Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Starship Jaeger-Class Ultralight Corvette

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IImage: Talyn from Farscape.

Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
Affiliation: ASA
Manufacturer: Trilon
Model: Jaeger-Class Corvette
Modularity: Weapons Only
MaterialUnique Material: Durasteel. Exterior armor plating and shells include duranium lining at 1.2 meter coating a 3 meter thick durasteel heavy plating reaching a 5 meters in total thickness in the most sensitive areas..
Classification: Corvette

Length: 80 meters

18 meters (Foils Retracted)
34 meters (Foils extended)

42.8 (Landing gear to top dorsal)
27.5 meters (Landing gear retracted)

Iron Cannon (Fire arc -turret)
3 retractable 72 twinblaster Turets

2 Forward Firing Turbos Lasers (Fire arc Foreward)
2 Quad Laser cannons (Fire arc Foreward)

Aft Mine layer

Non Spacial Systems
2 drop-down perimeter defense blasrers. “Drop down” only viable when landing legs are deployed. Because they retract from the legs.


Micro complement

5 TIE defenders

Light Transport

Special Features:

S Foils: S. foils are the platform arms that extend on port and starboard of the Jaeger Class- corvette. They feature four weapon systems: a Single turbolaser a the tip of the foils and row a quad laser cannon. That become hidden when the s. Foils retreat in it's default form. When the foils extend in an atmosphere looses speed and maneuverability. The later also impacting it's performance in space.

Advanced Targeting Systems

Advanced Navigational Systems

Standard Life Support Systems

Standard Sensory Array

Standard Shielding Systems

Standard Back up Shield System

Encryption Network

Escape Pods

SubLight Acceleration Motor

Maneuverability Rating:


9 S Foils deployed
10 Foils retracted

Within Atmosphere:
7 S Foils deployed
8 S Foils retracted

Speed Rating:


14 S Foils deployed or retracted

Within Atmosphere:

9 S Foils deployed
10 S Foils retracted

Hyperdrive Class: x1

Backup: x12

**Note: The Speed and maneuverability rankings don't seem right to me.

Is faster than most other corvettes
Excels at frontal assault
Excellent shielding

Lightly armored (My intent. If the plating size doesn't seem that way let me know because this is my intent

The center of Port and star board are the weak points being lightly armed with single quad laser cannons and two rows of auto blasters the
vessel is very unsuited for barraging runs Forcing it into a constant rate of movement in capital ship warfare and relying on hit and run tactics. This also makes it most effective as a support or escort if anything.

Looses maneuverability in space when S foils are deployed.

Looses maneuverability in an atmosphere. This is increased if S foils are deployed.

Looses Speed in an atmosphere. This is increased if S foils are deployed.

Quad laser cannons are unable to be used when S Foils are retracted.

Foil retraction takes time.

Foils must be retracted to drop into hyperspace.

Cannot compete with corvettes of it's class.

Light Fighter Complement

Reliance on fighter Support


Crew 1 minimum ( 8 optimal - 16 full Complement
Turret Gunners: 1
Fighter Pilots: 8 (Zero Current)
Cargo Cap 2.5 metric tons
Consumables: 2 Years

The jaeger-class was designed with one combat tactic in mind: run and retaliate. The ship design was build for speed. Pumping three engine cluster featuring five ion sublight thrusts. These thrusters are capable of propelling the ship at speeds matching those of large starfighters. The design was eventually incorporated into a different tactics. One of planetary defense. The idea to maneuver and escape the yoke of a blockade and provide cover fire as well as flanking to help break up the blockade. The variable applications for it’s function never saw mass production. The ship is build for speed, feeding the five ion drives with a powerful reactor. At the same time the ship’s shield generators provide it with protection from fire as it prepares to enter hyperspace. However, if the ship enters combat it can create a deceiving assault.

Like the x-wing, Starviper and other ships of smaller size; the Jaeger class features two extendable foils. These foils are capable of locking into an attack position that allows the ship to become a heavly armed combat platform. This makes it an effective patrol craft or perfect fire support for escorting crafts of larger size. The main function of the the foils is to create an area of widespread blaster fire and retreat from or push through combat zones.

When it extends the foil ion engines(attached to the Turbolasers) are disabled reducing speed dramatically But revealing four heavy laser cannons and along with the foil's Turbolaser foil wingtips. To lock into this attack position(or to land for that matter) it take 38 .7 second to lock into it’s attack position. This leaves the vessel relying on it’s shield for defense until it can produce it’s weapons. In order for it to achieve speed once more it must retract these foils to connect the ion drive once more. Though it capable of entering hyperspace with damage to the foil: it must still retract them to drop into it: allowing it to "limp" away.

Featured areas and rooms:

In the fore most part of the upperdeck, just above the bridge are two suits and the captains quarters. The corridor attached to the escape pod chamber that acts as a nexus to the upper and lower decks. The center of the upper deck connects to the passengers quarters and crew quarters . On the aft of the upper deck is the general lounge and an observation deck above the hangar.

The Bridgedeck's bridge connects through a blast door. Outside of the blast door is the cockpit escape pod, and a turbolift leading down to the forward cargobay (for fast vehicle access). Past these allowing access to the ecappod tunnel and the rest of the bridge deck. Centered below the crew and passenger's quarters are 2 dedicated chamber rooms: Medical/science chamber and Storage Bay The aft of the jaeger-class gave access to the ships hangar.The lower deck has the foreward cargobay leading into the engineering corridor. Centered in the lowe belly is vehicular access that gives open access to the main cargohold and the loading ramp.

