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Approved Lore Jadeite Collection Collection #39

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
  • Media Name: Jadeite Collection #
  • Format: Holocron Section
  • Distribution: Unique
  • Length: Medium
  • Description: To further expand and dive into Matsu Ike's holocron offering insights, information and in some cases rare instances of the force.
  • Author: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
  • Publisher: Self
  • Reception: N/A
Created as part of Matsu's holocron it serves as a roadmap and training aid giving information about the jedi's various research and discoveries

The White Ward, a name that few f any know or will remember. The Jedi order in the wake fo the ONe SIth attacking the jedi order on Coruscant. An Army of Light formed.. one of several that formed each time one of the jedi believed the order was not acting fast enough... serious enough against the forces of the Darkside..... but an Army only serves for so long and their Jedi Lords had a wanting to be in charge believing themselves the superior to others and that they would know how to properly do everything. So they devised a plan.. they would create something.. a weapon or several weapons that would be under the banners of the sith but would be there for them to defeat after it had pushed people to the jedi and wanting the Jedi Lords to properly rule over them.. the galaxy would be so chaotic all eyes would want them to rule over and stop the danger.... but something happened.

The Armies of Light in the galaaxy never lastged long and those wanting to lead them usually drifted away to another interest... which left whatever they had done to be cleaned up by others. This lab was one of them.. Lightspawn created by the jedi to act like falsase sith that would drive people to be servants of the jedi. Devoid of most personality and limitations when it came to conscious or morality. WHen the Army of light at least this one disappeared as quickly as they appeared.. the Ward and its contents.. these jedi forged and created lightspawn that are programmed and made to appear as a powerful sithspawn... were kept there. That their bodies are meant to be duraable and the greatest weakness sithspawn have the lightside of the force doesn't harm them easily... it makes them appear much more powerful then they really are.

A break down of what we know.. their bodies are stronger... senses sharper.. they are not invincible but lightside based abailities that would normally invoke pain or harm a sithspawn do not affact the lightspawn. INstead it is the inverse the darkside does exceptionally more damage to them and with their conditioning they are deeply ingrained in the darkside usage of the force which shortens their lifespans. It is a contingency plan that would should the army face one who couldn't be beaten as easily as they planned it would eventually destroy itself with the darkside which would allow them to point out the dangers of the darkside degrading the bodyt ot he point it falls apart and kills the one using it. Their conditioning has them workign to establish a form of empire that can be of various sizes.

Then they would use that to oppress the people, to spread the influences of the darkside and for the ones with real potential in it that they can identify they would eliminate as part of the rule of the strong. THhen they would be beaten by the armies of lightto inspire the people to serve and be ruled by the jedi lords of the army that would establish an empire ofthe lightside of the force. The research and labs of the White Ward were thankfully lost but the experiments it would be inhumane to kill. Allowing them to sleep peacefully was the best hope if it could be done and only a handful of jedi masters knew about it as the armies leader vanished from the galaxy.

Created as part of the Jadeite grandmasters holocron. The file contains information to aid other jedi who know her and for future generations with a gatekeeper of the jedi master.
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