Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jartris Entumaa


FACTION: The Sith Empire
RANK: Knight
SPECIES: Mirialan
AGE: 38
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 71kg
EYES: Green
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Yellow-Green


Despite his rather short stature, this man nonetheless has an air of nobility and power about him. Dressed in fine robes of dark colour, but never pure black, the way he carries himself indicate an excellent physical condition. The piercing gaze of his lucid green eyes has an uncanny intensity to it even as his demeanour is quite calm. His voice is soft and pleasant, his articulation refined, and when he speaks it is without hurry.

He does not look particularly friendly or welcoming, but he is not actually intimidating. In fact, he might just be a person who can be talked to...

In the rare event that his lightsabre should come to the fore from beneath his robes, its hilt turns out to be of a dark golden colour, while it's blade is the Sith's customary red.


Humility is not Jartris' way. He is exceedingly proud of what he has made of himself, and not seldom condescending in his dealings with others, and even though he is not impulsive, it takes him effort for him to feign submission even for personal gain. Indeed, what drives him is not in general selfish desire, but the wish to perfect himself through the realisation of his ideals.

He despises those who give in to their animalistic instincts and seek to sow chaos instead of imposing order, and those who are eager to conjure the mayhem of war in conquest rather than seek to govern well what they have power over already. Those who believe that the galaxy must be burnt to weed out the weak, so that only strong will rise from its ashes, are deluded and dangerous. The perfect Sith, in his opinion, realises his potential by assuming his seat in the natural aristocracy of the universe and governing competently.

Jartris may be cruel in his particular way, but he is not sadistic. He takes no pleasure in the suffering of others, nor in making them suffer, yet he has little compassion for those who are weak and cannot or will not better themselves. He is quite able to feel sympathy and respect for those he deems worthy, and even love. He sees great value in works of art and has a cynical sense of humour with a penchant for irony, which he often finds in life itself. Droids, he meets with a curious dislike, finding the imitation of sentient life that they constitute ridiculous and tasteless. What is the point of having things behave like sentients without the potential for perfection?


The Entumaa family was among the wealthiest of Mirial at the time when Jartris was born, owners of a business empire of vast proportions. Expecting in time to be the heir to a great fortune, Jartris was educated to fit a position in the planet's or even the sector's elite, a choice. It was not passion that urged him to study political science and interplanetary law, but the youth offered no resistance to his father's suggestions, willingly submitting to what clearly was his fate. Never straying from his preordained path, never forced to be proactive in any pursuit, he was adrift. In hand a diploma with middling grades, but with few friends and contacts despite his excellent circumstances, not to speak of a series of romantic misadventures, he was quite useless and growing increasingly depressed, waiting for a destiny to manifest that simply wouldn't.

At the same time, the family's fortune began to dwindle as his father's philanthropic inclinations and the publishing house he had founded as the sole addition to his grandfather's empire sucked in untold amounts of money, aided by the rising instability of the galaxy. If this continued, it would only be a few years until the heir could expect to have to work for a living. Believing firmly that an opportunity would come up when it was necessary, Jartris spent his time not in preparation, but in distraction off-world.

Life on Cadomai was exciting at first, but the sporadic attempts at literary authorship he made during the time were deemed insufficient and soon given up. The place also soon revealed a reality cursed with inefficient government and a genetically tainted population, not to speak of the winters that Mirial did not even begin to compare with.

Settling for a while later on Denon, Jartris moved in artistic and political circles. Here, his social status on Mirial was worth little, and judged on his merits, Jartris saw little success. Still, he befriended Marlaan Trest, a human a good ten years older than himself who appreciated the profundity of his feelings and his wrestling with life, even if they were artistically and otherwise impotent. Their discussions frequently turned to the ways in which societies were set up to weaken their people instead of bringing out the best in them, and how governance was absurdly ineffective and, especially when democratic, catered to the worst impulses of the people instead of bettering them, and soon Marlaan began to became something of a mentor figure to whom Jartris would look for guidance. He began to read voraciously, fiction, historical works, and psychological treatises that he had never heard of, and which presented insightful perspectives that had never been touched upon in his studies on Mirial. It was almost as if someone had tried to hide these ideas. Jartris began to blame his culture and upbringing for squandering his potential, but seeing himself as a failure, and the galaxy an irredeemably flawed place, he descended into despair. And yet there was the notion that perhaps an individual could rise above that, perfect himself, form himself and his surroundings according to his notion of the good. Marlaan did not defend it with much force, and yet he took care that it should not be forgotten.