Development Thread: As I said with my orignal submission: this was my Character's default ship when I was transfered. I have done some up dating and refining since it was accepted last time and fixing it to fit in within the suggestions of this site. So, I have no qualms compleating a development thread .

Model's intention and intention history
The original design of this block-aid runner was to provide mobile heavy weapons support with a limited fighters in tow : an escort with an escort. Designed like a forked needle the nine prototypes were though of that with it's speed and powerful frontal assault it is capable of escorting evacuation vessels through an atmosphere The vessels were to be assigned in pairs a single escape vessel: on-board star fighters would be launched before or when clearing from takeoff providing 10 extra escorts out of 2 vessels.

The idea however fell off Never reaching private manufacturing the design was reviewd and recycled. The basic s-foil design was kept and it's fighter complement Doubled. But it increased in size incorporating a hanger for a medium sized transport or dropship. With larger cargo bay, vehicle storage living space the ship's sharp design became organic and sly . This new design classified the ship as a cruiser.Fast infiltrator and effective patrol craft. It's physical design was base on the S-foil design of the Aggressor Assault Fighter.

For combat It is built for speed and lightly armored so mainly relies on it strong shield defense, infiltration speed and moderate maneuverability for defense. But if given the offense it becomes an effective combat platform. The manufacture’s intent on the ship is to provide a swift system infiltrator and long range scout but had some fire support ability.. It would have been best used as a military or diplomatic escort Development Thread: Ask if you want.

Who Can Use This: Limited- I would most likely ask for a roleplay interaction with your character
So, I just wanted to share. Since I learned that my orignal ship was lost in the Purge I tried to adapt the ship into something I thought had a diffrent concept and it evolved into something I did not want for my character as a personal ship. I still like the concept, but I think I want to leave it open to anyone who wants to have one. I am saying this because I still like the concept but I wont be using it in RP.

While I dont want the work to be scrapped, I have no dev thread for it. So I will finish it for approval. Because I think it's cool :)

If there are any suggestions to make it more like a stock ship or if it seems like It is over or under powered let me know. I am used to thinking of Star Ship armament numbering in the way the old 6D system handled it. Once I get the understanding on it, I am sure you will find my Character Chaos's ship quite fun.
[member="Chaos Maxtor"]

CHAOS! I want to suggest you adjust your speed and maneuverability on all fronts or if you want the hanger to hold what you have here you could increase the size. If you have any questions or anything we can get answers together and get this approved for you. Also below is a handy dandy chart for your convenience.

[member="Chaos Maxtor"]

Production should be unique. Sorry I didn't catch that before.

I just want to make sure this is what you want. You want it to be as Maneuverable as a standard Corvette but the speed of a star destroyer? Slow but nimble?
Well the idea was for it to be fast an nimble until the ships needs to go into a, minding the cliche, "combat mode" The mode isn't like an actual transformation but is more like a movement similar to the B-wing's turning pod or the wings of an X-wing. When it goes into the mode the "wings' or S-Foils on the side extend to the side where rows of Las cannons are revealed. When it unlocks these "S-foils" it looses speed and maneuverability but gains a more powerful spread of blaster fire at the forward arc.

Now that I ponder it, we don't really see anything outside of the scale of a starfighter with such moving parts. I think I have discouraged myself. LOL
I cut down the size of the hangar, lowered the types (and removed) a bit on arms. I lowered the maneuverability and the speed.

Basically it is supposed fast, but slows down when the "s-foils" extend to boost the ships combat abilities. I lowered the speed and manuv. in atmo because in space there is much MUCH less drag in space. There is still drag though :p

Do you think this is a bit odd for a ship of it's size? If so I can save the files, we can scarp this thread until I have a better founded idea. Since my old file was lost in the Purge and I cannot find my files on my old PC I am a little burned out on the concept.

It has nothing to deal with the staff or you telling me to lower things, Ordo. It just the loss of a concept I had previously spend hours on was lost. It's just sigh-worthy. No one is at fault by my feels.
[member="Chaos Maxtor"]

I want this to be what you want in the ship. Everything looks fine to me I only wanted to make sure you were ok with it. The speed scale is 1-20 1 being very fast like and A-wing and 20 being like the Deathstar. So as long as those speeds are too your liking I think we can approve it. Are you ready for approval? I know I am! :)
Ordo, I love you but Ihave ben cut away from my hear's muse.


Pfftt: you gotta play me more than that: my man.

The oly reason why it is to my liking is because.. YOUR SAID THE A-WING TO THE DEATHSTASR!

PM me some more fatored detail and I would love t make a detailed exaggeration from it!

Also...I still need to know if speed scales!? Because I am a butt head lol

Also I want to help becouse ICAN HELP!

Or should I say I want to :p

I only say that becouse Im want to set benchmarks. And becouse I have cookies...

If I can comeup with/ help with rules and getting points right: tell me!
If you will please go on and close this thread. Deny it or w/e

I have saved the files and I don't want to take up anymore time. It's not a matter of me being angry or the like. I have recently found an older app on a different ship that I made that I will be improving on and submitting later on in the week.

My apologies to those who took the time to read and post in this thread. In the future I will resubmit this particular ship once I have established myself in Role-Play. Again, my apologies.
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