Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jantar Keltainen

Jantar Keltainen

Evil is a word used by the ignorant and the weak

A single word.

A solitary syllable.

To billions in the galaxy, a word uttered daily and without value or even meaning. Countless trillions of litres are used daily to save lives on each and every planet. Yet more soaks the battlefields of war, in the name of peace, liberation, or even the immortal line that is is good triumphing over evil.

Technically it is no more than a body fluid in humanoids and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells.

Yet to some it is a traceable commodity, and for others its a compelling concept.

Often times it refers to a family, or a clan, or even a species. And it can even start the wars in which it is so willingly lost.

Yet none of those that use, buy, sell, spill, or measure allegiance by it can have imagined what one twisted mind had in store for a few drops of it.

The previously mentioned battlefields were indeed soaked crimson — and more often than not it was the life-enabling fluid of Jedi and Sith that provided the stain that the ground sucked up so readily. And a determined and well resourced individual could — if he had sufficient time, information and minions to take all of the risks — seek out a particular Jedi or Sith’s blood. For sport. For nothing more than the whim of a man with an insatiable curiosity and a disregard for the accepted wisdom of the day.

Nature versus nurture. A time-old conundrum that has never been truly proven one way or another. And when you have all of the toys you ever wanted and boredom sets in, what better way to slake your mind’s inquisitive thirst than to conduct your own experiment. Take the spilled DNA of someone perceived to be wholly good, or wholly bad, and see what impact circumstances could play given the right push here or prod there.

Would the genetic offspring of a Jedi even be Force sensitive? The data suggested they would.

But would the offspring of a Jedi be good? The offspring of one that would never turn to the darkness? And what if the offspring was given no opportunity to find the path of the righteous? What if their upbringing pushed them only towards the dark?

To an idle playboy, it would be a fascinating game. In fact two fascinating games. For what if the offspring of a Sith were given every chance to be an exemplar of moral fortitude? Would a path to the Jedi be inevitable, or would genetic programming override their upbringing?

There is a well worn phrase that is entirely appropriate under the circumstances.

Only time will tell…

Jantar Keltainen

Evil is a word used by the ignorant and the weak
NAME: Jantar Keltainen
RANK: None
SPECIES: Human (planet of origin unknown to the character)
AGE: 16
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.90m
WEIGHT: 57kg
EYES: Naturally amber
SKIN: Pale-skinned
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes (but unknown)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):
Jantar has never wanted for anything her life. If she desired it, she was typically gifted it. Money procured most things – and for anything that could not be bought, she relied on her strong-minded personality. If she identified something she wanted, she wouldn’t give up even if it put her at risk. But then, it’s a fine line between strong-willed and obstinate.

And she doesn’t always understand the difference between right and wrong. Unfortunately, for society at large, she was rich enough not to care. Fortunately for her, her privileged position was enough to get away with any manner of indiscretions.

But privilege and wealth have sewn seeds of doubt in Jantar’s mind of late. She has always believed the hype about herself, but has recently begun to wonder how much praise was genuine and what proportion could be attached to her wealth. This has caused her to begin to cut herself off from anyone she considered to be a hanger-on and she’s become even more selfish as a result.

An honest and impartial appraisal of Lilla would describe her as dogged and opportunistic as well as selfish and stubborn.


Jantar is tall, thin and pretty. Her eyes are also very unusual shade of amber – and her skin is pale and freckles quickly form when she’s in sunlight.

She is always dressed immaculately and her hair is constantly undergoing a change in style, no doubt due to her narcissism.

Her first memories were of her apartment. Or more accurately, the balcony, where she would spend hours staring out across Coruscant’s endless cityscape. And she refused to come inside – preferring to hang precariously sometimes just to spite the person trying to coax her indoors. Dexterity was always one of her predominant traits.

Traffic in the galactic capital never stopped, and she found the constant buzz and blur of shuttles speeding by soothing. She would lean out over the railing of the balcony as far as she could, her eyes unable to pierce the darkness to make out the planet’s surface hundreds of stories below.

But living here was not idyllic. Jantar hated being anonymous. With one trillion people it was easy to blend into the crowd. Everywhere you ventured was a kaleidoscope of colours, shapes, and sizes. Togrutas intermingled with Twi’leks; Sullustans haggled with Hutts; Mon Calamari shared the streets with Cathar. Among such a diverse and interesting group, nobody paid any attention to a lone human woman.
And being alone and such an infinitesimal speck of the planet’s population merely heightened her sense of not belonging. She was outwardly independent and on paper a citizen of Coruscant but in truth, she couldn’t tell you which planet she was from. Her parent’s identities were unknown to her.

She was waited on hand and foot by servants and droids and – once she was old enough to understand – she was told she was an orphan. And there were no records of her parents, just a rather large trust fund.

Her childhood years were spent mostly at one up-market school or another – she tended to be expelled on a regular basis, until it was decided to home-school her. Not that the solution was perfect. Governesses came and went as none could tolerate her behaviour for too long. It was not that she was purposefully naughty – rather she lacked a filter to differentiate good and bad behaviour.

And she had an aptitude for sweet-talking her way out of any significant trouble. So a scolding quickly turned into reassurance and the opportunity to instil a moral code invariably fell by the way-side. For she was certainly a fast-talker and it was a trait that could typically get her in and out of trouble in equal measures.




A thirst for power
And a star to steer her by (dominion)
Force drain
It's raining raiders (dominion)
Stage 1: Temptation
Stage 2: Imperilment
The dead of black star station (dominion)
They're never exactly the same
Vjun? Isn't that just a big, dead rock?

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