Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [Jakku Jedi Enclave] The Healing Circle

Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber
Tag: Open to all Jakku Jedi Enclave members.

Gatz Derrevar, Jedi Knight.

It still didn't seem real. Didn't quite feel like it fit yet. A Jedi Knight was the first thing he'd ever wanted to be; his earliest fantasy. And yet, now that the honor had been bestowed upon him, he felt... like he hadn't earned it. What contribution had he made to the Order? To people's lives? What had he done to deserve the distinction? Gatz couldn't answer any of those questions. But, perhaps being a Jedi was less about the accolades, and more about the action they took.

And the Jedi Order had seen plenty of action in the war with the Dark Empire.

War left its scars. Physical, like the ones that marred him. But also spiritual, emotional, and mental. And Gatz found that far too many people ignored those, in favor of simply treating the damage done to the body. Jedi, too, often neglected the damage war left on the psyche. For all their training on meditation, and the importance of clearing the mind, few found the time to do that when they were constantly dealing with invasions, or Sith. Few got the things they needed to off of their chest.

Jedi were still people, and people could crack and break. As a Jedi Healer himself, it was often Gatz's duty to look after the wellbeing of his colleagues. He was much better at doing that physically, but just because he was less experienced in treating the ails of the mind and spirit, didn't mean he could just ignore them in his fellow Jedi. Unfamiliar waters or not, it was his responsibility to care for all the people who crossed his path, and to care for all their needs.

He was just one man. One very recently anointed Knight, and he certainly couldn't look after the whole Order. He could, however, start small: by looking after a single enclave.

And so Gatz had set up shop in the Jakku Jedi Enclave's Terrarium. Though the Enclave did have an audience chamber, and the main hub boasted space for conference rooms, those both felt too... official. A place of healing ought to be a comfortable, tranquil place. And what was more tranquil than being surrounded by the only true greenery on the planet?

It was a little crowded, to be fair, but Gatz had managed to set up a ring of folding chairs amidst the planters and basins. His (not so) trusty droid, R4-A1, had a serving tray attached to his head, offering cool bottles of water to any who chose to join him today. Gatz had both messaged the members of the enclave, as well as posted notices around the underground haven about today's "meeting."

The only thing left to do was to wait and see who would attend.

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Cerys Dyn

to keep the oaths of old
She was not there to air her feelings. She was there to see anything other than bulkheads or sand dunes. Jakku was not her preferred locale and she already felt wanderlust setting in. Her training, till this point, had been itinerant. She and Master Vaas had only spent a few months in one location before heading off as the Force guided her. Without Vaas’ clear vision of what the Force desired, Cerys felt both lost and locked.

She had been stoic for the past weeks since the Coruscant event and the loss of her Master. Her mannerisms had been harsher than normal. Her mind quick to snip at people, but slow to accept them. Cerys told herself she was grieving for the loss of all life on Coruscant, and indeed she was. It was, however, still not the full truth. Admitting that was unacceptable.

Dressed in her normal blue jump suit, and copper shaded tabard, Cerys had the bearing of someone that was prepared to leave at a moments notice. Her attire rarely, if ever changed, and had not done so in the whole time she had been on Jakku. There was no relaxing for a keeper of the Oaths.

The flower on the succulent before was magnificent. She examined its every detail. Movement from beyond the bright pink flower caught her attention. It was Gatz Derrevar, now a Jedi Knight. She was pleased he had come to his senses.

A congratulations was likely in order. It is what Vaas would have done.

”Jedi Knight…Gatz Derrevar…long over due and I am sure not lightly bestowed. Congratulations to you, sir,” she said, stepping around the display succulents and into what she suddenly realised looked like a set up for a casual meeting.

She stiffened, and prepared to leave.

”Apologies for interfering.”

Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar @Open

Location: Jakku Enclave Terrarium
Equipment: Jumpsuit
Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Zeriana had been hidden away the few times events had occurred around the Enclave, but was present for this one. Held carefully as she twisted and turned to take in the sights around her while Lossa slowly walked and let her once again take in the sights. Required to stop beneath one of the recessed interior lights for Zeriana to stare up in wonder at after she'd cried when they had moved away to quickly. Figuring it out had been a process in and of itself as the little girl threw her curled fists towards one of the plants in the Terrarium.

"Oh feth. Is that the, no. Nope." Carefully avoiding getting near that particular set of raised beds with a slow swing of her entire body. Slowly working to come closer to the center of the attention. Nimble and almost dancing through the arranged chairs to congratulate Gatz on his Knighting before seeing Cerys had beat her there.

