Placeholder 016

NAME: Jaelin Nekovich
FACTION: Zenithian ImperiumRANK: First Sergeant
SPECIES: Balmoraan Human
AGE: Twenty-Four
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'10
EYES: Sea-Green
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Fair
+ Leadership Training.+Former EOD. He knows his ordnance.
+Highly Intelligent.
+Knowledge of most of the standard Republic handheld weaponry.
-Often comes off as rather cruel, condescending, or downright rude.
-Shoulder Pain. Shrapnel and his right shoulder made friends in his earlier years. The injury still flares up time and again.
-Cannot pilot anything larger than a speeder unless you want there to be collateral damage.
-No sense of direction. At all.
-Not the best shot at an extensive range.
Jaelin isn't very out of the ordinary to look at in terms of a male human. He stands slightly taller than average human height. His shoulders are broad, and his complexion is fair. Small scars mark his face; all resulting from an accident that had him brought out of Officer's Academy. His eyes are a sea green, and his hair his a fair shade of brown.He is most often seen in a combat vest, small shoulder pauldrons, and armored kneepads; all strapped over a darkened jacket and camouflaged pants. Other times, he will wear the standard armor of an Imperial Sergeant.
Jaelin was born approximately twenty four years ago to a factory manager working under Blith Tech CO, and his girlfriend who found a living waiting tables. The child was an accident, though welcomed nonetheless. His parents married to better take care of him, and he lead a rather average life in his early years.When Nekovich came of age, he signed on to the Imperial Army as an EOD man. He had felt the call to serve, and for a few years, he did. It was when he had the choice of either getting stationed out on the Rim, or trying for an Officer transfer that his life took a tumble. Nekovich signed on to the Officer's Academy, and studied for two years to gain a significant leadership position in the Imperium. His career came to a halt, however, when an accident involving an anti-vehicle mine sent him to the hospital.
Nekovich was marked as unfit for leadership, and left with the painful scars on his face as testament to his failure. The man transferred back into enlisted services, and slowly crept up the ranking totem pole to the rank of First Sergeant.
Weapons and armor of choice: Vibro-Electro Blade Zevrance Peacekeeper Armor (Not worn at all times) SR4-Blaster Platform S-6A Sidearm