Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jantys Araan

Jantys Araan

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthplace: Deserts of Tatooine

Appearance: Dark curly hair with light eyes, 6'2 and 180lbs. The sixteen year old is an odd sight with his desert garbs and fair skin. Wears his family's long sword across his back.

An orphan of a fallen house who strives to reclaim his family's lost glory.

Character History

Born to a pair of roaming traders in the deserts of Tatooine, Jantys spent his entire young life among the tribes of Benshira with his father and mother (Aria). Over the years his father (Luke) told him grand tales of his great grandfather's exploits as a Jedi Knight, filling Jantys with a strong desire to join them and regain his family's status, which was lost when he grandfather fled the temple under mysterious circumstances. His father taught him of swordplay and combat which despite his father's profession and grandfather's dishonor, had continued to be passed down through the lineage.

At the age of eleven his father and mother were killed in a bandit raid near a mercenary camp. The young man attempted to fight off the bandits with his fallen father's sword which bore his family's sigil and was nearly killed before being saved by a few honorable mercs. True to their generous nature they took him in and he worked hard to keep his place within the camp's hierarchy, earning the respect of nearly all the mercs for his martial prowess and quick mastery of their language. He learned some survival skills from them and was nearly offered a permanent place within the roving camp until he left for Coruscant at the age of fifteen, determined to reclaim his family's honor.

He made the perilous journey and has now arrived at the gates of The Jedi Temple eager to complete his quest.


Near unmatched prowess with a blade despite his age. Uncanny ability to pull himself into the force despite lack of formal training.

Has no training with ranged weapons as he refuses to use them. Generous to a fault.

A well forged Phrik long sword with his family crest stamped onto the blade. (A circle cut in half with a triangle above the line dividing it)

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Jantys Araan said:
A well forged Phrik long sword with his family crest stamped onto the blade. (A circle cut in half with a triangle above the line dividing it)
Is this it?


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