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Approved Lore Jadeite Jedi Units

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
  • Army Name: Jedi Strike Teams
  • Classification: Specialized Units
  • Affiliation: Jadeite
  • Army Symbol: N/A
  • Description: Created by the Jadeite and Matsu as an extension of her jedi strike teams. Being able to move in and out, being sent with the latest equipment that would aid them in quickly helping in an area and being able to move on. USually in places where the GA's New Jedi order might not be able to reach. The different teams specializing in various situations from being a rapid response and rescue team to an out and out slash and burn sithspawn team. Spreading themselves out and able to move around the galaxy.
  • N/A
Built as a further extension of the jedi strike teams... smaller more carefully cultivated units taken from the force users of the Utopian Parralel and other main jedi worlds or stations. It would serve them well to be able to move around. WIth some fo the most advanced equipment the jedi tech division and a combination artisans, quartermaster and engineers could work on. THey have been outfitted in the strongest robes with improved sabers and other equipment that will allow them to adapt to most situations that they face. With several strike teams similar aside from designation for paperwork in some cases... but being able to be sent out into the galaxy. Matsu has worked to make sure all of their robes and equipment are some of the finest in the galaxies with care taken for the more dangerous teams. ONes where the jedi who would be in the roles are considered some of the stronger masters around the galaxy. Others that are sent exclusively by the council itself or require authorization. With weapons, equipment and ships they can be deployed across the galaxies from the various worlds the jedi have access to.
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