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Character Jarek Voss

Jarek Voss

Age18 Years old (born in 884 ABY)
SpeciesHalf-Echani, Half-Human
Height1.8 m
Weight95 kg
Force SensitiveForce Sensitive


Jarek Voss cuts an imposing figure, standing at an even six feet tall and weighing 210 pounds. His physique is lean yet incredibly muscular, a testament to the rigorous training and combat he has endured throughout his life. His muscles are well-defined, showcasing both strength and agility. His skin, white-silver slicked back hair, and his swirling white-silver eyes are a characteristic of his Echani heritage. He has a scar from the top of his forehead, down his right eye. One of his most striking aspects is his scar that runs diagonally down his chest.


A simple black, form fitting tunic.


Jarek is driven by an insatiable hunger for power. He views strength and dominance as the ultimate means to achieve his goals, and he will stop at nothing to gain more power. He will kill, and betray who he needs to, making him relentless in his pursuits. His pursuit for knowledge of the dark side and it's secrets borderline obsession. With his Echani upbringing of "talking" through combat, he often physically says little. This has been intensified by his isolation of being outcast.


Echani Martial Arts:
Jarek has had intense training of Echani Martial Arts most of his life.

Fierce Determination: He has his goals, and nothing will stop him from reaching them.


Overconfidence and Hubris: Jarek's exceptional abilities and successes have led to a significant overconfidence in his own power and judgment. This hubris often causes him to underestimate his opponents, especially those who might seem weaker or less experienced. His belief in his invincibility can lead him into situations where he overextends himself or fails to consider alternative strategies.

Emotional Instability and Rage: Jarek's connection to the dark side of the Force is fueled by his intense emotions, particularly anger and hatred. While these emotions grant him great power, they also make him emotionally unstable and prone to fits of rage. His inability to control these emotions can lead to reckless behavior and clouded judgment.


Early Life on Eshan

Jarek Voss was born on the planet Eshan, the youngest of four children in a prestigious Echani family. His father, Thal Voss, was a revered Echani warrior known for his tactical brilliance and combat prowess. Being born Force-sensitive, and Eshan being within Alliance territory, the Jedi came to take him for training. His father, however, staunchly refused. Unlike his siblings, who shared the typical Echani appearance, Jarek stood out with slightly different features—a subtle but significant distinction in Echani culture, where uniformity of appearance is the norm. This difference led to whispers and suspicions among his people, making Jarek feel like an outsider within his own family.

Growing up, Jarek faced constant scrutiny and pressure. The Echani saw Jarek's differences as a sign of weakness. His siblings, who fully embraced Echani values, often excluded him and viewed him as an outsider. Despite being exceptionally skilled in combat and tactics, Jarek's differences made it difficult for him to gain acceptance within his community. Jarek's father, Thal Voss, was a stern and demanding figure. He hoped that rigorous training and discipline would forge Jarek into a worthy warrior. Jarek excelled in these physical challenges, but his yearning for acceptance and his innate desire for power fueled a growing resentment. That resentment turned into anger, and that anger turned into hate. That hate led Jarek right into the arms of darkness.

Feeling the Power of the Dark

During one particularly grueling training session with his siblings, the usual mockery and vitriol reached a fever pitch. Jarek's siblings taunted him relentlessly, their words cutting deeper than any blade. The air crackled with tension, and Jarek's rage began to build, a dark power surging within him. His eyes burned with fury, and he could feel an uncontrollable force growing inside him.

In a moment of unrestrained anger, Jarek lashed out. He extended his hand, and the Force responded to his fury. A powerful blast of energy erupted from him, sending one of his siblings crashing through a wall. The training ground fell silent as everyone stared in horror. Jarek looked at his hands, a twisted smile forming on his lips as he let out a wicked cackle, feeling invigorated by this newfound power.

The Hidden Master

When Jarek was fifteen, the Jedi returned to Eshan. Jedi Master Rin Zevar, aware of Thal Voss's prohibition, began to train Jarek in secret. Rin was drawn to Jarek's untapped potential and believed that with proper guidance, he could become a powerful asset to the Sith. Their training sessions were held in secluded locations on Eshan, away from the prying eyes of the Echani and the Jedi Council.

