Jagger Swaggernaut
Hide Yo Gurl and Pass the Fries

NAME: Jagger Octavius Swaggernaut
- Sexiest man in the galaxy
- Worst Bounty Hunter in the galaxy
AGE: Mid 40's
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5' 5"
WEIGHT: 320 lbs
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Thinning just a bit
SKIN: Yellow and black from the tats
FORCE SENSITIVE: "I've been told I am pretty insensitive"

++Cook: A pretty useless skill for someone in Jagger's line of work, but he is actually a really great cook. He has a lot of practice in the kitchen.++Hearty: Jagger can take quite a beating and still be somewhat ok. He's had a lot of practice getting his butt kicked.
--Food: Jagger loves his food, he easily gets distracted in the presence of food.
--No cardio: Jagger has next to no cardio at all in his body. He can barely run a few feet without getting winded.
--Uncharismatic: Jagger is pretty bad at dealing with people.
--No Perseverance: When the going gets tough, Jagger quits going pretty soon. He doesn't like even the slightest difficulty at all.
--Clumsy: If Jagger can fall down, Jagger will fall down. If Jagger can drop it, he probably will.
--Weak: Jagger is pretty weak, he doesn't workout so he has a hard time lifting pretty much everything.
--Bad sense of humor: Despite owning more joke books than most of the galaxy, Jagger has a pretty rotten sense of humor.
--Delusional: Jagger believes his is a handsome stud, and he is in denial about all of his hair falling out. He is pretty out of touch with reality about his physical appearance and his future prospects.
--Horrible Bounty Hunter: Jagger Swaggernaut has none of the skills needed to be a good bounty hunter. He is terrible at gathering information, he is not intimidating in the least, and he is way out of physical shape.
"Hide yo girl."
Jagger Swaggernaut is one of the few plus size Zabraks in the galaxy. He like to go topless through the galaxy when he can, showing off his amazing body tats. There is no doubt that he has put on a few pounds since his girlfriend left him, but of course, its just water weight. His hair has thinned a little lately too, but Jagger is pretty confident that no one notices. Those luscious locks are here to stay. His skin is yellow with black body tattoos crisscrossing its entirity. Jagger is pretty proud of his tattoos, next to holding the record for the most hot dogs eaten in a single sitting (85) its what he's the most proud of in his life.
Jagger never really accomplished anything worth mentioning. He was born to two very powerful, skillful Zabraks. His mother was one of the galaxy's deadliest assassins, and his father was a warrior of great renown. Neither of them are exactly sure what went wrong with Jagger, but they suspect the doctor may have dropped him on his head.
After high school, Jagger moved out of his room and into his parent's basement. There he's pretty much stayed his whole life. Out of high school, his girlfriend settled pretty hard dating Jagger Swaggernaut. He promised her for a long time that he would one day hit it big, capture a million credit bounty and then marry her and give her a dream life. She stopped believing it after he failed to even bring in a 12 year old shop lifter 15 years ago. When she realized she could do better, his long time (and only ever) girlfriend Yessica left him for a Hutt.
For years his life consisted of moonlighting at MacYodas and bounty hunting by day, but one day he applied for a job at the CSA, fudging the details of exactly who he was and what he could do. Though, to be very honest, the main reason he probably got the job was because of who his parents are. After all, no one would hire a man who had been bounty hunting for over 20 years and was so bad he couldn't even catch a cold.
Why are you even asking? He's the worst bounty hunter in the galaxy.

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