Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Jackie Rosso

Jackie Rosso

Force SensitiveYes


Jackie is a teenage zeltron and rather typical of his species. With rather hot pink skin and deep blue hair and eyes. His hair is often greasy looking in a swept back style. Jackie is almost always seen sporting an old, black leather jacket.




Jackie is a pretty typical delinquent teen. Bad manners, bratty, opinionated and rather vulgar. Rather rebellious he dislikes most forms of authority. Internalizing much of the bad environment he grew up in. However he’s also capable of mirroring the mood and attitude of those around him. Being a zeltron raised away from others of his kind he doesn’t quite understand how to properly cope with his physiological characteristics. Often either unaware of their influence on himself or tries to use his “natural charm” to help himself whenever he can. Jackie also fancies himself an artist, just not a particularly lawful kind. He can work wonders with a single can of spray paint, and he can work miracles with multiple. However, his art isn’t always the most “PG”.


Sympath (emotional telepathy): Being a zeltron Jackie is a little too good at picking up on the emotions of others around him. Although pretty sympathetic, empathy is something that he can have trouble with.

Grease Monkey: Jackie is a rather talented mechanic. Having an intuitive knack for fixing and crafting things.


Sympath (emotional telepathy): As much as it’s helpful for Jackie, it can also be a burden that can lead him astray. Easily picking up on the bad vibes given off by those around him and easily souring his mood.

Ignorant: Jackie is not the most knowledgeable. Especially when it comes to culture and customs. He’s rather undereducated and has a poor understanding of even basic galactic history and geography. He’s a street kid and his world is about as big as the polluted city he grew up in.


Jackie didn’t know his family. He grew up in the system on Bonadan. His parents had a mismatched network of underfunded case workers, counselors and teachers that all had dozens of other troubled youths to look after. Needless to say it wasn’t a recipe for success.

From an early age Jackie was already a little trouble maker. He was a zeltron and wasn’t taught the importance of not living a life led by emotions. Years of having access to the unfiltered negativity of those around him mixed with raw force sensitivity had him turn into a punk rather quickly.

In his teens at the school he was (barely) attending Jackie got into a small swoop gang made up of his fellow delinquent youth and aspiring dropouts. Where he was useful as the lead mechanic in the group. His peers were really the closest thing he had to a family. Spending most of his time with them and getting into plenty more trouble than he already got himself into.

However, one day tragedy struck. Starting with Jackie getting antagonized by a rival gang and crashing his swoop pretty badly, leaving him hospitalized. Causing a gang war between his friends and their rivals. Which came to a tragic end when the Espos, local authorities, created an energy shield roadblock to intercept the rampaging swoop gangs. Which caused all of their repulsor engine to malfunction and created a horrific crash. Killing both gangs and leaving Jackie as the soul survivor of his. Which left him alone once again and much more bitter and angry. Which he has vented and coped with by creating numerous murals to memorialize his fiends, and also vandalizing just about every single piece of Espo property and hardware he can. Making it a bit hard for people to take them seriously with explicit artwork being plastered all over their stuff.

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