Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jaks Kertz

NAME: Jaks Kertz

FACTION: The First Order.

RANK: Private.


AGE: 21

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 82 kg

EYES: Hazel

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: White



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+ - Jaks is an intelligent individual, who is capable of taking care of other around him, as well as taking control of a situation that is likely to get out of hand fast.

+ - His 10 years of training has made him an excellent shot, one that'll very rarely miss an open target that's in his sights.

+ - Jaks is also very agile, making it so he is able to get from cover to cover quickly.

- - Jaks is not patient, and won't wait for the enemy to come to him. After his experiences within the Core Worlds, whatever anger he has will be taken out on enemies, however, when this anger comes out, Jaks tends to think rather irrationally.

- - Jaks is also young, meaning that he hasn't much experience with the Galaxy as a whole, with only his time on Corellia and Doruun being his childhood memories.

- - Jaks is also very decisive, and believes that due to him being within the Stormtrooper Corps since a young age, his decision should be the best one. He tends to overstep his boundaries as a Private, but will step back if warned by a higher rank, due to his disciplined upbringing by the First Order.

Jaks stands at 6'0 tall, making him an average human size. He usually has his full armour on, however, if not, his face was scarred across one eye in a training accident.

Born on the planet Corellia, Jaks was the son to a human spice smuggler, named Ken Kertz, and to a female human bartender named Jeela Kertz. At a young age, growing up on Corellia, Jaks had found it hard to fit in with many of the children within his age group, and he left the planet on a spice mission with his father at a young age of 10.

Kertz despised both his parents, as well as the rule of the simple-minded bureaucrats that were plaguing the Galaxy. He wanted nothing more than to leave everything behind, and begin a new life.

As him and his father left Galactic Alliance-ruled space, they traveled deeper into the Outer Rim. Wondering where their destination was, Jaks suddenly realized that this was his chance to escape, his chance to do something that he believed he could do. Jaks stole one of his father's escape pods and launched himself toward the nearest planet.

Crash-landing, Jaks awoke, but was immediately surrounded by beings in white armour, who had seemingly pointed each blaster they had at him. Crawling out of the escape pod, Jaks turned to look at his captors, his hands raised. Quickly speaking, he managed to mumble a, "My name is Jaks." before being struck down, and knocked unconscious.

As he awoke, Jaks slowly came to realize that these people were not pirates, nor smugglers nor random freeloaders that weren't part of the Galactic Alliance. These were the remnants of the legendary First Order, the faction that had spread war across the Galaxy over 400 years previous. Stories of their leaders, Snoke, Kylo Ren, General Armitage Hux, Captain Phasma, had been spread around the Galaxy, but were practically so over told that they were taken to be folklore.

Jaks was taken before a mysterious shadow, one that he never saw the face of. He spoke no words, merely gestured with his hands. But somehow, Jaks understood his assignment. Pledge his life to the First Order.

Since the age of 10, Jaks has been training, studying and practicing within the shadows of the Outer Rim. Finally, after 10 years, he gained the rank of Private and was designated as FN-7639. Now, it is his turn to show the Galaxy who he truly is.






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