A quick turn of events no doubt inspired by the same padawan.

Seeing the two speak, the Zeltron moved away silently before finding a leaf cutting in one of the safe planter beds to distract her child with.

"I think this one-Yeah. Here. Look. Hey." Figuring out which raised bed had the safest selection of greenery before settling her hip against the edge.

The excited coos and arm throwing at the new found thing forced Lossa to adjust her one-armed hold as the cutting was presented to her daughter. The angry scrunch of her face slowly melting into excited greed at the prize. Little arms settling to watch it come closer before tiny hands grabbed to pry it from her mother's fingers. Relenting finally as Zeriana dug her nails into skin, a sharp hiss of surprise had Lossa glancing at the greenery once more in suspicion.

Watching for her daughter to do the inevitable as Zeriana figured out how to manipulate her hand. Tightly curled fists hiding the little cutting for the moment as Zeriana stared intently, working out the mechanics of it all.


Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar | Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

The Enclave terrarium was a lovely feature. Lush and green, a polar opposite of the planet's sandy, arid landscape.

Cora had only visited the Jakku Jedi Enclave a handful of times in the past. Recently, she found herself traveling to the desert world a little more often. First for Lossa's knighting ceremony, and again in support of Gatz's healing lesson. The death of Romi Jade Romi Jade had sent ripples across the galaxy, but no where else was it felt as viscerally as Jakku.

Coruscant, Jakku, Fondor and beyond. They needed to stand together.

"Thank you, R4." Cora retrieved a bottle of water from the astromech's tray as he wheeled over. How Gatz had gotten him to agree to help, she didn't know.

Speaking of, her smile trailed from R4 over to Gatz. He was conversing with someone - a rigid looking blonde - so she offered him a silent dip of her head. He’d come so far from the uncertain, self-doubting man she’d first met him as. Here he was, a Jedi Knight, hosting his first gathering.

Cora uncapped her drink and sipped slowly while admiring the trailing foliage of a nearby vining plant. That was, until a certain baby stole her attention.

Turning on her heel, she grinned brightly at the little coos from Zeriana drew her across the room.

“Lossa, it’s so good to see you again,” Cora might’ve embraced the Zeltron if her arms hadn’t been occupied. They hadn’t had a chance to catch up after Coruscant, and she was relieved to see for herself that both Lossa and her baby were well.

“And who is this young lady? She cooed, leaning forward with a blinding smile and saccharine tone. The little was one gripping a leaf like it was the last one on Jakku - which, frankly, wasn’t too far from the truth. “Have you found yourself a toy?”


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber
Tag: Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Open

It was Cerys who arrived first, much to Gatz's surprise. As he understood it, she was a practitioner of the most traditional variant of the Jedi Code. He didn't think she'd, well, attend a circle where people were meant to talk about their feelings. But his surprise was a pleasant one. The Padawan had just lost her master, much like Lossa and Briana had.

Everyone needed this, Gatz thought, but Cerys probably needed it more than most.

"Thank you, Cerys," he gave her an easy smile, "it was funny, how everything clicked into place as soon as I stopped running from it. But don't worry about interrupting. Everyone is welcome here... and I think maybe it would be beneficial to you if you stayed."

Gatz saw Lossa enter out of the corner of his eye, little Zeriana in her arms. He had worried, once, that his selfishness would extend to being hurt at the sight of her daughter. That jealousy would warp and change him into the kind of man who blamed a child for his wounded feelings. That very thought—that he might be capable of such a thing—had kept him up on many a night.

But seeing Zeriana, beautiful, healthy, and chubby, only brought the grandest of smiles to his face. And all Gatz could think about was how—now that Kragan's wealth sat untouched in his pocket—he could spoil her with all the toys a child could ever want.

Especially the loud ones. He was definitely going to buy the loud ones, just to annoy Lossa. It was called "flirting."

Cora was here too, and that surprised the hell out of Gatz. Oh, he'd known she was visiting the enclave—he'd prepared sunscreens and lotions for her so that her skin didn't burn and dry out—but he'd never expected that she'd attend something as open as this little thing he was hosting. The story of her life was harsh and tragic, and though Gatz thought talking about it would be good for her, he'd never have imagined that she'd do that willingly to group of people she was only vaguely familiar with.

He rather thought he was proud of her, for having the bravery to come.

And R4 was jubilated to see her, evident in the way he'd made a beeline for her, just to shimmy against her leg as he offered her water.

