Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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James Shillingford Brown



NAME: James 'Jim' Shillingford Brown
FACTION: Coruscanti
RANK: Secretary of Transport.
AGE: 32
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 145 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown, usually a mess
SKIN: Pale, needs to go outside more often


Attention to Detail - You won't find spelling mistakes or configuration errors in Jims work. His code can be double-checked but there's not much point. He goes over everything with a fine point comb and rarely misses anything.
Smart - Extremely smart. Only book smart though, good at logic, planning, numbers, predictions based on past events, that sort of thing.
Dedicated - When Jim picks a thing and gets excited or passionate about it, he hyperfocuses. He doesn't pick up a hobby and then abandon it a week later, chances are if he likes it now, he'll like it in 50 years.
Office Life - You need paperwork done, Jim is your man. He can probably fix your computer too. But he can't treat a wound or fix a ship or fight in a duel. He's not very strong, hardy, or at all street smart.
Awkward - You know that guy who stands a little too close, laughs a little too loud and doesn't get when his comments are inappropriate? That's Jim. there's not a suave bone in his body.
Push-Over - Jim does not like confrontation, and is more likely to cave than stand up for himself.
Allergies - Jim is allergic to most pollens, not deathly, but he gets runny eyes and sneezes uncontrollably. The great outdoors is not his friend.
Child Support - Jim had an extremely brief marriage to his secretary, and will now be paying child support for the rest of his life. He's not even sure if she's had the child, and can be occasionally be heard grumbling about how there probably isn't one.

Jim has spent entirely too long in an office. He's scrawny, pale, is almost always in khakis, a button up shirt and (often ugly) tie. His brown hair could use a trim and is usually a mess from him running his hands through it when he's feeling frantic, which is basically all the time. He needs glasses, and if he's not wearing them, he's wandering around with a squint, likely bumping into things. The glasses are often the subject of home repairs as he keeps intending to get his vision corrected and yet somehow never finds time. He's often clutching a datapad or even a stack of papers, a quaint offshoot of his love of all things retro.

Growing up on Coruscant, Jim always wanted to be a bounty hunter. Until the first time he got in a fight, which for the record was on his very second day of public school. Eye swollen shut and wiggling his now loose tooth, Jim decided he absolutely did not want to be anything where he might have to fight.

So he decided to be a florist. Until he found he was allergic to most pollen's. This idea too was scrapped.

Many careers were aborted before they ever started, and eventually Jim found himself driving an air taxi despite passing all his classes with flying colours. This was more about lack of direction than skill. He found the lack of logic being applied to which taxis were sent where absolutely maddening, and after about a month found himself working dispatch. Which let him get the taxis in that company organized, but left all the other vehicles in the sky making a mess of things and, his particular pedantic genius being finally given a drive, began a rapid climb through the transportation sector, seeing him finally in the position of Secretary of Transport.

This very briefly went to his head, coming as it did with a rather large office, pay cheque and a pretty assistant. He immediately proceeded to be seduced by his assistant, knocked her up, married her, was divorced by her for a rather heft settlement and ongoing child support that takes over half his pay, and to realize that his job was a never ending series of trying to respond to disasters as they happened with never enough money or support and staff who were at best cheerfully incompetent and at worst maliciously lazy.


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