Jadd Thresh
Jadd Thresh
Age | 28 |
Species | Human |
Gender | Male |
Height | 1.88m |
Weight | 90kg |
Force Sensitive | yes |
The full body Mandalorian Beskar armor tends to leave an impression when you never take it off, the armor lacks markings and accents the only distinguishing feature's are the DE-10 pistol on his hip and a long barreled MR-90 proton rifle slong over his shoulder
MR-90 Proton rifle https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/MR-90_proton_rifle
DE-10 heavy blaster pistol
Full mandalorian beskar armor
Mandalorian jet pack
Thermal detonator
Frag gernade
Jadd is a quiet fellow with a tendency not to mince words, he's direct in word and action and if he gives his word you can bet that he will keep it. Jadd holds that once he gives his word he will always carry through on his promises only death will allow him to go back on his word. Jadd's oath given when he was a youngling holds a special place in his heart and he will one day see the rise of a renewed Mandalore this he knows and he wants to be there when Mandalore is returned to its former glory. Jadd holds the empire responsible for the loss of his homeworld and people and takes any chance he can get to cause the empire and its minions greif whenever he can.
Beskar armor - wears the armor always and never takes it off, it provides a undeniably good defense and is near impervius to common blaster fire and lightsabers
Jet pack - provides an air option for battles and offers superb manoeuverability
Military grade training - be it fists or a blaster or anything in between he kows how to use it or will figure it out quickly
Accurate - Jadd's skills with a blaster are some of the best around he might not hit every single shot but hes good real good
Imposing - a mandalorian in a full suit of beskar tends to have three effects on people fear by far the most common which tends to cause irrationality in even the innocent greed some see a mandalorian in full armor and wonder how many credits they could get for the suit and the last is simply challenge some see a fully kitted out mandalorian and see them as a challenge or worthy foe
Commited to the armor - staying in armor nearly full time can be a challenge eating becomes a chore and bathrooms become a challenge of their own best eat a stable bland diet so theres no emergencies as taking off armor is rather inconvienient
Agoraphobia - outside of his armor Jadd gets very twitchy and nervous probably because he had a nasty encounter when someone tried to rob him when he wasn't in it now he even wears the armor to bed its his protection his shell his home and woe be unto the being who would dare take it from him death might be a mercy
Jadd had been on Mandalore as a youngling and had just recieved his full suit of armor that his parents had scrimped and saved for years to afford him and yet the day he donned the armor his world was turned upside down as the empire started attacking the planet and only through luck did he escape however his parents were not so lucky. Jadd took up bounty hunting and earned enough buy a ship but before he did that he ran accross the death watch though he took up the creed and joined he left knowing that he might never find another covert again. Jadd has spent the last few years sniping the occasion squad of storm troopers with the MR-90 when he knew he could get away with it and bounty hunting and he has a old fasioned book he has marked every kill of a storm trooper he has ever made his goal kill enough storm troopers to account for the entire losses of Mandalore and while this goal is unrealistic he has made quite a bit of progress over the years. One incident during his early years haunts him he had just taken off his armor and used the refresher when greedy thieves broke into his room thinking him asleep and then ended up shooting him in the buttocks as he scrambled to get his DE-10 loaded ever since he has a scarred buttocks and a fear of taking off his armor that refuses to go away should someone actually steam his armor they are liable to find themselves facing a near insane mad Mandalorian who desperately wants to be back in his armor.
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