Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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January LOA

Flint Dexen

Wandering Lost Soul
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] [member="Varus Shatterstar"] [member="Zane Watts"] @Serah @apologies-to-anyone-i-forgot-to-mention

Hey guys

I owe you all of you guys a massiave apology. January wasn't a good month for me. A close relative of mine died in early January, before a good friend of mine also passed away a week later. So I haven't had any muse or time really to post here, and I don't think I will be around for at least another week or so. I'm really sorry guys, again, and I know how pissed I'd be myself if someone just completely dropped me in a RP like that without even a notice.

I hope you will forgive me. I'm again genuinely sorry about this, and I hope you all will have found more active RPers to thread with in the meantime. (there's more than plenty around) Thanks for understanding.

I hope I can make it up to you guys somehow when I get back.

Stephanie Swail

[member="Flint Dexen"] The fact you apologise for such a difficult time you've faced deserves a beating of it's own!

There's nothing to every be sorry for, ever. I am sure your RP buddies will more than understand, and RL comes way before the world of RP. I'm also sorry for your losses you've sadly faced, that's teribble.

You take all the time you need, because the community will be here waiting for you when you're fit to return and will pick up as if nothing has happened.

No more apologies, especially not for your being absent! :)
Don't apologize to me. You owe me know apology because life decided to hit you hard. That's like apologizing to someone for contracting cancer or something. That's ridiculous.

My prayers are with your family and your friends family and when you're ready to come back then come back, but take your time.

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