"I'll be honest," Gatz figured he'd open things up with a joke, as he spun his own seat around to sit down in it backwards, "four adults, one infant, and a droid is already a much better turn out than I expected. We might actually get some proper trauma bonding going!"

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Cerys Dyn

to keep the oaths of old
A shiver ran up her spine. Why? She didn’t know. There was no desire to stay, but she was a guest and not officially a member of the Enclave. It would be inappropriate to disregard her hosts request. It is, after all, what Master Vaas would have done

Cerys turned slowly back towards Gatz, as she did her eye noted a small child in Lossa’s arms. The squinting eye she made out that the child shared the pink complexion of the woman that was clearly her mother. Cerys’ lips became a thin line.

This was wrong.

With her posture more akin to a statue now, she shot an intense glare at Gatz. “Do all Jedi here…have such…” She did not continue, biting her lower lip until it hurt.

She had committed to stay. Right? No. She hadn’t said anything. But she did turn around like she was going to stay. She had to stay. It is what Master Vaas would do. It was not this child’s fault that she was born. The child deserved nothing but the same universal compassion she had been trained to grant all life. Lossa, however, had been marked as unworthy. Someone like that had nothing to teach Cerys about being a Jedi.

Her hand swiped up a glass of cold water, which promptly spill some of its contents on her uniform. She snarled at herself. Her lack of composure was not reflecting well on her Master nor on her chosen Path.

Pull yourself together, damn you. What is wrong with you?

“…trauma bonding party…”

He laughed? He laughed?

The water from her cup was already in the air flying at Gatz’ face before Cerys knew what she had done. Her face dropped in horror at her actions. “I…I…I am so sorry…I don’t know…what is wrong with me…”

Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus
Be careful what you wish for.



"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

The late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)

HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay,
Sanctuary Island

LOCATION:Jakku| OBJECTIVE:Be Intimidating | POST #:1
TAG (ALLIES) : Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar | @Lossa Aureas | Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania
TAG (FOES) : @​

Caltin was curious about the new class that was opened up by a Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar . A Jedi Knight he had never heard of. So the massive Jedi Master made his way into the classroom and soon realized he had run into the guy.

… well… almost…

Ohhh, it's the guy I almost knocked over the other day.


He did not have a problem with the guy, but the big man was very particular when it comes to training. It was a trait that dated back to his time as a Padawan. One of the rare learners that had to change Masters because of lack of training. It was a sobering experience, easy to feel abandoned, but he became a better Jedi for it, promising himself that no Padawan would go through the same thing.

This was not a negative reflection on the Knight, Caltin didn't know him. He might turn out to be a fantastic mentor and teacher, but the big man had high standards. While @Lossa Aureas was here, the facilitator of the Enclave, he was a Master and “Elder” he showed her the respect she earned and she reciprocated.

Nodding to everyone in the room, Vanagor walked to the back of the room, leaned up against the far wall and crossed his arms. Stoic and a look of intimidating annoyance was his “goto”. Would this affect Derrevar? He hoped not, but would learn more about the Knight than what he knew about what he was teaching.


Unfamiliar with the Jakku Enclave, Inanna nearly got lost on the way there. She understood that a famous Jedi Master had died during the invasion of Coruscant, and that same Master had also founded this Jedi enclave, so there had been more traffic in the area recently. Still, she didn't fully understand why Gatz was here rather than on the Vonnuvi. Perhaps he felt like he needed a break?

She had quite literally just walked into the room when she was greeted by the sight of Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn throwing water in the face of her ex-apprentice.

“I…I…I am so sorry…I don’t know…what is wrong with me…”

Stopping dead in her tracks, Inanna looked around in confusion, her brow furrowing. Maybe she should come back later?…

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Location: Jakku Enclave Terrarium
Equipment: Jumpsuit
Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Inanna Harth Inanna Harth

The distraction of the plant cutting was short lived as a familiar voice called to her. A slow twirl revealing Cora to Zeriana as the little lady was still fascinated by the missing greenery in her hand until Cora came close enough to suddenly become Zer's world. An excited giggle forming as she reached both hands out, eyes fixated on the golden sheen of Cora's hair as the cutting began to fall. It never hit the ground as Lossa focused for a moment, causing the greenery to disappear before it hit the floor and appear in her free hand.

"Fe-Cor-Hair!" Lossa's whole body shifting to keep her daughter from getting a fistful and yanking. Lossa herself wasn't keeping her own hair tied back, but the novelty had worn off thankfully. Once the threat of a hair pulling was removed, she would do introductions.

