Jalek Sathora
Agent Orange

Name: Jalek Sathora
Alias: Pr0xy
Age: 81
Sex: Male
Orientation: Homosexual
Species: Morellian
Force sensitive: No
Faction: N/A
Rank: Slicer
Tall and lanky at 6', his frame isn’t overly opposing, and doesn’t demand much attention until one knows what he’s capable of with a Datapad in hand. His shaggy, reddish-orange hair often falls into his jade eyes, and gang tattoos, specifically those of the Lower City Renegades, cover his arms, another on the left side of his neck.
+ Very proficient slicer and very skilled with any kind of technology.
+ Quick thinker.
+ Good at reading people.
+ Skilled at improvisation when it comes to any situation.
- Not the best when it comes to diplomacy.
- Impatient at times.
- Can be paranoid of others.
- Very, very sarcastic.
* Dabbles in Smuggler’s Cant.
* Has ties with a number of gangs on Taris.
* Criminal past, and present.
* Family: older brother Rix Sathora.
An orphan on the sprawling city-world of Taris, Jalek’s day-to-day life was mostly avoiding any of the gangs that all but covered the Lower City and managing to find a bite to eat. And that way of living from one day to the next was moderately successful, for the majority of his childhood, more so after he joined in with a band of children whose goal was more or less to survive together while avoiding any trouble. And this worked, for a time.
Eventually the group disbanded, as all childhood friends were wont to do, and he found himself alone once more. Until the Lower City Renegades found him. Despite the rumors he’d heard the ragtag group didn’t make that bad of company, though none of them knew a thing when it came to raising an adolescent. So much of his time was spent bouncing between the members of the gang, and he bore witness to many of them coming and going. His primary job, as it were, was to manage what little technology they managed to get their hands on. Which was the cause of his first taste of slicing.
The datapad was an ordinary piece of technology with extraordinary capabilities, as he soon discovered. Soon enough it became simple for him to crack into an encrypted network, so he began receiving challenges. They were small scale at first. Disable this security system, open that door. But they escalated quickly, and before he knew it he was breaking heavily encrypted code and rewriting his own, disabling networks across the board.
But his ties to the gang dwindled, and he eventually ventured off planet, keeping contact with a few members. Now a freelance slicer who works for the odd credits, Jalek still maintains heavy ties to the criminal underworld as a whole.
Roleplays (In roughly IC chronological order):
Renegade Reunion
The Party Crashers
Below Zero
Daemon in the System
Bane of Existence
Meet the New Brass
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)
One Faithful Evening
Ain't No Party Like a Red Ravens' Party
A Midsummer Night's Party
This Is What It Feels Like
Hunting a Bane
The Empress' Ball
Scar Tissue
Zeltrons Gone Wild
Talk Nerdy To Me
Curiosity Killed the Raven
All in the Game
Prey for Me
Rising Tides of the Ascendancy
The Thieves' Fair
Ain't You Just a Ray of Sunshine