[member="Jack Sparrow"]
Weed out crime.... actually please don't. I like my job thanks.
Work with the Jedi, try and end the war that's been raging for too long now between The One Sith and yourselves.
Share tea and biscuits with everyone. (This one's a joke, don't actually)
Relations with The Mandolorians, SSC, The Alliance
Replace the senate with monkeys? (This one's a joke, don't actually)
Try and work with Alderaan to get some military rights on the ground?
Build more ships? Perhaps Deathstar III is in order. (Again, joke. Don't build another deathstar. Ships are cool however)
Mass recruit into the senate.
Homeless shelters! (I like this one)
Homeless helper guys! (I like this one as well. Did you know it's fifteen credits cheaper than retail at your local space aldi)
Q: What's your views on allowing force users into the senate? What's your view on them full stop?