Rin started with the basics, teaching Jarek to connect with the Force, to sense its presence in all things, and to use it to enhance his physical abilities. Jarek excelled in these initial stages, quickly grasping the principles of the Force and demonstrating remarkable agility and strength. His Echani combat training complemented his Jedi training, making him a formidable warrior. Under Rin's guidance, Jarek began to learn lightsaber combat. His natural Echani martial arts skills translated well to lightsaber techniques, and he showed a particular affinity for aggressive forms like Djem So. However, Rin noticed that Jarek's fighting style was often fueled by anger and aggression, traits that concerned her.

Rin tried to teach Jarek meditation and to center himself. Jarek's efforts were often met with flashes of anger and outbursts. These emotional outbursts and anger began to show more during training, and especially during sparring. Jarek continued to show little regard for Rin's well-being. Troubled by Jarek's descent into dark tendencies, Rin sought guidance by meditating, immersing herself into the Force.

The Visions

During her meditation, Rin experienced a vision unlike any she had encountered before. In her vision, Rin saw Jarek standing in the center of a battlefield, surrounded by death and destruction. He wielded a crimson lightsaber, his face twisted with rage and hatred. The vision showed him leading an army, laying waste to planets and civilizations. The Force screamed with the pain and suffering he caused, and the darkness emanating from him was all-consuming. The vision also included symbols and artifacts of the Sith—holocrons, dark temples, and ancient runes. These symbols indicated that Jarek would seek out and embrace the dark side's most dangerous and forbidden knowledge. The vision culminated in a scene where Jarek stood over the lifeless body of a Jedi Master, a sinister grin on his face as he bled their kyber crystal to create his own Sith lightsaber.

Horrified by the vision, Rin decided to end Jarek's training and sever their bond, hoping that this drastic measure would steer him away from the dark side.

Jarek, too, was met with his own vision. He was floating in a sea of darkness, whispers filling the air around him. One whisper, however, was more dominant compared to the others. Offering promises of knowledge and power, the Whisper offered something Jarek has always wanted—the truth of why he was different. The truth of his parentage. Accepting without hesitation, the dark sea was replaced by a misty, ethereal landscape. A hooded, shadowed figure stood before him, radiating a familiar presence. The Shadow's face began to clear, revealing the face of Master Rin...

The vision ended with the shadowed figure turning into a young Jarek, filled with pain and anger from his persecution, crying for his mother.

The Confrontation

Enraged, Jarek confronted Rin, demanding the truth. Realizing she could no longer run from her past, Rin spoke the truth:

Jarek's true mother was not the woman he thought, but the Jedi Master Rin Zevar. Years ago, Rin had an affair with Thal Voss, resulting in Jarek's birth. Thal's wife, Aelara, discovered the affair and challenged Rin to a duel. Aelara lost her life in the duel, but the truth about Jarek's parentage was kept hidden by saying she died at childbirth, to avoid scandal and dishonor.

It all made sense now—why she would train him in secret. He could feel the guilt and sadness emanating from her.

Before Jarek could get any more answers, Rin explained that she was stopping Jarek's training, leaving Eshan, and apologized for everything that happened. Confusion, pain, anger, overwhelming grief—Jarek was on the verge of being consumed by his emotion. His mother, who he never knew existed and was abandoned as a baby, was now abandoning him again. Filled with unbridled rage, Jarek attacked Rin. Even though Jarek was unarmed, his skill in Echani martial arts, raw strength, and rage was enough to pose a significant threat.

Despite Jarek's raw strength, he was no match for Rin's experience. In an attempt to stop him, Rin sliced Jarek across his chest. Falling to the ground, Jarek's eyes turned into a red and yellow inferno of hate. Rin, thinking Jarek was fatally wounded left him in his shame. Jarek screamed after Rin, vowing his revenge...

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