"Zeriana Rominae Aureus." Smile managing to remain happy until the next topic presented itself as she glanced to Gatz.

"So long as it's-" She'd been looking around thankfully as the glass of water had come into view. It was only water, and wouldn't hurt her daughter. But it certainly wasn't a pleasing thought that someone would act in such a way around an infant. Her new arm was thrown between the splash and Zeriana protectively, her mind already racing with how to move forward. While it wasn't a joy to have Gatz receive such a thing, she was thankful it had been contained to him only. The gleam of joy in her eyes turned dark, the dark circles from interrupted sleep only helping the glare she wore now.

The glare short lived as she instead calmed her mind. It was just water. And it hadn't harmed anything more than clothes. There wasn't a need to get angry.

"Padawan Dyn." Tone level but stern. Eyes fixed on Cerys as she offered her daughter to Cora. "Would you like to step outside with me a moment, or have you collected yourself?"

She wasn't going to exclude their newest from whatever was to come. Cerys had already formed an apology of sorts, but wasn't sure what had come over the girl. Looking to Gatz in silent question of how he was doing before looking to Caltin with a nod of greeting. Noticing another guest had arrived in time to witness the show. There wasn't a hole close enough for Lossa to hide in without using her lightsaber to make it.

"H-Hello." A resigned sigh escaping with the greeting. Guests arriving at the wrong moment had been an active theme of late. And the trend didn't seem to be on the decline as she looked to Cerys.

Location: Jakku Enclave
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Inanna Harth Inanna Harth

Lily had missed the message of a new class being held by the newest Jedi Knight, in the form of Gatz. When she had finally spotted the message on the lesson, she was catching herself on route to the training halls for some extra Force practice while the day was still bright. However, she pivoted and decided to check out the class that was being offered. Lily was curious as to what could be the lesson that Gatz had prepared. He seemed to have mentioned a preference for Force Powers that involved healing and support if she recalled previous conversations. As well as mention of some skills in Lightsaber combat.

Perhaps it would be her chance to spar with him.

Either way, she was excited to see what would be the lesson and Lily made her way to the Terrarium, which she saw as an odd place to train but mostly because she saw training or lessons should happen in the training rooms. Walking in, she saw that Gatz was wet and by the dripping must have been freshly splashed and Lossa seemingly having a stern word with the newest Padawan she met in the form of Cerys. Tilting her head, something serious must have happened if Lossa was taking a firm tone. It was something she rarely saw in the Jedi Knight, though there was likely plenty she missed.

Taking a few steps in, "hello. Hopefully I haven't missed the lesson or anything important?" Lily asked as her hands naturally shifted to placing behind her and resting against the small of her back.

Enamored with the squirming pink bundle, Cora's bright grin turned up a wattage. She adored children.

"It's lovely to meet you, Miss Zeriana! Are you-"

Whatever she was about to ask had been cut short as one of the newcomers threw her cup of water in Gatz's face. Cora had only been half listening to their conversation, thoroughly distracted by the baby. But now, like everyone else in the room, her attention had been drawn to Gatz and Cerys.

Lossa steadied herself and offered her the baby. Cora quickly brushed grabbable blonde locks behind her shoulders and eagerly accepted Zeriana into her arms.

"Oh my," She cooed softly, keeping an eye on the aqueous debacle as Lossa intervened. “What happened?”

A few more Jedi had joined them by now, filtering in either just before, during, or after The 900 ABY Great Splash of Jakku.

She offered a smile to Caltin, Inanna, and Lily - before it switched into a grimace when a little pink hand found a fistful of her hair and yanked.

Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

The water slapping his face was a shock. Gatz stood there for a moment, blinking liquid away from his eyes, mind trying to grasp that yes, Cerys had actually just done that. Irritation lanced through him. He knew very little of the Padawan, but so far his opinion of her was that she was difficult. Still, Gatz forced himself to swallow his anger. It wouldn't do to explode over a little disrespect, especially since no one had really gotten hurt.

Also... Jakku was as hot as blast furnace. Honestly, the water had been a little refreshing.

"Would you like to step outside with me a moment, or have you collected yourself?"

By the time Gatz's brain had kicked into gear, and rationalized what had happened, Lossa had already stepped in. Taking a moment to wipe the rest of the water from his eyes, he stepped to Lossa's side and rested his dry hand on her arm.

"It's alright, Lossa. My brand of humor can be a little... tone deaf." His gaze turned to Cerys then, "forgive me, Padawan. Gallows humor is how I cope with tragedy, but I understand how it might seem like I'm belittling your loss. That being said... after a reaction like that, I really think you should join us today. Maybe we can help you work through some of what you're feeling right now."

