Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jake Cabur Tor

NAME: Jake Cabur Tor
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: Jedi Padawan
AGE: 20
SEX: male
HEIGHT: 1.85 meters
WEIGHT: 75.6 Kg
EYES: blue
HAIR: Dark brown slightly shaggy, padawan braid
SKIN: White, but slightly tan
FORCE SENSITIVE: highly sensitive


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Swordsmanship- Jake exhibits remarkable swordsmanship even at an early stage of training
Ingenuity- Jake can make the situation work for him by using fast thinking and the resources at hand
Strong Connection To The Force- Jake has a remarkably strong connection to the force and easily learns new abilities
Pride-pride is one of his biggest downfalls, sometimes causing him to underestimate opponents
Lack of focus- sometimes excitement can cause him to loose focus on the task at hand

Jake is average height, wears traditional brown\tan Jedi robes and uses a silver staff saber with the ability to separate into 2 blades( one of them changes color to gold when this happens) he wears the standard boots of the Jedi brown
Jake is an excellent Student at the Jedi Temple and has been since he was 4, when he had been found by the Jedi on Alderaan. He had been living with his aunt since both of his parents perished in a tragic speeder crash. The accident was caused when a cargo speeder stalled and fell into their path causing him to be flung from the car at a high altitude over a lake. When he surfaced he was taken to the hospital by the first responding medical transport, where his aunt was forced where his aunt was forced to take him into her custody. Later in life as a youngling, he had been near the top of the class stunning many Jedi masters with his control of the force. He refused to give anything other than his best effort at any time and was a loyal companion to his friends. As he grew in the force, many masters had their eye on him watching for the day when he was ready to take as a Padawan Learner. He was taken as a padawan by Savara Rein, A revered Jedi master, and was trained by her for 4 and a half years, at which point his master perished on a solo mission and he waited to be assigned to a new master. During this time without a master he took up the study of the Ylisamiri species and their ability to create a bubble of space that was completely void of force energy. He studied the creatures closely for months until he realized what was happening. Once he figured out their secret, he was able to create a force technique that allows him to use the force while being in the Area of the void's effect. After learning this skill he then tried to mimic the Ylisamiri's void bubble. He found a way to manipulate the force around him to emulate the creature's power. He knew that this would take some time to master, but he had all the time he could want as far into the future as he could see. He kept training these abilities to hone them for later keeping them his secret until he had to use them.

Saber forms:
I Shii-Cho- competant/advanced
II Makashi- beginner
III Soresu- competant/advanced
IV Ataru -competent
V Shien/Djem So- competent
VI Niman- beginner

Force Abilities:
Telekinetics: beginner/competent (push, pull, levetation)
Telepathy: beginner (sensing emotions and thoughts)
Force Jump: competent
Force Speed: competent
Force Sense: Competent
Force Void: Competent (creating an area of roughly five meters around the user that is completely void of the force. Because he is the first force user to use this technique, he is still figuring it out himself. but should the situation arise in combat, he is competent enough to use it.)

Still isolated…frozen…crumbling…
Prideful Men and First Impressions
Makashi Beginner classes
The Hybrid Form - Niman Training
Rebel Retribution [Ask] [Rebel Alliance]

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