Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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James Marvel

Name: James Marvel
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Species: Thyrsian

Faction: The First Order
Rank: Captain
  • Strong, seasoned warrior
  • Expert on things that go boom
  • Pumpkin spice
  • Chocolate allergy


James was born on New Holstice as a child of two Republic naval officers. Born a spacer, James always had a love for the stars and travelling the Galaxy. When he was of age, James followed in his parents footsteps and joined the military. His younger years were filled with insubordination and drunken ventures in foreign ports. Suffice to say, James found himself discharge faster than he got in.

This drove him down a road of depression and anger.

Suicide was considered. He couldn't even talk to his parents after disgracing them in such a way.

While he was shooting away his sorrows at a shooting range in the far reaches of the galaxy, several recruiters for the First Order came up to him. He didn't know who they or the First Order was, but their sales pitch was good enough for him to sign up. He wanted to get back to the stars and was willing to do anything to get there.

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