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Approved NPC Jaiaar Kyras

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More lost than a Lieutenant on Land Nav

  • Age: 25
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Light-skinned, with strong features, brown eyes, and short brown hair. Otherwise unremarkable, the kind of person you wouldn’t think twice about if passing in the street. Clad in a suit of black, generic pilot’s armor taken from the unfortunate soul his lady killed after taking them to Nar Shaddaa, underneath a bone-white hooded robe.
  • Name: Jaiaar Kyras
  • Loyalties: Azariah, and Azariah alone
  • Wealth: None
  • Notable Possessions: Archival datapad containing information he’s personally collected, slave shock collar (usually concealed by his raised hood)
  • Skills: Brilliant storyteller, detailed memory
  • Personality: Generally very genial and servile, he projects the image of the perfect servant. Under this, he is adamant in the pursuit of his master’s well-being, if not their orders. Whether this is a point towards that image or against it varies from master to master.
  • Weapon of Choice: Dual pistols – a slugthrower and a blaster
  • Combat Function: Short- to mid-ranged support. Can generally be trusted to hit what he’s aiming for, but nothing extraordinary. Will avoid shooting into melee near his lady, which means in duel scenarios, he’ll do nothing but wait and hope for enough of a break to fire.
Middle son of a family of slaves belonging to a Sith archivist, Jaiaar grew up learning the duties of his family – maintaining and organizing the many tomes in the archivist’s possession – from a very early age, quickly proving himself an able and talented copyist before being chosen by and surrendered to Callidus, an apprentice of Darth Vanus, in payment of a debt. Used for a time as an information source regarding mission preparation, Callidus was forced to surrender him to Weapon Culexus by Darth Vanus, as punishment for utilizing the Weapon to complete a task Callidus had been set.
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