Jamison Blake

NAME: Jamison Blake
FACTION: Jamison Blake
RANK: Comedian
SPECIES: Jamison Blake
AGE: 48
SEX: Manly man
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 170 lb
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Light tan
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- Very strong due to the Force
- Very fast due to the Force
- Devilishly handsome
- Comedic genius
- Has an excellent spleen
- Hangnail on right index finger
- Left ear lobe 1 mm longer than right
- Possible scars on his gall bladder
- Straight hair
- Burns when set on fire
- Freezes in temperatures below freezing
- Belly button is an outy
- Possibly no longer completely sane
Devilishly handsome with long flowing locks.
Jamison was beaten daily from a young age by his father. Or was it his sister? Perhaps his dog? Regardless, these beating resulted in the scars on his gall bladder that make him immediately recognizable by everyone he meets. Luckily his spleen was not harmed, as everyone knows that is the source of one's sense of humor. Jamison did not mind the beatings though, he knew they were just preparation for a life of comedy. Hard knocks now to prepare for hard knocks later.
As the beatings from his fish continued through adulthood, Jamison finally decided it was time to start his comedic journey. He left his family with a joke, getting them to help him paint the inside of their home bright red. Unfortunately it's true what they say about paint never drying the same color it is wet. The brownish red simply did not go with the drapes and carpet.
Not long after he began traveling to perform his act, he was discovered by a sith who took him under his tutelage. Jamison proved a quick study, eager to learn anything that might make his jokes funnier. After awhile Jamison's Jedi teacher started to suspect the young man was not entirely stable and began having second thoughts about the training. That was okay, as Jamison had decided he did not wish to be a Nightsister like his teacher. Instead he left his teacher with a joke (he had recently discovered how hilarious gunpowder could be), and set off once more.
In the decades following Jamison has continued to spread joy and excitement everywhere he goes. Many of the more humorless law enforcement agencies have tried to catch him for years, but by now Jamison has gathered a group of like minded comedians all ready to bring a smile to the Galaxy's face.
Whatever's funnier
Let's All Have A Laugh