Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Jade Orochi

Jade Orochi

Weight115 lbs
Force SensitiveNegative, No Force Sensitivity, though she preforms Magic


Long Black Hair, Pale Skin, Perrywinkle Blue Eyes, and Snake Skin Attire.


Great Fang Long Sword
Green Snake Skin Dress
Green Snake Skin Colored Armor


Jade is a ferocious fighter, and when not triaining or fighting she has a rather insepid personality, getting agitated easily. She especially is insufferable during certain times of the month.


Serpentine Sword Style:

The way she fights is like a snake, using her Great Fang blade to strike as viper, pointing it above her head often to bear down on prey.

Having lived among Anacondans since she was an infant she has learned to contort her body in any position.


Social Ques and Manners:

She does not know how to behave around other humans, often offending or digusting them, force example eating a womp rat live…

Heat Violence:
During certain times of the year her eyes shift to a yellow and she became vicious and violent. Making her dangerous. This has to do with a cycle for knotting.

She has a tends to speak in a manner with the intent of infuritafing and deliberately hurt other sentient’s feelings.


Jade was raised by a Giant Anacondan named Uga who took carw of her with her Anacondan brothers and sisters. She was raised in the jungles Yashuvhu. There she became a skilled huntress and warrior. She forged a sword from The Great Ituga’s Fang.

Jade believes it is her diry to protect all Anacondanians. For they are often mistreated as pests in the galaxy. The persecution of her people has made her bloodthirsty to avenge them against those who think they can trod on the head of serpents…
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