Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jake Jace

Name.Jake Jace
Home world.Coruscant
Height.6'0 feet
Weight.200 lbs
Martial Status.Single
Hair.Light brown
Faction.The Silver Sanctum Coalition
Rank.Jedi Padawan
Force Sensitive.Yes
Force Alignment.neutral

Jakes Appearance.Jake is about six feet tall his body is rather toned from years of hard work.His hair color is light brown but can look to be dark brown at times.He has slightly tan skin that goes well with his hair color he is known to have five o'clock shadow if the mood strikes him.He has blue eyes they look to be more like ice blue or slightly gray.He has no scars that are in eye sight on his body its not knew if he has scars that can be covered up he has no tattoos.He likes to ware a simple fitted tee shirt in the colors of white,black,dark blue and brown and he wares simple pants in colors of black or brown.The colors he wares slightly relect his mood he needs the right mood for the colors he wares.Jake wares simply leather combat boots black or brown the combat boots look kinda old and seen a lot of use.If it is chilly out he wares a black leather jacket that is rather light and has a lot of ware from being old.Jake doesn't always keep his weapons in view of the naked eyes he tends to keep them hidden.

Jakes Pesonaity.Jake can be rather stand offish due to the fact that he doesn't trust people.His stand off nature tends to make him look like a unfriendly person.But Jake is a nice person if he lets you in and you get to know him more.He finds it hard to trust others for reason he wont talk about.He can be a big flirt if he finds a women he has insterst in he is a loyal person to those he cares for.He is a stubborn person also he can be arrogant.He can be unsure of himself at times he doesn't really trust himself.Jake has a good sense of right and wrong and follows his own morals.He thinks his morals lead him to do what he feel is right.

He will not go by other peoples morals unless its something he feels strongly about it.He the type of person that thinks for himself and doesn't let other people tell him what to think.He tends to do his own thing if he is told one thing he rather go off on his own and do his thing.He also likes to learn he thinks is a great way to better ones self and their skills.He can be cunning and come up with a sound plan for something on his feet.He will do whatever he needs to get done what needs to get done.He will work with others as long as they know he isn't a follower or a leader and let him work the way he choose to.Jake is a smart young man but if a roll needs him to play dumb to get what he needs done he will do so.He likes to train his body as well as his mind in order to better himself.He can be rather implusive and and too honest for his own good.Which has gotten him into trouble more then once in his life.He likes to travel and explorer to places he hadn't been to in order to learn.

Jake also thinks people should help one another out of hard spots in life.He tries to live by helping others if they need it and he is able to help.He has a strong distrust to people take take slaves and the sith.He doesn't know much about dark jedi but he is very wary if around them.He doesn't like people to get to close to him out of fear of hurting them or being hurt.Thats why he puts up a wall so others don't get to know him much.He isn't the type to talk about his feelings he rather keep them to himself.


-He has strong morals

-He is good at coming up with plans at the last moment

-He is wiling to learn new things

-He is honest and loyal


-He is stubborn and to full of himself

-He is to implusive and blunt

-He doesn't trust people easy

-He always puts a wall up so people don't get close to him

Jakes background
Jake was born on the planet of Coruscant before the sith had taken over the planet.He grew up with just his mother not knowing who his father was or ever meeting his father.His mother would never talk about his father maybe she didn't want to hurt Jakes feeling.Or she was keeping to herself the reasons why his father left him and his mother alone.Because his mother would never talk about who his father was and why he wasn't around for Jake is why he stopped asking about his father young.To Jake he just thought his father didn't care about him and his mother.But he didn't hate his father he just didn't care about him at all.Who knew maybe his father had good reasons for leaving him and his mother.But he loved his mother and she loved him more  then anything.His mother taught him very good life leasons like help other and be kind.Jake had loved his childhood on Coruscant even though he would get himself in trouble now and then.But he wouldn't trade his life on Coruscant for anything in the world.Well that is what he thought when he was a child anyways.He ike to expoler Coruscant when he was young he wanted to know what it had to offer.He meant all sorts of people when he did expoler the planet,Sometimes Jake would go to the under parts of Coruscant where he knew he could like get killed or hurt really bad.But the under parts of it for some reason get wanted to know more about it.In the under parts he did meet all sorts of people some where good some where not good.He did make friends in the under parts as well as the upper parts.Though Jake and his mother had lived in the upper parts of Coruscant that didn't stop him from making friends in other areas of the planet.He also sometimes meant offworlders that would tell him what their planet was like and what it was like to travel.The offworlders where what caught Jakes insterts in traveling at first.

