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Approved NPC Jaqen The Hunter

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Ruby Wilded



Jaqen Uhae
Title: The Hunter


- Mandalorians
- Whoever employs his services for the contracts duration

Role: Nemesis

Development Threads:

First Appearance: [Red Like Roses]





Force Sensitivity:


Appearance: Jaqen is a very large man, seven feet tall and built like a double door refrigerator with all the accessories included. His heading to swarthy complexion is rarely seen from under his orange and black Mandalorian Armor. Though if you did get a look at his face you'd see his large goatee and a sizable burn scar below his left jawline. His eyes are rather deep and almost always in a squint when its even at a normal brightness. He also has several other scars across his body. Mostly sword slashes or a dagger someone stabbed him with. His most proud is a lightsaber burn running across his back at the shoulder where a Jedi tried to decapitate him.


Stoic and Honorable

Often in the midst of combat he is calm and commanding. He doesn't show his anger or fear, at least outwardly. This brings out a leadership presence many can rally around his unwavering presence in even the worst situations. He is also honorable, willing to assist those who need it, perhaps even for free. Or in very rare cases give up the fight against an enemy who proves themselves worthy. Even going so far as to give up his employer should they be sinister enough and worth taking revenge against.

Weapon of Choice:

- Beskad
- Blaster Pistol


A successful Bounty Hunter and Assassin by Galactic standards. Having only failed three jobs in his career spanning 18 years proves his ability to complete contracts and generate credit flow. Jaqen has become one of the foremost Bounty Hunters in the Galaxy, preferred by many Sith Lords and Criminal Leaders to peruse their enemies when a brutal end is wished. They make him quite wealthy indeed.

Combat Function:

Jaqen is an extremely capable fighter with nearly two decades of real world combat experience under his belt. He is a tough fight for anyone save and experienced PC Master or Elite Soldier in normal circumstances. Though trickery can always be used or to simply outnumber him would be sufficient for weaker combatants.

In any case. Expect a very tough opponent.


- An excellent sword and pistol fighter. Using both in connection makes him a deadly foe in close or ranges combat.
- Able to use a Jetpack to fight and maneuver to a high degree.
- Capable piloting ability.

Notable Possessions:

- Beskad (Durasteel)
- Mandalorian Armor (Durasteel)
- Jetpack

Other Notes:

One of only three contracts he failed to complete was to kill part of the Wilded family. While the mother was killed by him and his team in a large explosion. Destroying an entire skyscraper. Ruby was spared when she showed her bravery against him. And her guard dog was likely to kill him had she not spoke up and called for an end to the killing.

Intent: Jaqen is Ruby's primary antagonist. And will serve as a milestone for her training as a Force User. Encountering the man several times in a bid to kill him as the main goal of first story arc.

The only surviving member of a team of assassins who killed her mother. She's out for revenge and he's the target.
[member="Ruby Wilded"]

Could you please state what material the Beskad and Mandalorian Armour is made out of? If it's Beskar -- rather than Durasteel -- you'll need to do another dev thread doing the Beskar mining objective.

Ruby Wilded said:
* All Unlootable
Also, this cannot be enforced. So I'm going to ask you to please remove it.

Everything else looks good, including the current dev thread.
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