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Jane the Killer TAKE TWO

In Umbris Potestas Est

NAME: Jane the Killer
Real Name: Unknown
RANK: Assassin, Ghost
AGE: Unknown- appears to be sometime between twenty-one and twenty-six.
GENDER: Female
WEIGHT: 115 pounds
EYES: Pure black, pure red when angry
HAIR: Jet black
SKIN: Pale


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
High agility and perception. Great with strategy and poison making. Experienced poet (helps control schizophrenia).
Easily angered, cocky, bad in social situations. Suffers from advanced schizophrenia.


Jane the Killer has a dark and mysterious past. Though most of it is speculation, the most popular story, and one she uses when talking with others, is how she was an orphan who lost her mind.

The initial story is skeptical at best. As an orphan, she lived on Coruscant. While living on the streets, she made her way through life stealing and being sneaky. As she grew older, her skills became better and better

Her teens were a dark time. She was left Coruscant to search for her birth parents, who were believed to be living on Tatooine. While searching, she was kidnapped by a large clan of Tuskans. Under their care, she was witnessed many murders and killings of innocents. Jane decided, one day, to try and break free. She successfully killed several of her captives. Unable to come to reality with what she just did, since she never killed anyone or anything in her life, she lost her sanity. She stole the weapons from the bodies and went on a killing spree, leaving no survivors.

From their, she continued her search but a bloody trail followed her. She became known as Jane the Killer; the girl who was lost and confused, willing to do anything to find her parents. This story, however, is skeptical and isn't completely confirmed. If she is ever approached, she always refers to this story. There are several other versions, all ending with her searching for her parents while being completely insane.

Jane is insane. She kills for fun. She has no remorse for those she murders and no regards for human life. This quality usually results in unique and creative deaths. Most of her kills are close up, she likes to look into the eyes of her victim. Before killing, she will usually injure legs (or all limbs) making escape or resistance nearly impossible. She will torture the victim, for hours depending on who it is, before finally killing him. A knife, with her initials carved into the handle, is used to make the final blow to the neck. The body lays where it is killed. Jane then leaves behind her signature. A note that reads, "Don't wake up -Jane the Killer"

Those who have tried to communicate with her usually end up as victims. Those who don't, try to explain her. She is obsessed with her family. No names are ever given. She only refers to her family as "them".

She is suffering from advanced schizophrenia, caused by her first murders. She will suffer attacks from time to time, switching between Jane and Jayne, her other personality. Jayne is more aggressive and murders without any style. To help with her schizophrenia, Jane writes poetry and records holotapes at the end of everyday. It helps her reflect on what shes done. She has come to realize who she is, but has excepted it and embraced it. She doesn't care because she is searching for her family, she sees it as a act of good will.





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