Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jao Bastin

NAME: Jao Bastin

FACTION: N/A as of now.

RANK: Sells scrap technology from the surface of Taris

SPECIES: Human (Taris)

AGE: 29

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6 feet 2 inches

WEIGHT: 145 lbs

EYES: Green

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: White

FORCE SENSITIVE: Force Sensitive, with mild and uncontrolled force abilities


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Physically Fit
Force Sensitive
Decent in ranged combat
Good with scrap technology

Introverted, doesn't have many friends
Force abilities are uncontrolled and weak
Relatively poor

Jao looks like most other humans. He is around 6 foot, and he is relatively young. He wears a leather jacket, reinforced with some steel, with an old looking piece of salvaged armor. He has a Blackhand Annihilator Slugthrower on his belt, and has various other bits of salvaged technology, fitted to his own purpose. This includes a small grapple device, and even a flashlight. He has thick black boots, and some basic black jeans. He has black hair, usually covered by a very old storm trooper helmet, made to be more lightweight, by removing most of the tech and armor.

Jao was born and raised on Taris, as a lower class citizen. He was raised in a small scrap business, that would purchase faulty weapons and droids, and sell them on for profit. When his parents were killed in a street shooting when he was 17, taking on the business was fairly easy for him, due to his experience. He took on his new role, and excels in doing so, being able to fix droids and weapons for himself, to protect himself from the same fate as his parents. He desires revenge on the gang that killed his parents, though he has no lead on who it was. He has suspicions of some kind of ability. When he gets angry, or emotionally unstable, things move seemingly by themselves, and he has predicted minor events in some circumstances. He is reluctant to find out what it is, due to fear of being executed, or drafted into a force related military.

None, although he has a very crude salvaged speeder bike




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