Jason Miles
The Main Man

Name: Jason Miles
Alias: Orion
Faction: Bounty Hunter's guild
Rank: Bounty Hunter
Species: Chiss/Rattataki Hybrid
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2''
Weight: 194
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black with blue highlights
Skin: Chalk White
Force Sensitive: None
Determined, Confident, Cunning, and Calculating.
Strength and Weaknesses (Minimum 2 Weaknesses):
+ Enhaced Speed, Strength, and Stamina
+ Witch Enhancement
+ Highly Skilled with most weapons
+ Acrobatic
+ Quick Learner
+ Master of Teras Kasi and Echani Martial Arts
+ Can breathe any atmospheres (including space)
- Prideful
- Overconfident
- Arrogant
- Vulnerable to Illusions and mind-abilities
Appearance: Exactly as abovehttp:
Equipment: Sword, Two Blaster-Pistols with blades hidden in the stock, laser knife hidden in his boot, hook with a retractable line leading from his wrists, jet boots, and semi-lightsaber proof arm guards. (All as depicted above)
Ship: The Dark Hunter
Biography: Jason was born to a Chiss father and a Nightsister runaway Rattataki in the ship that he currently owns, The Dark Hunter. His parents went from settlement to settlement hoping to avoid the Nightsister's chasing them, but one day on the planet Naboo, they were found. Jason's mother tried to put up a fight to distract her former colleagues while his father ran with the boy, but his mother was quickly subdued by her former allies, and Jason's father was quickly slain by the women due to his incompetent fighting skills. Jason and his mother were then transported back to Dathomir, where his mother was forcibly reinstated as a nightsister, and Jason became a tool for the Nightsister's magics. They used various spells on him to make him one of their strongest warriors, turning his skin from a pale blue to chalk white, causing his lungs to breath any atmosphere and allow him to learn quickly through studying others movements. During this time he learned how to use his favourite weapons, his hooks, to a deadly effec.
When a group of Nightsisters was sent to dispatch a lost group of Jedi they brought Jason, now known as Orion, with them to test his newfound abilities. He immediately decapitated one of the Padawan's with his hooks and planted the other into the ground, flinging himself at another with huge force. His foot connected with the Zabrak padawan, breaking his jaw and sening him flying into the wall. Then the master, wielding a double sided blade ran at him, while the padawan defended the incapacitated Zabrak from being killed by the Nightsisters. The Master was completely over-powering Jason, who was unable to defend against the flurry the master was unleashing at him, only managing to block. Suddenly his back hit the wall and he was cornered. He tried a quick stab at the master, but this caused him to have his hand caught and his arm broken. As the master was about to kill Jason, he realized that he was being controlled by the Nightsisters, he used the force to severe the witches ties to him, rendering Jason unconscious. When he came to he looked up and saw the Padawan who was protecting the Zabrak lying dead where she once stood, and all his Sisters still smoking from the heat of the master's blade, but he did not see the master or the Zabrak, so Jason limped away.
As Jason was limping away he saw a ship stealing minerals from the planet, and he quickly retreated into the cargo bay, hiding himself. He again fell into unconsciousness as the ship was traversing space. When he awoke he saw the cargo bay opening and quickly hid himself as a Gamorrean walked in to unload the cargo. When the Gamorrean grabbed a shipment, Jason dexterously used his hook to dispatch him from a distance, then quickly made his way off the ship only to meet the faces of Mandalorians. Realizing he had no choice, as he needed medical attention, he signed up with the Mandalorians for a short time, but a worthwhile time. It was during this time that he mastered his training of both Echani and Teras Kasi martial arts, as well as learning how to shoot and how to wield a blade. But this would not last forever, eventually he met a Mandalorian nicknamed "Handsome" Jack Richards, who was gloating about how he obtained his newest ships, Jason's parents ship. He bragged about how he killed this witch of a woman and how he fed her body to a wookie, obviously exaggerating a little, but still enough to enrage Jason. Jason challenged the Mandalorian to a duel, and the Mandalorian accepted thinking it would be an easy win, he was mistaken. Jason savagely and quickly removed his leg from his pelvis in one swift movement, leaving a trail of blood everywhere. Then using the Mandalorian's loss of balance, Jason chucked the hook behing him and pulled it into his backs, then using his strength pulled the Mandalorian into his fist, knocking him unconscious. The he grabbed the man by the jaw, and after an immense struggle, wretched the Mandalorian's head from his shoulders, the scream could be heard from miles. Jason was then exiled by the Mandalorians and sent away, taking his ship with him.