With that said, Gatz returned to his chair, just in time to watch Cora's hair be pilfered by little Zeriana. He snorted. Such an undignified position for a lady of Cora's stature to be caught in. Her hair would be a mess by the time the baby had had her fun!

"Master Vanagor! Lily!" Gatz saw the two at the back of the room, "please, come join us! I've certainly set up enough chairs."


Cerys Dyn

to keep the oaths of old
Her eyes closed And she withdrew slightly from the speakers. Head listing to the side, she concentrated on her breathing. Gatz was right. She needed to figure her way through these emotions. But this was not the time nor the place.

It is a time and place specifically for this.

She felt her hand shaking. It was all too much. With Master Vaas’ death on Coruscant, she had lost her tether, her security. It was against all she had been taught to miss her Master so much. How could one truly detach themselves?

”I have myself under control, Master Aureus,” she said softly, “please forgive my uncalled for and inappropriate outburst.” Though she did not wish to stay.

She nodded to Gatz, though was fighting each step. As she moved to a seat, she passed by a beautiful blonde woman holding the pink infant. Cerys felt a chill run up her spine. That should not be. The child was not to blame, Cerys reminded herself, but that did not relieve blame from others. Her brow furrowed deeply as she looked over the child. Her lips parted to speak, but she thought better of it. This was not her home.

A deep breath.

She moved further to the corner of the seating area and nodded to both Lily and Inanna, though she only knew one of them by name. Then her eyes fell on the large Jedi next to the wall. Again, the tingle went up her spine. What she had seen from him on hearing of a Jedi Master’s death had given her pause. She had reconsidered the whole endeavour of finishing her training among the New Jedi.

It was too much. Too much. Her Master had taught her better than this, a better way. Her eyes shot towards Gatz and she offered a nod of resignation, before she slipped through some ferns and towards the exit.

Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Inanna Harth Inanna Harth
There was a short, tense exchange between Gatz and the mystery blonde, before the latter left. That was probably for the best, regardless of whatever had prompted her outburst.


"Hi," Inanna greeted, trying not to cringe. Her expression quickly changed at the sight of Zeriana, and she forgot about everyone and everything else. "Oh, a baby!" she squeaked, pressing her hands to her cheeks as if her face might break from smiling. "She's beautiful. Reminds me of my daughter when she was that age."

Upon being handed over to another mystery blonde, the baby grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked. "Ouch! No wonder so many mamas cut their hair short," Inanna said, before offering a suggestion. "You don't want her getting any fingers caught on a strand of hair. Hold out your thumb or pinkie and see if she grips it instead."

Be careful what you wish for.



"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

The late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)

HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay,
Sanctuary Island

LOCATION:Jakku| OBJECTIVE:Be Intimidating | POST #: 2
TAG (ALLIES) : Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar | @Lossa Aureas | Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | Inanna Harth Inanna Harth
TAG (FOES) : @​

Caltin was actually pleased that Derrevar was not intimidated. Not that he showed it…

Shaking his head “no”, the big man answered simply.


I'm not here to take away from your position. Just watching, don't mind me.



Location: Jakku Enclave Terrarium
Equipment: Jumpsuit
Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Inanna Harth Inanna Harth

Everyone seemed to settle easily after the whole incident. Save for Cerys how was slowly moving further and further away from those gathered around. The soft rose color of Lossa's eyes turning a darker shade as her brow knit together and waited. She knew that particular habit well having done much the same herself over the years. Not yet taking her daughter back as the newest arrival moved to enjoy the show Zeriana was putting on by simply existing.

Zeriana for her credit, was enjoying the bevy of new sights, eyes going back and forth as her grip loosened a little, staring up at the golden eyed woman in awe.

When Caltin spoke to Gatz, Lossa slipped away after Cerys. Each step a thundering sound as she quickly followed after the retreating Padawan.

"Cerys. What was that all about?" Even if the girl didn't stop, Lossa was going to hound her.


Cerys Dyn

to keep the oaths of old
Her steps had almost taken her to the exit of the Terrarium. A voice brought her to a halt though. Cerys paused, considering her options. Leaving Jakku seemed the most reasonable.

It was the mother. The mother.

”It was nothing,” she lied.

An instant pang of guilt flooded her. This was not how she had been taught to behave. But her innate reaction to the loss of Master Vaas was not the way she had been taught either.

Her retreat resumed, pushing past the open doors and into the hallway. Her steps were light and quick.

Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

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