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Approved NPC Jann Drun

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Name: Jann Drun

Loyalties: First mate to Thicer

Role: Co-pilot to Thicer aboard The Kas'as Chen'ru

Age: 24

Species: Falleen

Force Sensitivity: No

Appearance: Green skinned and with a long scar running from his left shoulder down to the center of his stomach. Typical of his species his hair is tied in a ponytail down the back of his head. He usually wears a white long sleeved shirt and a light dark blue jacket. A belt with a holster and vibroknife sheath was usually around his black trousers.

Personality: Much more cool headed then his captain he usually doesn't get angry easily. However he does sometimes make quick decisions despite preferring planning things out. With a affinity for the finer things in life he'll sometimes go to great lengths to get a particularly valuable item or a comfort of some sort. Also has some feelings for Thicer though their relationship is not a permanent one by any means and is mostly out of convince.

Weapon of Choice: DXR-6 disruptor rifle, LBP-2 blaster pistol, vibroknife

Wealth: 900 credits in various accounts gained mostly from pirating and gambling

Combat Function: Works as a copilot and border aboard The Kas'as Chen'ru. On the ground usually acts as a partner to Thicer watching her back and keeping a look out for trouble. In a firefight he usually hangs back while his captain takes the more upfront approach.

Skills: System and hyperspace navigation, ship gunnery skills, piloting, communications

Notable Possessions: Disruptor rifle

Other Notes: The son of a wealthy merchant on Coruscant Jann Dun enjoyed a rich and pleasant life. When he was ten years old however that changed rather dramatically with the ruin of his father arrested on illegal shipping charges and the loss of the entire family's wealth. Soon he was left on the street with only a few credits to his name.

That soon changed however when a captain hired him on to work as a loader for his ship. Rather unfortunately this soon proved to be ill luck when after a year the merchant went bankrupt and managed to convince most of the crew to turn pirate. Raiding what were once fellow merchantmen they went uncaptured for several years.

During all this Jann learned how to handle a blaster and became the ships pilot. Gaining a highly illegal disruptor rifle he soon proved to be an extremely useful asset for boarding. Being a Falleen he pumped out pheromones while boarding and the crew was often able to capture the enemy without much of a fight. These usually got sold off as slaves to the Sith.

However bad luck caught up once again to the young Falleen when they stumbled into a trap. Coming out of warp right in between three cruisers they were immediately recognised as pilots. Opening fire the cruisers ruined Jann's ship within moments. With all engine power lost and forced on the course with a planet the transport was soon abandoned by the crew via escape pods.

Once he stumbled back into civilization after a week fighting through a hostile jungle and losing all his fellow crew mates in the escape pod he wanted to get off this planet. Since then Jann has been going from ship to ship occasionally acting as a pirate and occasionally as a legitimate trader.

Intent: Create a co-pilot for Thicer

The only two call outs I have : More on the Personality and in [Other Notes] I'd like to see some background history of Jann Drun. Abandoned at birth? A poor kid growing up who started hopping on ships to make money? Rich kid running from his past? Just something to give the submission a feeling of a fleshed out character.

Other than that,looking good :)
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