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Approved Species Jaieek'Ma

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  • Intent: To create the native species of Bolosk
  • ​Image Credit: Gary jamroz-palma
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Jaieek'Ma
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Bolosk, although their ancestors crash landed on this planet, the Jaieek'Ma have lived and evolved long enough on Bolosk to be considered a somewhat native species.
  • Average Lifespan: 90 years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: The Jaieek'Ma are a stocky dark skinned near-human race that inhabit Bolosk. They tend to stand between 1.5 and 1.7 meters and have noticeably more muscle than the average near-human races of the galaxy.
  • Breathes: Type I, Capable of breathing Type II
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.5-1.7 meters.
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Dark Tan to black
  • Hair color: Tends to be blonde or light brown but capable of any normal human colors.
  • Distinctions:
    Defended Respiratory System: Within the noses and bronchi of the Jaieek'Ma are a mesh of hair used to filter out sand and dust particles.
    Muscle Improvements: Living on a world with higher gravity than what their bodies were used to, evolution pushed the Jaieek'Ma to grow denser muscles to compensate. This means they are significantly stronger yet only around half as strong as the average Wookiee.
    Secondary Eyelid: The Jaieek'Ma have a secondary eyelid under their primary one. This eyelid is transparent and stays closed unless consciously opened.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Rare

Disciplined Strength: The Jaieek'Ma are stronger than the average human, yet only half as strong as the average wookiee.

Flash Protection: The secondary eyelid of the Jaieek'Ma gives them natural protection against sudden and unexpected flashes of light, making them nearly immune to the paralyzing effects to flash bangs and similarly designed weapons.


Higher Body Temperature: To compensate for their new home their body has developed to be used to higher temperatures, meaning that environments most humans would find warm the Jaieek'Ma find rather chilly. This means Ice planets that humans already have difficulty living on are impossible for Jaieek'Ma to live on for more than a few hours without some sort of assistance.

Weak Immunity: Isolation, a lack of local bacteria, and a limited gene pool to work with mean the Jaieek'Ma have a rather weak immune system making them extremely susceptible to disease.

  • Diet: Omnivore: The Jaieek'Ma mostly eat surface grown berries and fruits complimented by the occasional serving of meat from small farms they have within their facilities farming the small native animals of their homeworld.
  • Communication: The Jaieek'Ma speak their own language called Jereim, and few speak anything else.
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard
  • Religion/Beliefs: The Jaieek'Ma's religion is purely a fabrication by the government, a complex system of rituals, beliefs, and practices all designed by scientists with psychological and physiological attributes of their species in mind. The religion is called Jii, and it is a simple concept of the desire to reach perfection through self evaluation, meditation, practice of one's job, and duty to the state. Perfection is near impossible, yet the constant chasing of it slowly betters society making more moral citizens. Those who have achieved perfection are referred to as "Heroes" and very few have ever been given this honor. The first Heroes were those who led the fight against the Tygerii and their early reign of terror.
  • General behavior: Jaieek'Ma carry themselves as you would expect disciplined soldiers too, they are quick to follow orders but slow to reveal emotions. They are distrustful of strangers but are quick to spring to the defense of friends. Ingrained in their culture is a deep love of nature, and much of their government and culture dedicates itself to the restoring of the lost fauna and flora of their planet. Many Jaieek'Ma explore the galaxy in order to learn of nature, and sometimes bring back resources for the seeding of new biomes on their world. Yet all who leave Bolosk eventually return.

The Jaieek'Ma's beginning can best be described as 'Accidental Colonists'. Ancient human ancestors crash landed on Bolosk, stranding its crew with meager supplies and technology. These ancestors took what they could and set out onto their world to try to survive. For generations they wandered the near-eternal desert, scavenging and hunting what little still remained. However, when they found the great steppe on Bolosk, the last bastion for large collections of life, they settled down. Towns were formed, meager technology brought back with solar panels and primitive wind mills. The ship's computer, an artifact barely understood, was powered on and its secrets unlocked.

Their first towns were carved into the great stone crevices and caves of the steppe, and their people were unified by one singular purpose: bring life back to this barren world. They cultivated great fields of berry bushes and root plants, feeding the wild life and slowly bringing the population of near extinct species from a few hundred to the tens of thousands stretched across the steppe. They began creating their elaborate biomes to house these creatures, and employ hunters and gardeners to oversee these biomes. It was during this time that the Jaieek'Ma gained their name, which in their language translates to "The Caretakers"

Their great cities expanded underground, finding rare metals. Using the ancient computer of their ship they managed to bring their civilization to the stars, mining nearby asteroids and coming into contact with the galactic community. They bought animals and flora from across the galaxy, bringing them back to expand their biomes as their ancestors had done and they will keep doing.

However, not every civilization they met were peaceful. Their neighbors, the Tygerii, were slavers and imperialists ran by a strict aristocracy. This was in stark contrast to the meritocratic and socialistic society of the Jaieek'Ma, it was if they were destined to be rivals. The Tygerii saw the Jaieek'Ma as easy targets, and began their raids taking thousands of slaves and pillaging the fragile ecosystem of their gardens. It was in the following conflicts that the Jaieek'Ma's great heroes reformed their military and fought back, establishing their legends and the military as a fundamental part of the Jaieek'Ma society as more wished to follow in their footsteps. These same heroes would go on to form Jii and many of the modern aspects of the Jaieek'Ma state.

Yet as the Jaieek'Ma reformed, so did the Tygerii. As slavery and the raids died out it left the two rivals with a tense hateful relationship. It took many generations for the past atrocities to be forgiven. The Tygerii began to pay reformations, offering to ship anyone of Jaieek'Ma ancestry back to their homeworld as well as donating countless species of flora and fauna to their cause of reforming the planet. Soon the two species began to work together, although the relationship was tense at first. Several deep-space installations were formed for cooperation in the sciences and arts, the Tygerii and Jaieek'Ma would go on to fight several conflicts together, further strengthening their bond. Although the two species have not forgotten the past wrongs of the Tygerii, and many hold on to old grudges, the two trudge on with an uneasy alliance.

Your imagination is lovely to read as always :)

However, before we can continue with this, I need you to complete filling the template out. At present, it's missing the strengths and weaknesses.

If you would like more time and to have this moved to pre-codex until it is ready, please let me know :)


[member="Scherezade deWinter"]

So sorry! Thought I had edited that in already but I must have canceled out of the page before I actually submitted the edits. Should be fixed now.

I'm really sorry, but I must've missed this when I read over it last time. Either that or it's one of those weird errors that sometimes happen. I need this part filled in too please:
General behavior:
Once that's filled in I can approve this submission. As always, your writing is stunning :)
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