Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jai Kryze


"Good, Bad, I'm the guy with the gun."

General Characteristics

Name: Jai Kryze
Appearance: Tall, fair skinned Mando.
Theme Song:

Personal Characteristics

Birth Place: Mandalore
Home City: Keldabe

Mental Characteristics

Known Languages: Mandalorian, Galactic Basic
Lures: Cantinas... keep him away from alcohol.
Savvies: Killing. What else?
Ineptities: Women...
Temperament: Depends on the situation. At times he can be choleric. Sometimes Sanguine.
Hobbies: Hunting, sometimes smoking.
Perception: Optimistic

Likes and Dislikes

Likes: Drinking with friends, Bounty Hunting,
Dislikes: (What kinds of things does your character no like? People? Burgers? Angry Birds?)


Equipment: (What equipment does your character carry with them? A gourd? A toolbox? A bag of hair?)
Wardrobe: (What kind of clothing does your character have? Mostly jocky? Half goth and half average? Nerdy?)

Social Characteristics

Emotional Stability: (How much emotional inflictions can your character take before they break? Lots? None at all? Negative amounts?)
Humor: (What does your character think is funny? Blond jokes? Death? Farting?)
Reputation: (How is your character viewed by their peers? Are they held in high esteem? Do they think he's pure stupid? Do they think he's an alien?)
Status: (What is their social status? Quiet? Popular? Dead?)

Physical Characteristics

Height: in ( cm)
Weight: lbs ( kg)
Skin Color:
Hair Color:
Hair Length:
Eye Color:
Tattoos and Piercings:

Sexual Characteristics

Gender: Male
Orientation: Hetero


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