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Character Jain sa'Nahl Theriabe

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Jain sa'Nahl Theriabe




NameJain sa'Nahl Theriabe
RaceSithspawn | Original Species Unknown
ClassSith | Shien Hunter | Executioner | Shadow
Date of Birth832 ABY
Place of BirthSindolla
Current ResidenceCredence
FactionWarlords of the Sith
AllianceThe Dark Side | Sith | Herself
Height1.82 Meters
Weight78 Kilograms
Body TypeEctomorph
Hair ColorWhite
Hair StylesLong-Loose | Braided
Hair TextureMatted
Force SensitiveYes
AlignmentNeutral Evil
Religious Type/ Religion Name/Primary DeityN/A
Physical FeaturesPointed Ears | Sharp Canines| Lean Musculature | Tattooed Scars | Sith Modifications
Mental FeaturesIntense Cunning | Underworld Knowledge| Biological Knowledge
SexualityBisexual | Biromantic
ThemesThe Animal
VoiceTarja Turunen

Details - To Be Routinely Updated
Whatever Jain sa'Nahl Theriabe was before the Devil came to her world and set everything aflame, all that remains of it now is a husk forged only to fight and kill. In the 840s ABY of the Galaxy, Kascalion took into his possession a great number of subjects for a diabolical plot intended to study the extent of Alchemy and Sorcery upon mortal bodies. In the said plot, 206 subjects died across increasing time intervals over a number of years, leaving only four alive by the end of the testing and only one worthy enough to call a success. This was Jain sa'Nahl Theriabe, who became the first modern apprentice of Kascalion Giedfield, and the only one that has been kept in relative secrecy since her inauguration. She had, effectively, been turned into a prototype for Kascalion's later work, but has thus far remained his strongest and remains an ever-expanding blueprint of what can be implemented into a mortal body before it shuts down completely with no chance of even Sith Magic helping out.

In this role, Jain was forced to undergo annual extensions of her modifications whilst simultaneously carrying out the commands of her Master in the shadows. Assassinating regional governors, planetary warlords, rivals for his power, and even individuals who just so happened to annoy the man have become as much a part of her as breathing. Such horrific slaughter contrastingly ordered with a surprising precision by the Autarch weighed heavily on the woman's shoulders, and tears have been wept every night since, the sorrow falling on deaf ears.

Her skills in combat, nevertheless, eventually reached far beyond even what her alterations had created. Her talents with the lightsaber form of Shien and its reverse grip variation long impressed her Master and led to much of her early successes in her objectives. Her craft quickly went deeper as well to the expert usage of the Ancient Sith weapons of the Parang and Shikkar, both of which became personal favorites of Jain's due to their silence compared to the lightsabers. Her usage of such agility based weapons did lead to some weaknesses in the way of armor and large engagements.

In order to ensure the full lethality of her skills, Kascalion forbade Jain from wearing any protective equipment beyond lightly armored Sith Robes and her own personal fur-leather armor, which immediately led to a number of additional scars alongside the ones from her modifications. The two further discovered that Jain was not capable of serving her role adequately in heavy combat, forcing her to presently remain in the shadows for all time.

This ever-present danger from her lack of bodily protection and inability to fulfill the full requests of her calamitous Master only worsened the deteriorating mental state of the poor woman. Jain would become afflicted with severe depression, feeling the symptoms to this very day that drive her every action. Fearing to be asleep and fearing to be awake. Fearing to slack off and fearing to follow her orders. Neither wanting to rest nor do what her Master demanded of her.

Wishing to be free as she once was.

That wish would very rapidly turn into a deep-seated obsession. And so, in the void that she has lived in for years, Jain has begun to plan. With the advent of the Warlords of the Sith, the continued rise of her Master in power and prestige, and the improved presence of other apprentices and Sith around her, Jain hopes to find some cure to her ailments and free herself from the bonds of secrecy. As her Master becomes more and more distant and preoccupied with official Sith matters and claiming new subjects for the improved procedures that she had undergone all those years ago, the hunter waits. Stalking the shadows as she was created to do, priming the perfect strike. And when it appears before her, she will grab it and escape her cage and be free of the torment of the Sith.

Or she will die trying.

Either ending is a good one, she would think.

    • Vampiric Hunter: As part of her creation process, a portion of Jain's body was combined with the genetics of the Anzat race. These genetics were extensively modified, however, and resulted in a variation of the Anzat consumption of their prey. Rather than using proboscis/tendrils to devour the brains of her victims, Jain utilizes semi-hollow fangs to drink the life and energy from their bodies.
    • Skills of Reverse Shien: Trained extensively by her Master, and master student of archaic texts on combat in her own right, Jain has become quite dangerous in the art of Shien's reverse grip form as well as Jar'Kai. Her skill with this form was regarded by her Master to be almost as perfect as the ancient duelists of the Old Republic and the Galactic Republic. Unfortunately, her feral nature holds her back from being on the same level as the Tanos. However, such is her proficiency with the form that she can wield her lightsabers as if they were entirely weightless and have them serve as an extension of her primal grace.
    • Shadowed Hunter: Jain is also skilled in the art of stealth. With abilities such as Force Clouding, Dopplegänger, Force Stealth, and Force Cloak, Jain is capable of melding into the environment on a moment's notice, even when under extreme pressure. Using these abilities, she has been the assassin of many a poor soul in the galaxy. Jain has also become so averse to standard styles of living that she frequently endures the landscapes of Credence or whatever world she has been deployed to and living off what nature she can find. Whether it is in a jungle, ocean, desert, lavascape, mountains range, or forest, Jain can and will find a way to live and thrive.
    • Troubled Mind:
      A result of the events suffered at the hands of her Master during her creation, and the loss of her once peaceful and prosperous life on her homeworld, has left Jain a deeply scarred individual. Although the effects of these catalysts do alter in intensity depending on her emotional state at any given time, they typically range from mood swings that border on major depression and anxiety disorder. Frequent lucid nightmares, social isolation, enhanced irritability, the fixation with instant gratification as opposed to the long-term, insomnia, onerous feelings of guilt for her actions, exessive bouts of crying, random intensive anxiety attacks, and an overwhelming sense of constant doom. As a result of these symptoms - alongside the general secrecy she is held under - Jain's only contacts with individuals beyond those closely related to her Master are her sisters, who were able to fare far better than her at the hands of the Devil in terms of surviving.
    • Sithspawn Nature:
      Created by Kascalion Giedfield to be a living weapon has brought Jain many benefits and rewards in combat, although the host of weaknesses are also apparent. When not utilizing her stealth abilities, Jain's Dark Side presence is akin to that of a plague within the threads of the Force. Every force user within a 3-mile radius becomes instantly aware of her existence on the planet and the general location that she is at. Those within a 1-mile radius know her exact location. Naturally, this forces her to often remain within stealth on planets where Force Sensitives are present, which can be taxing depending on how long it takes her to accomplish her mission. Additionally, she is in almost constant pain on varying levels, although she has learned to not show it and even to nullify it in some cases.
    • Large-Scale Battles:
      Almost entirely built to fight in small engagements or single-target assassinations, Jain falters at serving well in large battles and is quick to be overwhelmed with the sights, sounds, chaos. This has led to several reprimands from her Master, leading to further modifications to fix this issue. Ironically, these attempts only worsened it, resulting in her Master giving up on having her fighting alongside him in such things. Due to her Master always fighting in large-scale battles, this has driven a greater wedge between the two and the worsening of her mental state.

    • Sith Battle Robes
    • Personal Fur-Leather Armor
    • Reverse Grip Lightsabers
    • Parang
    • Shikkars

  • To Be Updated Soon

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