfit especially if said person gets bossy with Jack. That said, getting past Jack's defenses is not difficult.
- Always wants to get into the fight: Sometimes Jack will ditch his position just to try and fight, much to the annoyance of his superiors.
- Flirts with everything... EVERYTHING

Personal Traits
Personality: Competent, Friendly, Family Man, Flirtatious, Charismatic, Friendly, Charming, Humorous, Foolish, Daring, Reckless.
Jack has short, dark, brown hair that is a bit messy in the front, he has deep blue eyes that have a sense of optimism and charisma in them. He is relatively fit compared to most other near-human species and can do quite a bit of brawling.
Jack essentially has one outfit that he wears at all times, consisting of multiples layers of clothing. The first layer is his Republic Navy Trench coat that has his rank of lieutenant located on the shoulder, as well as his medals located on his left breast. His second layer consists of a dress shirt of varying shades of blue ranging from deep to baby. Then beneath that he has an under-shirt for when he is in a hot area. Underneath that it's all Jack.
Habits: Flips the Idiot between his fingers.
During Jack's childhood his father went out to buy him a toy landspeeder for his son, but while he was in the city he was approached by a mugger. Jace Rand died that night from bleeding out due to multiple stab wound to the abdomen, Jack turned 7 years old that day. After his father died, Jack's uncle decided to raise him eventually sending him to the Republic Academy for Boys.
After his father was killed, Jack was sent to live with his uncle [member=Friedrich Stahlmann] A man who Jack had never met before in his life, but quickly learned to admire. Friedrich took charge of Jack's education and care taking, but he had to spend a lot of his time trying to climb the ladder of the Republic Navy. He spent quite a bit of time with Friedrich from ages 7-12 when Friedrich was not having to be sent out all the time and it was during this that Jack began to admire and want to be like the stoic man.
Then Stahlmann had to leave constantly, causing Jack to miss him, but also strive to be more like him. When Jack turned 16 he enrolled himself in the Republic Academy for Boys and quickly became one of the top students the school had ever had. He tried his hardest to be like Friedrich during his time here, but found that he had a harder time keeping attention and being treated seriously. Jack was a joker who was always after the ladies, this distracted him from what he could be when he grew up. Due to this Jack's natural abilities began to diminish as he got into deathsticks.
This lifestyle would continue until Friedrich returned when Jack turned 21 and somehow he managed to revitalize the inspiration Jack once had for the Republic Navy. He began training hard and allying himself to class more and by the time he graduated, Jack was the top student in the school and was granted a full Republic Navy permission. Jack now works underneath his uncle as a lieutenant, but one day he will have a ship of his own, then may God have mercy on the galaxy.
Jack Rand's Pocket Watch
Mina and Jorge
The Distant Thunder
Some day *tears start swelling up*
[member=Friedrich Stahlmann] (Uncle)
Friends and Allies:
Rivals and Enemies:
A New Command... A New Beginning.
Tomb Raiding
A Light in The Shadows
Trouble in Electric Lady Land
Fleeting Tournament: Round One
Look out Galaxy, Here's Rylla
The Gathering
Zeltrons Gone Wild