When the sith had come to take over Coruscant is when Jakes mother told him they need to get off the planet.Jake always thought it was because his mother had feared the sith he at the time didn't know much about the sith.But has the sith took over they left the plante in a month they had no plans to go to anyone planet.Jake just followed his mothers lead after they had left they just traveled a lot.He and his mother didn't stay one place for more then 6 months at a time.Jake thought his mother had them running from something and just wouldn't tell him why.Becuase he always felt like they lived on the run after the sith take over of his home planet.Jake knew he just had to trust her and stay with her.He did think should could keep herself and him safe though.He began to love to travel through the years of his and his mothers traveling.When he and his mother would be on a planet Jake could not help but to go scout out the planet and its people.Becuase he knew he was most likely never going to see the people he was friends with back on Coruscant ever again.If he happened to come acrossed one of his old friends it would only be by luck.So Jake thought it would be best to make new contacts on the planets they would travel and stay on.So that if he or his mother came acrossed any trouble on those planets he could go to the people he was friends with on the planet to ask for help.His idea to make contacts on the planets he traveled to turned out to be a good idea it had help him and his mother more then once.It would also help him in the future if he needed to return to the planets for some reason.He did keep information to keep in contact with them if he need to and that also had been a good idea.Jake knew it was a good thing to have contacts on other planets he was lucky enough to keep some on his home planet after the sith take over.Though Jake missed his home dearly he knew he couldn't go back why the sith where there.

After a few years of traveling with his mother Jake started to feel the force within himself.At the time he first started to feel it he had been 19 years old.Not knowing what it was or what to do he asked his mother about it.She had told him he was starting to feel the force within himself and that she was proud of it.She also said if one can feel the force they are about to be come jedi.She also explained to Jake about sith jedi rogue jedi lightside jedi and darkside jedi.So he would know the difference if he choose to become a jedi himself.His mother told him she thought he had what it took to be a good jedi and that she had taught him all the things he would need to know for life.She asked him what he would like to do if he wanted to be a jedi or not.He thought about how he would answer her he didn't really want to leave his mother all alone.He told he he wouldn't mind being a jedi but he didn't want to leave her alone.She told him that everything was ok and she wouldn't be alone and he should follow what he was thinking about being.That what he did he left his mother at 20 years old to go find himself a jedi weilling to teach him about the force and being a jedi.After Jake had set off to become a Jedi he thought it might be a good idea to try to search for his father.He had been getting pretty curious about his father.He wanted to know why his father had left him and his mother he thought he had a right to know.He wasn't sure if he want to get to know his father and have a relationship with him.That would be something he needed to think on but he would do that once he had met and heard what his father had to say.He was also curious if he had any other family that he may want to get to know.Though Jake did like to be distant from family members so he wasn't sure he wanted to know if he had anymore.He also wasn't sure he would want to get to know them either.

Not long after Jake joined the sliver Jedi he found out he had a cousin.His cousin was in the rebpulics Jedi order he was happy to know he had a Jedi for a cousin.After he found out about his cousin he set up a meeting to meet with her.

Jakes Master.Doesn't have one yet

Jakes force abilities.

Jakes lightsaber 1.Main hand color midnight blue

Jakes Lightsaber 2.Off hand color charcoal

Making of his lightsaber thread.<a class="bbc_url" href="" title=""></a></p>[/url

Jakes lightsaber abilities.

Jakes training dev threads ongoing and done


Jakes character dev threads

Jakes Roleplays on going and finished

Ongoing-<a class="bbc_url" href="" title=""></a><br />

Ongoing-<a class="bbc_url" href="" title=""></a><br />

Finished (maybe)-<a class="bbc_url" href="" title=""></a><br />

Ongoing?-<a class="bbc_url" href="" title=""></a><br />

No more-<a class="bbc_url" href="" title=""></a><br />

Ongoing-<a class="bbc_url" href="" title=""></a><br />

Ongoing-<a class="bbc_url" href="" title=""></a></p>


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