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Approved NPC Jason 'Fetcher' Jenkins

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Reen Lorgon

Pilot. Smuggler. Incredibly handsome. I got it all

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Name: Jason 'Fetcher' Jenkins.
Loyalties: Reen Lorgon.
Role: Primary smuggler contact.
Age: 32.
Species: Alderaanian.
Force Sensitivity: None.
Appearance: See above image.
Personality: Smug, Sarcastic, Selfish.
Weapon of Choice: Wits, Model 22T4 Hold-Out Blaster.
Wealth: Moderate, due to payments from smuggling contracts and procurement.
Combat Function: Would use wits to try and either distract or destroy the enemy, if the former he'd try to run once they were distracted.
Skills: Bartering, persuasion.
Notable Possessions: A wide selection off battle droids, collected over several years.
Other Notes: Jason 'Fetcher' Jenkins is the primary smuggler contact for Reen Lorgon. He was born on Alderaan, but left when he reached 18 as he didn't want to be stuck there for his whole life. He joined a smuggling crew, but eventually left them in favour of working on his own.He set up shop on Nar Shaddaa as he knew that lot's of business would pass through the moon. They met at a bar on Nar Shaddaa, and have been in contact ever since. He is a experienced smuggler, with a taste for battle droids especially, often taking them as payment for completed jobs.
Intent: To allow for smuggling to occur, at least somewhat for Reen.
I need a image source link for your image, please.

Reen Lorgon said:
Weapon of Choice: Wits.
Does he use any type of blaster, blade or holdout type of weapon? If so it needs to be listed.

Lastly if under other Other Notes, if you could add some details about his history. Who he is, what made him who he is and how he got to this point in his life and in this profession.

[member="Reen Lorgon"]
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