It was a long time before the Force was first mentioned and Jartris' eyes were opened to just how much potential it was that had not been realised in him. It was a long and painful journey into the darkness that transformed the weak and sentimental young man into a Sith under the guidance of Marlaan.


This was not long before Jartris, well on the way to rising to the station of a knight, met what would become the love of his life. The epicanthix Teyi Fu, who worked as slicer for the secret service, was the perfect woman. Beautiful and intelligent, yet not a delicate flower by any means, force-sensitive, if untrained, she would be mother to capable offspring, and her species' natural resistance to his mentalistic abilities made her feel much more real as a person.

When the war raging through the galaxy finally subsided, all sides exhausted to the core of their being, and the Sith, splintered, withdrew from being major players in the galaxy at large, they finally returned, by then married, to Mirial. Jartris found his aged father in much reduced circumstances, left in possession only of his life-time project, the publishing house, which was now paying for itself only after even the bank that had been the family's original business had been sold. Jartris saw no reason to wait for the old man's death and promptly eliminated him, though not before making sure that in his last moments, he was very aware of how much of a failure he had been as both a businessman and a father.

Just as their first child was about to be born, Mirial was conquered, or freed, depending on your perspective, by the Dominion, one of the new, but rapidly expanding powers that had sprung up all over the galaxy. Teyi perished in the brief moment of violent chaos that erupted, leaving Jartris stranded and stripped of his goals and will. To recover, he withdrew from all engagement with matters of public importance to dedicate himself for years to researching on the mind and the Force. With the ascent of the Sith Ascendancy, which has now been absorbed into a new Sith Empire, he has found a new path.


Jartris is widely read on intellectual and cultural history, political theory, and psychology, and knowledgeable of the arts, especially literature and painting. He speaks Mirialan, Galactic Basic, and quite passable Epicant, while reading also the ancient language of the Sith. He is skilled in a variety of mentalistic force powers and also possesses telekinetic abilities, but does not use the technique of conjuring lightning, having found that he lacks the outward-directed destructive - rather than controlling - impulses necessary to effectively employ it.

Jartris keeps himself in excellent physical shape and is stronger than his size might at first glance suggests. He is capable of using the Force in a basic fashion to enhance his body's resilience to outside influences, but has little practice in augmenting his combat abilities.

He is a proficient practitioner of Niman. He also has a certain knowledge of Djem-So, but has abandoned his studies of it.



Jartris comports himself in a calm and collected manner most of the time, and it is difficult to make him lose his composure.

Jartris is a skillful manipulator of minds, not only through words but through the Force. He has studied how to take a person apart and put them back together, how to read and change their memories, and how to put them to his purposes. More than once has he annihilated a person by destroying not their physical form, but their mind. His knowledge is by no means complete, nor is his execution flawless, but this, if anything, is his strength.


Jartris is by nature more of an advisor than a commander. He can be quite charismatic and persuasive, but he finds it difficult to intimidate and inspire fear. Even respect is not always to be taken for granted, which is apt to infuriate him, try as he might to conceal it.

He is sorely lacking in fine motor control, an unreliable typist, and an atrocious pilot. If you want him to use a computer, it needs to accept verbal input, all of which does not pair well with his dislike for droids.

Jartris is still naturally lazy, and it is only through self-discipline that he manages to push himself to achieve his goals. Effort does not come naturally to him, and it happens that he decides in the middle that he does not care sufficiently about a project to engage in it further.



Angry Raptor Noises (TSE Dominion of Tiss'sharl) [completed]
DroidCon 851 ABY [semi-completed]
The Crawl (Skirmish TSE vs SJO) [abandoned]
Reading the Lines [abandoned]
Cold Ignition [abandoned]
Operation Silversaber: Silver Jedi Invasion of the Mirial Hex [completed]
Reflections and Directions [abandoned]

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